Your work is incredible. Great job. Very professional. One thought, though. What are you going to do about the stern light? It has to viewable in a 225º arc. Move it to the outside of the stair tread (next to the step)?
Very nice! Great job... Looked through your photos on photobucket (could have edited that down a bit, don't ya think?!) and you've really got the whole process down pat. You definitely could be doing that for $!
Other than some caulking and a bracket I want to add were the stairs meet the transome I am final finished. Thank you for all the postive comments. It was a very time consuming project. I do not know how many hours I put into but there was quite a few weekend nights I was up past 3am working on the fiberglass layup (once you start a layer you can’t stop). All the positive comments served as motivation – Thank You! Below are some pictures at the dock. Now that I am finished below are some pictures of my next project. I would like to add an arch with a hard top over the Aft. In the Aft fiberglass hard top I plan on putting a sun roof. This will just be an opening with a removable canvas top. On top of the hard top I can store the dingy so that I can enjoy the swim platform without having the dingy on the weaver davits. Lastly I have seen this boat painted a dark blue like Sea Rays new boats. I think this will bring the aesthetics up to the 21st century. This one will take some more pondering.
Awesome That turned out awesome! Your very tallented. I want to replace my swim platform also something like what you've done. Thanks for the idea!
Mark Thank you. The family and i have enjoyed the new setup. We Boat mostly in Lake St Clair and on the weekends anchor in one of the various bays and swim off the back. Is a dramatic change from the original set up? I added some weaver dingy davits and again what a difference getting the kids safely on. Why they thought it was practical to try and have a 3yr old climb down a ships ladder and have a 20" platform is perplexing. I know the newer models have a similar set up with integrated steps and a larger platform. Just out of curiosity is this something you are going to attempt? I am glad this helped out. As I stated this was just a hobby and to us it makes a world of difference. I would think others would want a similar set up but I couldn’t image trying to make a full time business out of making these. When you have your setup on make sure you post some pictures
As much as I would like to try it myself I'm not sure where to begin. It is crazy going down a ladder I have 2 kids 10 and 12 and a 50lb+ bassit hound that I have to lift down from the back of the boat so it is a major pain in the behind. I've been looking around but I haven't found anything in a reasonable price range. Maybe i'll give it a go over the winter. Any tips or resouces you have would be appreciated. Mark
I do remeber you inquiring about if it work on your 3607. I am starting the Radar Arch and back hardtop this winter. I started a post on B.E Like I indicated I am doing this in my spare time in that I work in the Mechanical Enginnering field. I wish I did have the time to work on these projects. If you would like maybe a local fiberglass guy could look at it for you. I do still have the plugs in my garage. They would need a little touching up but maybe a local guy would want to buy the plugs off of me and build a set for you? you can PM me or email me if you like
just poking at you ...I know you're doing it as a custom job for the boat....But I tell ya it does look darn nice....
Last year I did finish the arch and hardtop just didn't think till now about updating this post. Anyways this year I am redoing the upper helm and staring on remodeling the interior.
Just looked at all the pics. Amazing job you have some serious skills. Would love to do the same on my 3608.
we can, I studied alot of fiberglass work videos and read a fiberglass for dummy's book and so far so good, But I'll tell you one thing it's not cheap...
new stairs for my 92 carver 33 aft I have a guy in Caledon East who is making me stairs for the back of my 92 Carver 33 Aft. Now I can get my dog off the back when im moored in the bay.
I have seen your project on a few different threads. I am very impressed with your level of craftsmanship and high quality. I am a composite fabricator by trade and this is great work. My wife and I purchased a 1989 3207 and would love to replicate this. Would you be willing to sell or even rent the molds?