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Repeat rebuild of Allison Gear Box

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Kafue, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    This morning was told that the two hoses to the cooler were installed incorrectly.
    Except those hoses are new and were installed by the mechanics doing the current work. They say the combination of this and the wrong filter caused the problem.
    Lets see how the test goes today.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    My friend
    I don't have one of those red flags, please accept my raspberry as the next best thing from south Georgia;

    There are two oil hoses. Two ports on the oil cooler. Very (VERY) short water (coolant) path thru the oil cores so water direction would not really mater. There is no wrong way. Your picture was correct, no other way. Even if the lines were installed in figure 8s, it still does not explain where the oil went.
    If the oil lines from the pump to the cooler were messed up, say the high side after the pump, then you could (could) blow the cooler, but no oil in the coolant.
    Again, where did the oil go?
  3. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    The hoses from the filter! Hence the bypass valve was not operable.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    As someone totally non mechanical, sounds to me like they're making guesses and first they told you wrong filter, which they installed, and then the hoses were installed wrong, which they installed.

    The one thing that makes complete sense to me is that you must find where the oil went. It didn't just launch into space. My fear is that if they don't figure out the true cause, next time the damage might be more severe. Again, I'm just typing as an observer and reader and in no way purport to know the problem or solution. Just not feeling comfortable that they do.
  5. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Ooopps, somebody messed up on that one. Still don't know where the lost oil is.
    If I recall, your 12v71 Naturals. Nothing exotic. There is nothing connected to the sea water system so the clutch oil did not go overboard.
    It's either in the coolant, bilge or thru the crank end & in the sump.

    I'm sorry I keep harping on this, I think it is very important.

    I don't want to curse your trial tomorrow, (well today, your in the other side of the world). I will cross my fingers for you and hope it turns well.

  6. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Oil cooler was good.
    Sea trial tomorrow.
  7. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Good luck with your sea trial.

    I am in agreement with Ralph, for peace of mind you ned to knowwhere your gearbox oil went.

    If due to some wrong pipe conections there was really no relief valve in the filter supply circuit how high did the presure get?

    A gear pump running against a closed valve ( relief valve in backwards) does not run for very long, breaking the drive shaft is a lucky escape.
  8. Bill106

    Bill106 Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Beaufort NC
    Hopefully they pressure tested the pilot shaft seal on the gear before reassembling. It is a lip seal and easy to install backwards allowing the higher oil pressure in the gear to push oil through the engine's crankshaft lip seal.

    I've seen many cases where that seal failed (installed correctly) and dumped all the gear oil into the engine, very common actually.
  9. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Thx Bill106. I knew there had to be something like that, but I did not have enough hands on to quote anything. I don't know how that seal can be tested. I would think for a few fat pennies it should be replaced every time it's apart.

    And a secret; Yes, even I have installed a lip seal backwards. Now I have to kill U.
  10. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    The Sea Trial has just been completed.

    All is GOOD! :D

    I asked about seals, especially pilot shaft seal and was assured every seal was checked and correct.
    The run was very good.
    Although these guys were quick to respond and they have dropped everything else to rebuild the gearbox, I need to use the boat as much as possible for the next few months to make sure that if something goes wrong again, it is still under warranty.
    They did take full responsibility which is a credit to them.
    Thanks to you all for the support and advice.
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Do I see a Sportfishing Charter Business in your future? :D
  12. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Many times the thought has occurred to me. I have the hours to get the required ticket, but in Australia the laws on commercial use of boats are strict.
    My boat, with all the money spent re-modelling it etc and all new systems and safety gear would not pass.
    You need to get a boat "Surveyed" which usually can only be done whilst the boat is under construction so that the right people can sign off on each stage. It's a long list of requirements that recreational boats do not have.
    Or they may accept an imported boat that has all the right criteria documented.
    I understand that in Florida you can do charter work so long as you have a boat and a Master 5 or equivalent?
  13. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    This is embarrasing for Australian Mechanics!

    I posted the above far too soon!
    Now this is Greed or a mechanic living in denial!
    A few weeks ago the mechanic who owns the shop that did the second re-build sent me AN ACCOUNT OF OVER $10,000 for the work to re-build the Port side gearbox.

    He refutes that this was a warranty claim because, he says, the problem was an "INHERENT PROBLEM" meaning to him, that the hoses from the gearbox filter canister to the oil cooler were ALREADY INSTALLED INCORRECTLY before he did the first re-build. He also claims that the "sock filter" is correct, because Allison gives the code number of this filter, then it must be ok!

    Remember, when he first found the wrong, Sock Filter, he was happy to say he solved the problem because I or my mechanic had installed it.......then he found out his guys had and of course, then it was okay. Lucky I keep records of these things.

    He is claiming the hoses were incorrectly installed in the US and not in his "Scope of Works" to check.
    However, my regular mechanic had already noticed the hoses were in the wrong order and changed them over way before he ever stepped foot on my boat.

    What he seems to not realise, or simply ignores, is the fact that when his mechanics rebuilt the gearbox in the first place, they disconnected these hoses, they had to during the rebuild and they probably reconnected them the way they had seen the Starboard hoses done (which was the wrong way at the time) Then he found them in the second rebuild to be wrong, not realising it's his own people!

    Here's what he denies:
    That the first things a mechanic should do BEFORE TEARING OUT A GEARBOX is check the oil, oil filter, screens for clutch material etc.

    He even admits that all the gearbox needed to be repaired was for the sock filter to be pulled out the hose and a paper cartridge filter to be installed.
    He never needed to re-build the gearbox, just change a filter!!! A cost of less than $100 and everyone would have been happy!

    The other amusing thing is that the Starboard engine has run for the last 3 and a half years without ANY problems, and the hoses were back to front on that too. They are changed around now, but as long as there was a paper cartridge filter installed it made no difference.
    So we are going to court........
    If it wasn't so embarrassing for his trade I would laugh.
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Sorry to hear that.......I don't think you should have to pay in this situation given the information. If it's a pass through oil cooler, it really shouldn't matter "too much" which was the hoses are routed, unless it has a check valve in it. But I've never seen a checkvalve in an oil cooler.
  15. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Nothing new, character-wise, in this post - same old. same old.

    Check post # 10.
  16. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
  17. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe

    I feel really bad! I was telling you about a month ago how I was following last year's rebuild and enjoying it. What a shame you are going through this again, with the added litigation!

    Now it is a matter of whom will loose more, not who will win since that word sighs farewell when lawyers are involved! Those guys are obviously trying to dodge a bullet THEY fired, this is bad.

    Hopefully mediation will resolve the issue early for it to be history, and most importantly, I wish the boat runs stable and safely for you and the family to enjoy.

    Best of luck, may you have the upper hand.

  18. dsharp

    dsharp Senior Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    lake jackson, tx
    Who has the old sock filter? I'm not sure how the sock filters were rated micron-wise but trying to push 40wt gear oil through a filter made for diesel didn't work too well. I was always taught to install the oil lines so that the oil would flow in the opposite direction of the water in the cooler. Like J stated the way that cooler is made I can't see how it would make a bit of difference. That gear may have just pumped itself dry if the oil couldn't get through the filter and back to the gear sump. You would have to see how it was routed first. Did it run long enough to turn any of the internal parts blue or do you know?
  19. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Actually the sock filters are/were used by DD on the crankcase breather filter on motors prior or without airseps. The sock would allow the crankcase gases to pass through it and the oil wouldn't pass through it and would collect in the filter housing. Then when the housing got full it would leak into the bilge......LOL I really don't think it should be used to filter gearbox oil, nor fuel.....

    Anyways it's pretty shady for them to want to go to court over a $10,000 bill which really resulted in faulty workmanship.

    George, you want to send the photo's to DD allison of the sock filter, hoses going to the cooler, and other stuff you posted and get statements from the manufacturer. A statement from the manufacturer in court, and they won't be able to say anything.
  20. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Good idea, will find out who to contact.
    Anyone here have a contact at Allison I can email?
    Thanks Alfred and all of you.
    The trouble with litigation is that it is all NEGATIVE.
    It is all criticism and murky waters. For those wanting or needing to distort the truth, the law can be used.

    Considering the real cost to rebuild the GB was substantially less, I assume that this person is hoping that the court, after being confused by technical issues, will apportion part costs to each party.
    Therefore he wins more than he has now, which is a blatant warranty!

    In Australia this matter goes before a magistrate, no lawyers ALLOWED, and each party states their own case.
    So in a way it is very even and fair, unless the magistrate fails to understand the detail and decides to “meet half-way”. I have no doubt that is the aim of the Mechanic here.
    Even his fellow mechanics cannot believe that he removed/rebuilt a gearbox before checking the oil filter!
    I best not say anymore until this is all done!