It's with great sadness to report the hijacking of a pleasure yacht off the coast of Corsica. I am hesitant to post the story because I have personal and professional involvement with the yacht, but hopefully by making the YF readers aware of this horrific situation, a heightened alert, a notice to mariners, might help to prevent a subsequent event. The good news is that the owner, his wife, and captain were not physically harmed, although significantly traumatized. On Sunday, Le Trawler, the 2012 Garcia Trawler 54, was boarded by four armed pirates. They tied up the trio and held them hostage onboard for 3 hours before releasing them to the life raft and setting them adrift. Around midnight they washed ashore near the village of Campomoro. The owner is the founder of Garcia Yachting and after having built 300 sailboats over 40 years, he decided to build a trawler to satisfy the cruising needs of the aging sailors like himself. This was his personal yacht although it had been for sale so he could build a larger trawler, a GT 64. Maybe the hijackers stole Le Trawler because her aluminum hull is near indestructible or maybe because she's a gorgeous yacht. Ironically, when Le Trawler left the Cannes boat show last year for her American debut at the Annapolis Powerboat Show, she encountered 3 hurricanes and a submerged container. The only failure in the 23 day trip was the life raft came loose, fortunately the crew retrieved it. The trauma to the family is immeasurable, the loss of the vessel and to the outstanding team at Garcia Yachting is terrible, and the debasement to humanity is disgusting. The yacht has not been found, so please report any sightings. Le Trawler won the European Power Boat of the Year award for 2013. And of course, YachtForums was the first media to discover this little jewel of a yacht and I was fortunate enough to be asked to write the review. Fair winds and calm seas, Judy
What a horrific experience for the owner and crew. I cannot even imagine. Thanks for getting the word out Judy. Here is a photo of the yacht:
Can't the authorities find it and the hijackers with a helicopter......The thing only does 8 knots, they couldn't get too far too quickly in it. What a sad situation to happen for the owners.....they are extremely lucky they washed up on a beach and are around to talk about it.
This is an early report from the local newspaper. Un yacht attaqué par des pirates au large de Roccapina en Corse | Sartène | Corse-Matin
It's interesting that this was not a typical robbery and flee, that they actually took the boat. In those cases due to the perpetrators incompetence they usually end up running out of fuel or in some other state of distress and either abandon the vessel or are immobilized and apprehended.
They made a fast getaway in a boat that barely breaks 10 knots. Here's a link to Judy's YF review of Le Trawler....
Judy, As personally distressing and stressful this news is for you a special thanks for bringing this calamity to our attention! Please keep us posted as events unfold.
Thanks to all who have responded here and by pm. Someone from YF posted a report to another forum and the responses were making jokes about the boat. The calibre of people here show we can appreciate that those aboard were lucky to have been released alive and to be washed ashore and rescued after being set adrift. We can read about the marine oops and blunders, but when it comes to human life there's no room for small-minded jokes. Thanks to my YF friends for sharing your compassion. Judy
I can only hope someone spoke up to those joking about it. I honestly found myself shaking when I first heard about it imagining if it was Belle and me. Mostly the thought of her ever being put through something like that. And while we will try to avoid the "trouble" areas as well as possible, it can always be us. That thought is just horrifying to me. Sea conditions, boat troubles, even accidents, I take a bit as part of boating. But piracy I have a very difficult time dealing with emotionally. It's not something any of us signed up for. It's stealing a part of you that you will never get completely back.
Distressing... Perhaps useful to discuss future mitigation? Did that boat not have a transmitting AIS? Would the hijackers have had to track that down through the electronics systems to disable? (Not that it would be terrifically difficult, but would they have thought of that?) Probably not impossible to hide it, at least for finite periods, but OTOH it wouldn't have been the fastest thing around. Coast watch? What does a pirate actually do with a (relatively slow) hijacked 54' vessel these days? Ransom? I wonder if maybe there's a "rest of the story..." -- like perhaps some grudge against the owner's shipyard? Or...? -Chris
You can shutdown your AIS in less than a minute by simply going into the menu on the radar or shutting off power to the AIS box....either or....
The hijackers immediately shut the AIS down. They held those aboard for three hours in a cabin and then put them in the lifeboat. There are some updates including the Maritime authority not liking the use of the word, "Piracy" in this case. They stated too that there was no ransom demand and that it had nothing to do with what went on off the coast of Somalia, that they deemed it more like a luxury auto theft. Talk about trying to spin the story. Further statements said various authorities had been notified to be on the lookout for the vessel. While it has plenty of fuel it will have to stop somewhere sometime and it is an easily identifiable vessel. What happens now, who knows? It is a strange incident and very fortunate they hurt no one. Were they after the contents of the vessel? Hoping for money to be on board? Or thinking somehow they could sell the vessel, not realizing it's one of a kind? Now whether there has been any subsequent contact or attempt to ransom the boat, the authorities wouldn't disclose that if it happened.
A couple of articles on this incident mention that theft of yachts is not uncommon in the med with boats ending up in North Africa or the Middle East. Such an unusual boat seems like an unlikely target though... The article linked earlier in the thread mentions that the people who were aboard were from Corsica. If so, could there be some political motivations behind this? Corsica has a colorful history blending organized crime and a strong nationalist movement known for bombings and attacks against French mainland interests.
I guess until solved it could be anything, but hardly fit the norm of a political attack. As you said, movements known for bombings and attacks. Not steal boat and place on life raft. Still, regardless of how it turned out it had to be the most terrifying experience ever. I might have made it through the three hours covering my emotions, but I imagine later it would have hit with full force. And you never get completely over it. You move on and forward, but the memory always is there.
Not to mention sitting in a liferaft watching your yacht steam away from you at 10 knots for over an hour.......maybe that was a sign of relief....I think I'd rather take my chances sitting in a liferaft, than trapped on a 58' yacht with 4 gunmen.
I think by that time just seeing them go would be relief. Only then would you start to wonder how you were going to get rescued or to land. To me the worst part would be seeing my wife put through it. I know she's tougher than I am, but still just the thought and not being able to do anything.
I'm surprised there's been no follow up to this ...or maybe I missed it. Was there a conclusion? Was the vessel ever recovered?
Would seem GOOGLE is still experiencing a search loop.
I haven't posted a follow-up because there hasn't been anything to report other than the yacht hasn't been found and the owners, especially the wife, are still pretty traumatized. However, I got a call about 2 weeks ago from an insurance investigator in Germany who wanted to ask me questions, such as did I ever show the vessel to anyone suspicious? To anyone particularly curious about the electronics? Anyone taking photos? Any visitors at boat shows that seemed out of place? So then I asked her what possibilities she had come up with; her answers were it was possibly used for smuggling human cargo, maybe a chop-shop deal and sold for parts and scrap, or maybe revenge motive against the owner or captain. In other words, I guess they have no idea. I, nor YFers, hadn't been crass enough to ask about insurance, but I guess the good news is there was at least some coverage. Judy