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My dream.... l'AMBROSIA

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by KUF, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. KUF

    KUF New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Hello to all old and young people, great navigators before the eternal!
    I 'm new to this site and I am happy to participate.
    I have much more to learn to give , if not friendship.
    I'm in love .... on the yacht.:eek:
    I have amassed a small fortune and , in my old age , I want to break me buying a "super yacht " as annuitant .
    I know, I 'd better think of the old trawl my uncle he had patched up , but I do not have the health for it.
    I am in my old age and before the stupidity to buy my dream, I would like to have the opinion of experts like you, people who know what they are talking : is it a mistake ? Or am I right ?:confused:
    This yacht ( no drooling ) is the " Ambrosia " Benetti 213.
    Yep , not less ...
    You have a presentation on the forum.
    It still seems available.
    But what are its shortcomings ? Yachts in 2014 did not he exceeded this beauty in technique and security? His speed is not great , but is it enough to have it still speaks in 5 years? Or structures and new techniques will make it obsolete this marvel ?
    Love is blind , is not it?
    My goal : live on a good part of the year on Mediterranee , with family and friends ( I gladly invite you once the purchase is made!) .
    Your advice please.:)
  2. ddw1668

    ddw1668 Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2007
    Murrells Inlet, SC
  3. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Yes, a small fortune is a good start for a €58 million boat, and then another small fortune to keep it...:)
  4. KUF

    KUF New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Thank you for your large comments...:D
  5. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
  6. karo1776

    karo1776 Senior Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    F.Y.I. the link above to ICAP...
    KUF the picture on the link to the Trinity of the tanker is not a joke... its an advertisement. At first I saw the ship picture and thought it was.

    The Yacht pictures on on the right hand side... click on one to start. The spec. are below.

    I think the Trinity is the better deal and will be less problems in the long run... and have lower operating costs.

    I don't know if I would start with such a large yacht as Ambrosia. Also, it is diesel electric which is great... but very unconventional for a yacht.
    Also, it is going to be a pain to get into many of the popular ports and you will be anchoring out with what that entails. Older ladies and some gentlemen often don't like the clambering in and out of the tenders and being jostled around in transit.

    Also large yachts are major business undertaking and drain down large piles of wealth at every turn. A small fortune a year just to keep! Also, you will find when you fly to meet your new yacht in in your new private jet it will be tiny compared your fellow large boat "owners" flying palaces. So budget another $30-40 million to not be a joke. That brings up the other issue billionaires are the customers for Ambrosia size yachts... and your small fortune will be soon lost swimming with them... .

    My suggestion look at the smallest and highest quality yacht with the smallest crew you can reasonably fit your situation into.

    Maybe that is a 25m maybe as large a 40m.

    Lets takes a couple examples there is the very nice 27m or so Moonen Sofia II for sale... figure around $8-10million US to purchase. Maybe a couple more for improvements you might make in the first couple years. Figure $2million US operating the first year. You have lots of little issues to set up and pay like managing it by setting up your own management for it or hiring it in... and of course you have to have like a berth... that last in the heart of the South of France might be $2 million US to lease for a few years in the choicer ports. Taxes... well if you keep it for private use in the Med better learn all about what the best VAT tax deal is. Figure around $1 to 1.2 million operating per year... including routine maintenance, port fees (if you don't get extravagant), fuel, crew, insurance... etc. Don't forget you might be shipping it to the Caribbean for the winter season and back... expensive but maybe cheaper than transiting on your own bottom. And, don't forget you will likely need a small private jet to access it so used smaller ones start at $5 million US plus all the costs of owning and operating that.

    Now lets looks at a bigger yacht 40m lets say the Hakvoort Apostrophe figure around $40 million US to purchase. Double everything else from the example above and you'll be in the ball park. And, don't forget the plane!
  7. KUF

    KUF New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    First, thank you for everybody .
    I must precise some things .
    Trinity is incredible ! But how to go in a harbor with that? It's longer than AMBROSIA .
    When you say ". Also, it is diesel electric which is great... but very unconventional for a yacht.", would you explain further? Very interesting for me.
    Looking for a comfortable yacht, to live half of my time with my family and friends. I'm not trying to rent or to do business with . It will be strictly private .
    And I know I 'm not good enough sailor and pilot for me to pass the commander and technicians.
    I will therefore a staff .
    For the port in the Mediterranean they are currently efforts . Marseilles example now accepting yachts 100m.

    When other wealthy, I do not care and do not particularly want to meet . This yacht is a residential , private, and will not be used to receive . At my age , I do not need these relations.
    For size , I agree with you. I could reduce . But I need a helicopter platform , for personal reasons , and there, less than 40m is not found .
    If I had a chance on 40m I would definitely think about it .
    It was one ( I do not have in mind the name ) but it was recently sold .
    I am also willing to work for improvement , adaptation, but less than 40 m would have no beach resting in the sun if I had to have a helicopter. Not possible without.

    Warnings on your childcare costs , port fees and staff are very interesting. If I understand correctly , it takes close to 3 to 4 M per year ? That sobering indeed.

    Apostrophe is superb. You advise me ? But the helicopter , it will be hard ... The rear plage does not seem appropriate .
    Ha! It is hard to be rich ! :D

    The problem of the price and costs, yes, important, but I know waht I can support.
    But technically, I'm a child. On this matter, I need realy counsels and I see you can help me.
    Thank you again for your interest.
    I'm looking to your references. I don't know well the Manufacturers in the U.S. Perhaps it's a good idea.

    Well! I have cut out...
  8. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Here are a few Heli yachts.

    32 metre motor yacht Flying Fish

    35m motor yacht Emerald Lady

    40m motor yacht Nibani

    43.2m Troy-built explorer yacht The Big Blue

    Built at Royal Van Lent, F45 motor yacht Blue Sky differs from her sisters in being reconfigured to include a helicopter landing pad at the client’s request

    45.7m motor yacht Atmosphere

    49.9m Trinity motor yacht Mine Games
  9. KUF

    KUF New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    I will see all these.
    Very good.
    I appreciate.
  10. ombreetsoleil

    ombreetsoleil Senior Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    The Netherlands
    Take a look at the 67meter Feadship White Cloud!!! asking €11million with Helipad!! A yacht with a very rich history!!!
  11. KUF

    KUF New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Very interesting!
    This Yacht has many qualities.
    A little long, but beautifull.
    Yes, that is a possibility for me.
    Do you know if she is for sale, really?
    Thank you for this information.
    I'm very happy.
  12. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
  13. KUF

    KUF New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Thank you Old Phart :cool:
  14. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
  15. karo1776

    karo1776 Senior Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    You might get CNM to do up a yacht version...
    CMN Ocean Eagle 40 trimaran patrol craft at NAVDEX 2013 - YouTube

    CNM did Slipstream and Cloud 9 which is for sale. Actually the all the ladies of the house vote for Cloud 9 but its big for my taste... but then again it could employ at least a fraction of the little lady's family and keep at least part of France employed. But be warned it takes the better part of a small fortune to operate it a year... and Hollande would be looking to confiscate somehow anyway!

    Here is Cloud 9
    Cloud 9 CMN Yacht - YouTube
  16. karo1776

    karo1776 Senior Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    My thought for you is to get a 40m used...

    and then get a yacht service vessel to tag along and keep the toys and helicopter on!

    MYS Preview Video: The inside story on fast yacht support vessel Garcon - YouTube

    Then if you life aboard the yacht you crew can have relaxation time on the service vessel. See the crew gets tired when the owner is always aboard... they love charterers because of the tips but the own on board too much gets tiresome!