Yea, they were jammed in real tight. Someone told me that the original plan was only to have 4 cylinder engines installed. When I called about having a survey done, the surveyor asked if I wanted a compression test done because that would entail pulling the engines....
You are my hero. How did you do that? I couldn't do that with mine. All the squeeling would sound like a belt slipping.
Hard to find a good women these days. I think I will keep her. Plus I was always better at deligating
It was a beautiful weekend at the lake. The wife wanted some new deck furniture so we had a project this weekend. Next week I will hit her up for a new grill for the deck.
Great pic. That sure looks like fun. I would have loved to go to the lake Saturday when it was 65 degrees but we were in class, scuba lesions. That was fun too. Some day I'll learn to post pics on this site too.
Great looking boat Monepit. There is a 450 on our dock and I have often thought that would be a nice step up in a few years. It seems like it would be easy to never be satisfied with the current boat. There is always one a little bigger, newer, etc....... I bought two last year. I am going to try and make it through this year without buying another boat.
SeaDragon, another great looking boat. Is the 406 similar to the 355/356 but longer? I don't think I have seen one at our marina.
We had the 355 for 5 years. I loved it but my wife always wanted a little bigger. The 450 is perfect for both of us. I really believe this is our last boat. I have to admit now that we traded that it was a really good move.
Nomad69, the 404 has the same layout as the 356 but adds a cockpit and a large swim platform. LOA for the 404 is 43.5 where as the 356 is 39.5. ..Aaron
Here's my 466 from last summer. It's indoors now and I've been polishing every Saturday for a month, maybe another month to go and I'm ready for water I'm really **** about waxing but I love having my boat shiny and clean in the water when others are up just pulling shrink wrap off. I get to sit on my heated bridge listening to music and having a cocktail as I watch.
i have a 97 carver 405 we have had it about a year, moving up from a trojan f32. we love this boat and spent alot of time and mileage seeing several boats before we chose this model and then this particular 405, after seeing many 405/406's and similiar. Nomad there are some differences to the 355/356 the 405/406 are bigger (not by a whole lot) and that extra room does make a big difference in example aft cabin walkaround queen berth, salon large L shape sofa, and the engine room with plenty of room to work and no squeezing in. see pic of brochure i posted. i dont have really good pics of my boat on this pc but heres one anyway hopefully this will work
That's a nice boat. I looked at a 405 when I bought the 355. Ended up with the 355 because it had diesels for the same price as the 405 with gas. Loved the diesels but the added room of the 405 is nice. Ended up with a 450 voyager and it is truly our dream boat.
We just returned from the lake today and had a great time. Started out cloudy but the sun did come out for most of the day and got up to a blistering 60+ degrees. Bought a new rug to go under the new patio furniture and finally put the new name on the boat. We have been waiting for warmer weather so the lettering would go on easier. The wife wanted to name her "Serendipity". It means pleasant surprise. I thought the lettering came out pretty good. The sign guy needed me to do him a favor so he printed the lettering NO CHARGE. Ended up costing me about 10 minutes of my time so I thought that was a good trade off.