Some people say the 355 has limited engine room space. At 250+lbs I don't know what they are talking about. The big squeeze!
I currently own 2 Carvers "Alcove 1" which is for sale and "Run To You" that my wife says is finally our perfect boat.
Where do you keep the boat during the summer? Maybe we'll bump into each other this coming summer, if it ever gets here
1000 Islands, We tie up at the TI Club on Wellesley Island. The Ivy Lea Inn is one of our favorite spots on the river. Occasionally, if we're on the Waterson dock, we'll dinghy over for lunch or dinner. I'll keep an eye out for you this summer. Time Out
Boy do. I remember those days nomad. I loved the 355. It was a great boat. But working in the engine room was horrible. When we found the 450 and I went into the engine room and I could actually sit and work on all sides of the engines and get to all the parts I needed to I was in love. The move was more my wife's idea then mine, she said she was tired of having to pull me out of the hole when I got stuck working down there.
Is Alcove 1 a 2767 ? I just sold mine and I will have to say that I was glad to see her find a new home. Talk about not being able to work on the motors, there is no room. I was told the engines needed pulled to install new spark plugs.
Monepit, I have the same problem with the 355 and since I am stronger than my wife. I found it easier for me to pull her out rather than she pull me out!!!