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Anchor Chain Question

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by firedreamer, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. firedreamer

    firedreamer New Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    Puget Sound, for now
    Well we getting ready to cruise the Puget Sound this summer and thinking i should maybe replace the anchor line. Currently we have a 66# Claw anchor with about 60' of 5/16 galvy with "G3" on each link followed by 200' of 5/8"
    3 strand nylon rode. Oh ya this is on a 42 ' aft cabin MY at around 30,00# Dry. and on a windlass. Our plan is to stay on a at marine park buoys or docks if and when we can as well as a marina slip maybe one or two night every week to 10 days to do the water/pump-out and laundry thing and in as protected a bay or cove as we can find. If the weather kicks up at all or If a summer storm was to come up we would head into a marina for a night or 2 no problem.
    Sooooo my question is how much chain and rode do ya all think would be safe to have and what type? I dont really know a lot about the differences between the types of chain other than the WWL. I do need to keep it as economical as I can but what should I be looking at ? 43HT, BBB, 30grade, Proof coil or what? Thanks again
    I have measured the links and will be 100% sure the new chain fits the windlass :)
  2. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
  3. firedreamer

    firedreamer New Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    Puget Sound, for now
    well im sure the windlass is set for 5/16 chain as i have run whats there up and down a lot and it works well. I'm just wondering if i should have a longer chain on it for our type of cruising up here.
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Your windlass is ALSO set up for the type of chain. You have to stay with the same size AND type. What depth of water do you plan on anchoring in? If you want to keep it economical keep the same chain and go with a lot more rode, but more chain would be ideal....Your anchoring depth would dictate how much.
  5. firedreamer

    firedreamer New Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    Puget Sound, for now
    Well Capt J my plan is to try to keep in 25 to 40' at the most. The tide swings are pretty big up this way I think they can be as much as 12-13' ft diff maybe even a touch more so If I stay in 30-35' i should be ok
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    With chain they recommend 3x the depth for scope. With rode they recommend 7x depth........and in strong wind conditions 4x an 10x......if you're really budget oriented keep the chain you've got and buy a 400-600' spool of rope to go behind it. But I think 150' chain and 300' rode would be an ideal combo, weight of the chain can be another factor though.
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I like to sleep without being awaken by my anchor alarm at night, so you will NEVER catch me using 3:1 even with all chain... If things are tight, and it have to use short scope, 5:1 is as low as I ll go. Even in calm conditions.

    I think the 66 pound claw will be fine for a boat that size, as to chain I really would not worry about specific type, whatever works on yr windlass will be fine.

    60' of chain is ok, I d like to see more but I would try it like that before replacing it. 200' of line plus 60' will be ok up to 40' but may turn out to be a little short if you need to anchor in deeper water...
  8. Good Spirit

    Good Spirit Member

    Nov 4, 2012
    Northern harbour lake of the woods Ontario Canada
    We have a 42 ft aft cabin carver and I run 200 feet of chain. The weight isn't an issue and the security at night knowing we aren't going anywhere unexpected is well worth the expense
  9. firedreamer

    firedreamer New Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    Puget Sound, for now
    All great Info Guys, Thanks ! What do you think of the coupling links to connect one piece of chain to another, worth the risk of it breaking and than loosing the anchor or are they pretty tough?
  10. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I prefer a solid section of chain. They usually get hung up in the windlass and I'd never trust them...
  11. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL
    I agree.

    As to the rest of your question, your anchor size is good (although I am not a fan of Bruce/claw anchors) and your chain length is OK as well, assuming the chain is in good condition. But I would consider adding another 100 feet to your rode. Either by replacing it entirely or by splicing to it.

    Also be sure you have a good selection of chaffing gear that you can use to protect the anchor line where it may wear on anything as it passes out of the boat.

    And if you ever end up anchoring in water shallow enough to just be using your chain I would be sure to use a snubber.

    You also might consider carrying a float/buoy on board that you could attach to the crown of your anchor with strong enough line on it that you could use it to retrieve your anchor if the anchor should get fouled on the bottom.