Hello everyone. I was needing a little help. Im new to boating and having a hard time finding the right boat that has what I want. I want a boat I can take out into the ocean that has a seating area similair to a passenger fairy or gambling river boats. I need it to hold 25 passengers and an open floor plan. Any suggestions of types of boats would be great. Nothing over 50 ft
How much ocean were you planning on seeing in this boat? Do all 25 people need to fit inside of it? 25 people on the decks and railings is doable. 25 people inside, well that's going to involve seating a lot more like a bus than a party atmosphere.
Hi, Look for some type of self propelled barge. If these are fare paying passengers 2 to 3 miles off anywhere with 25 might well restrict the type of vessel you can accomplish this with. There is a 50ft Sail Cat operating out of FLL that claims 49 Pax. halve that No and maybe this arrgt would suit.
Check out Corinthian catamarans. Twin outboards around 40' and are certified for 49 passengers I believe and they use them for dive boats in South Florida and go in the ocean in up to 8' seas usually. Corinthian Catamarans - Our Boats
Why would you want to go out 3 miles out in th ocean? Where woudl you use the boat? You homeport says Orlando, will you be running on the Atlantic coast or gulf? I can't really imagine routinely going out in the ocean in a sub 50 footer with 25 people just for fun. If you're just going out in bays, ICW, protected waters then the requirements are different,
Ok passengers will charged, it is atlantic coast out of orlando, not trying to go far off the coast maybe a mile, 3 to 4 hour trips. Where can I find laws that govern such boats?
What is taking place on the boat? Food? Drink? Gambling? Sex? We don't know what "such boats" is yet. But at the very least you'll need business licensing, you'll need licensed crew, you'll need insurance and the boat will have to meet certain requirements. Then there may be other requirements depending on your plans.
Since you mention going only 1 mile away from the coast, would that be enough to be in international waters? If not I assume you would still be subject to US law (unless I'm missing something?) and if so no gambling or sex (for pay at least...lol) or other illegal activity? If the operation will leave a US port it will probably need to be fully registered and licensed to operate in the US (although I guess you could run a casino as long as no gambling occurs until you are out of US waters, nonetheless you'd need to be a legal US business entitled to take guests on tour in order to take them out to the intl waters)... at least thats how I udnerstnad it...
And if you're going to serve alcohol would need liquor license. If food and US flagged vessel would need restaurant licensing and health department check. If doing any of the things mentioned probably would go for foreign flag but then would also need to get into international waters. Basically the OP needs to consult with his business attorney and if he doesn't have one needs to get one if he's starting up this business.
What do you mean by "out of Orlando"? Are you going to transport the people by bus to the boat. Last time I checked Orlando is land locked... Why do you need to go offshore? If you just want to run sightseeing cruises, the Indian river and inland waters east of Orlando have quite a bit to offer and will significantly open the number of boats that can be used. Again, I can't imagine routinely running a sub 50 footer offshore, in the open Atlantic with 25 pax on board unless they re going out to fish.
Has to be US registered. A foriegn flagged vessel cannot pickup people in the US and bring them back to the US on the same voyage. You can only take them 1 way. Outside of 3 miles, most anything goes. However on a 50' with 25 passengers, unless you're taking them fishing or diving, you'll have 1 day in 15 you can taking paying customers for a sightseeing cruise.