Hands Free Morring This is the fifth year of testing the hands free mooring at lock seven on the Welland Canal. They also installed them at the Beauharnois Lock on the Montreal section of the Seaway last year. I have used the machines several times testing them and all you do is put a line midship to the cleat and up you go. Each machine has two cleats. They will also work on salties. The Seaway will have roving crews to secure boats that can not use the machines.
Welland Canal Opening 20014 Friday March 28/14 at 08:00 hrs. the Welland Canal will open for another season. At Lock 3 on Friday at 10:00 hrs opening ceremonies will be held, a Top Hat will presented to the Captain of the first up bound ship. Today the Pierre Radisson Icebreaker was up bound breaking ice. They filled the canal over the weekend. The Seaway said today that the canal entrance at Lake Erie end the ice is piled 10' high. Most of the Great Lakes are still frozen. It will be a slow start.
Welland Canal Opening 20014 Attached is TV clip of canal opening. http://www.chch.com/welland-canal-opens/
Welland Canal Ice Today we were to make a down bound trip on a new 60' Sunseeker Predator. She arrived yesterday and Lake Erie was ice free. Over night the wind came out of the south. You will see in the picture why we did not go down the canal. Picture 2 Marlon Marina and picture 4 looking out to Lake Erie and picture 5 is Lock 8. Will see what happens tomorrow.
So, it looks like I might not being going for my first boat ride of the season at crystal beach this coming weekend. Lets hope the ice clears out by saturday!
M/Y Kathleen Windridge Today the above was up bound Welland Canal heading to Chicago. She is 43 M (141.076') X 6 M (19.685')
Now you forced me to go look up the boat with that comment. Not my kind of boat. I don't care how many levels you have, I have a problem with more people than feet in length. 149 people on a 142' boat? Of course they also show 432 passengers on a 170'. I'm getting claustrophobic just from the thought.
She's a dinner yacht. I used to work a 140' with a capacity of 400. That's not over night guests. A boat like that might have an owner's, captain's, 4 guest SRs and crew quarters for 6. She makes her living with weddings and parties. You won't find anything on the comment.
I know what she is. Just know there is no way I'd want to be on her or a 140' with 400, even if you were captaining it. But then we don't do cruise ships either.
Kathleen Windridge Last year brought Aqua Azul from Chicago going to New York City, down the canal look on page 5 for pictures she is 120' X 33 ' and holds 400 guest on four decks, it was along way up to the bridge. AQUA AZUL | Corporate Yacht | Private Yacht | Yacht Charters
I was up bound today on a 85' Pacific Mariner and behind us was a 40 M Westport (Three Sons) M/Y Freedom 70 M is in Montreal today and should be here in a few days.
M/Y Tranquility M/Y Tranquility a 130' Hatteras was down bound Welland Canal today, she spent the winter in the Great Lakes. Her AIS shows she is going to Main.