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FLIBS Poll...

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by YachtForums, Oct 28, 2005.


"Will you be attending FLIBS?"

  1. I was planning to attend FLIBS, but I have cancelled.

    25 vote(s)
  2. YES. I will be attending FLIBS.

    25 vote(s)
  3. NO. I will not be attending FLIBS.

    47 vote(s)
  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thanks for your very honest assessment of the situation. My company (based in CA) was planning on attending, but was concerned as we cannot not determine if the cost would justify the benefit. Most people we have discussed this with believe the only beneficiary of holding the show this week is Show Management. We are staying in CA, and will see you at the Miami show.

  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I know, but that is way too late to get things properly organized. They knew a hurricane was coming.
  3. Garry Hartshorn

    Garry Hartshorn Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2005
    Directly above the center of the earth
    I sincerly hope everyone in Ft Lauderdale are ok and have a speedy recovery. I shall not be attending this year but never was going to, I have a rodeo / horse sale that I am attending next weekend which I have been working towards for some time.

    But I will way into the argument. Kaye and his team at Show Management have done a great job over the years in building this event into the singular most important show in the yachting industry, undoubtedly facing many obsticals and difficulties in doing so. Yes he benifits from this but so does just about everyone one else involved in the industry. If the authorities are happy for the show to proceed and Show Management think they can pull it off then don't drag them down, support them and make a genuine effort to have a successful and productive show.

    Just have a think about the *****ing if the show was shut down for good.
  4. giraind

    giraind New Member

    Aug 3, 2005
    FLIBS Poll

    My company will not be attending this year's FLIBS due to recent events as it wasnt in the pipeline for this year.

    On a second note, I would like to send my regards to the locals of the Florida area.


    Ray Webb
    Gira Industries Limited
  5. JonS

    JonS Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    Well, plenty going on, but still lacking in boats! Usually the core ingredients to a B O A T show! :D

    Anyway, does any body know of a webcam in the area for the duration of the show? That might be a useful tool for visitors in the area seeing how busy it is before going.

    Now there is a random good idea if ever there was one! :D (c) Copyright Jon Stinton 2005 ;):D:D
  6. ahh

    ahh New Member

    Aug 9, 2005
    Being based in the UAE we were watching "Wilmas" progress. We did not want to waste our time flying 17 hours to find the show cancelled. We phoned the organisers only hours before our departure to confirm the show status. "Yes the show will proceed starting Saturday instead of Thursday. Have a nice flight".

    You can imagine how "P@#%$& Off" we were to find out that in that 17 hours they had changed it to the 3rd. Fortunately our bosses are looking forward to what we can bring back with us.
    I only hope that there are enough vendors to do just that.

    Some form of compensation (at least free VIP entry) should be granted to those whom have come from overseas.

  7. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Whew! Many different opinions on this subject.
    Mine is rather simple. Was scheduled originally. Previous commitments for the re-scheduled show dates so can't go.
  8. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    I've been given permission to post this message at YachtForums;

    - I am in agreement with most of what is written here; speaking to friends in the area it will be like throwing a party in a war zone. I noticed on the website of show management (finally up), that all normal hotels one would stay at during the show are still closed. Fortunately, Feadship has an office at Bahia Mar, so the odd client could be welcomed..

    Let us donate the money we save by not going to relief aid for the homeless in Florida. I think that would be better for Florida than this charade. See you all next year!

    Henk de Vries
  9. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    From Royal Huisman...

    Dear friends,

    As many of you know, Florida is currently trying to overcome the aftermath of hurricane Wilma. We understand that the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show will now take place on November 3-6, 2005.

    However, we have made the decision not to exhibit this year, due to our concerns with regard to the local infrastructure and the ability of hotels, restaurants and transportation services to be fully operational so shortly after the hurricane struck. We regret to inform you about this decision but trust to have your understanding.

    Our next boat show will be in January 21-28, 2006, in Düsseldorf, Germany.
    We hope to welcome you on our stand where you can enjoy our hospitality and be updated on the latest developments.

    Should you wish to make an advance appointment or require any information about our current projects, please contact me or one of my colleagues here at the yard.

    With kind regards,
    Royal Huisman Shipyard

    Alice, Michael, Evert and Nancy
  10. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    From Kingship...

    Dear All,

    The Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show has been rescheduled to Nov. 3-6and we won’t miss this important annual event.

    We look forward to see you at our booth in International Tent No. 373.

    See you there.

    Carmen Lau
  11. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    From Benetti...

    Dear Friends,

    Despite the consequences of Wilma, and with the encouragements of Show Management, Benetti have decided to attend the FLIBS, November 3 to 6.

    We hope to see you there. If you wish to set up a specific appointment with me, you can reach me by email until Monday evening (Oct 31), or by telephone on + 39 335 104 0966.

    With best regards,

    Alexandra Guillard
    Benetti PR
  12. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    From Holland Jachtbouw...

    Holland Jachtbouw will still be attending the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, which has been postponed to November 3 - 6 2005.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to make an appointment to meet us in Fort Lauderdale. Our stand will be in the Dutch Pavillion Superyacht and Designers Tent.

    Best regards,

    Tako van Ineveld
    Holland Jachtbouw
  13. catamaran

    catamaran New Member

    Oct 6, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    2005 Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show

    Due to all the uncertainty the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show will NOT be cancelled. The date has been moved to November 3rd to November 6th. The Catamaran Company will be present at the show.
  14. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    From Horizon Yachts

    Horizon Yachts will attend FLIBS, Nov 3 - 6.

    Hope to see you there!

    Horizon America,
  15. MacMcL

    MacMcL Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    Dania Beach
    From Broward Marine

    Broward Marine will be in the show- one boat in the water and a booth in the builder's tent. While all of South Florida has been through traumatic times, the show is a very important economic engine that drives an entire segment of our marine industry- it is too valuable a resource and too many jobs are dependant upon its results to let it slip.

    Hopefully, I will see you at the show.

  16. NinePostNeil

    NinePostNeil Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2004

    We will also be at FLIBS

    Hope to see you there
  17. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    From Caterpillar Inc.

    Caterpillar Marine Power Systems will be exhibiting at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. We will have our usual display of engines, but there will be fewer Caterpillar and Caterpillar dealer personnel in the booths. Caterpillar Financial representatives will also be at the show.
  18. David Ross

    David Ross New Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Manitowoc, WI
    President & CEO, Burger Boat Company

    Yes, I will be attending FLIBS but we will not be displaying a new vessel on the face dock nor will we have a booth inside the designers and builders tent this year. We will, in fact, be exhibiting the four central agency brokerage vessels of our Fort Lauderdale Company, Burger Yacht Sales, primarily because our clients have paid for those slips and since we have not been offered refunds or credits for a future show, we will do our best to enthusiastically represent their yachts at what I'm certain will be an extremely lightly attended event.

    This is a really tough time for the residents of South Florida, particularly Ft. Lauderdale, that was hit so hard by hurricane Wilma and I very much want to show my support for this event that has always been our most productive sales venue. However, I must go on record to state that I vehemently disagree with how close it is has been rescheduled to the aftermath of such devastation to the local community. Very simply, I have serious concerns over the ability of the city and its severely weakened and fragile infrastructure to successfully accommodate and support such an event.

    So many industry friends in South Florida that we’ve been able to reach this afternoon (Monday, Oct. 31) are still busy tending to their severely damaged neighborhoods, businesses and homes. Each and every one of them have expressed their concern that having the boat show so soon might be ill-timed. We are still unable to communicate with our hotel (Lago Mar) as recently as the past few minutes.

    Personally speaking, I applaud Michael Ivie, president of the Entomological Society of America for postponing to Dec 15-18, their annual conference originally scheduled for this coming weekend at the Convention Center. In his Thursday, Oct 27 statement to his membership, he said, "Today’s assessment by representatives of the Broward County Convention Bureau is that the damage to the pool of hotels housing ESA registrants is extensive, and that those rooms that are available are required for emergency aid personnel. There is simply not enough time between today and the expected beginning of the meetings next weekend for damage to hotels, restaurants, the water and power system, and other services to be repaired enough to handle us."
    (It should be noted that the ESA is only expecting 2000 people versus the 150,000-plus expected to descend upon the FLIBS)

    We are all very eager to see things return to some semblance of normalcy and truly understand what an economic impact such an event would ordinarily represent to the entire community. But I really think taking the high road and postponing this event with a little more time for all the local residents and the community to pick itself up and brush itself off and for all attendees to properly reschedule flights, rebook hotels and communicate with their prospective customers would truly have been in everyone’s best interest.


    David Ross
    President & CEO
    Burger Boat Company
  19. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest


    Dear Carl,

    With grave concerns Nautical Structures has decided that we will participate in the FLIBS this year. A week ago I wrote a letter that was posted on the Triton's web site, and apparently this letter has ripped around the industry, as I have received dozens of calls and e-mails regarding the thoughts I shared with the industry at-large. In all fairness to Show Management and Kaye Pearson, I received a call from Kaye last Friday, and we shared a very spirited discussion regarding the reasons and appropriateness of holding the show later this week. I believe that my position regarding the show is still very valid. I will give credit to Kaye and Show Management if this show does ultimately go well under the present conditions. I believe that if anyone can pull this off, It is Kaye. Nonetheless, I still believe that the logic used to make this decision to go forward with the show is flawed, and the decision is inappropriate.

    Rick Thomas
    Nautical Structures

    The following is a letter I wrote on Wednesday October 26th:

    An open letter to all members of the Superyacht Society, from one very concerned member...

    I write this letter to the esteemed fellow members of the SYS as one member not at all pleased with the news of the day. This morning I was sent several messages from associates, one from the UK now booking flights to Florida for the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show, rescheduled for November 3rd through the 6th. If this show indeed is rescheduled for next week, it's the single greatest folly and display of greed and bad judgment I have seen in twenty five years working in this business. There is no good reason to try and bring commerce into Ft. Lauderdale while that city is trying to recover from such a significant disaster! There are few to no available hotel rooms in town; I'm told the Marriott isn't even considering accepting reservations until November 8th. What hotel rooms there are ought to be made available for those displaced by the storm or in the area assisting in the recovery efforts. Power has not yet been restored, potable water is scarce, fuel is not available, many streets are still impassable. And Show Management wants to invite hundreds of thousands of people into this chaos? Unbelievable! As much as I would like to see a boat show, to try and pull this off now is an invitation to fiscal and financial disaster. To some it may seem to be an effort of good faith, to persevere in the face of adversity. Nonsense! I can not imagine many of our clients willing to travel to the area to spend money on extravagances while they walk and live among the ruins they will no-doubt encounter. If there will be a show, Nautical Structures will participate, very unwillingly and in a much scaled-back configuration. I can not comment of the legitimacy of the information that has been published by the Sun Sentinel. I have heard nothing from the people of Show Management to confirm or deny this absurdity at this time. I urge all of you to consider the implication of this decision, and voice your opinion regarding the rescheduling of this boat show.

    Rick Thomas

    Rick Thomas
    Vice President, Sales
    Nautical Structures
  20. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Mr. Ross,

    Just as a matter of curiousity... is 150,000 the 'normal' annual attendance to the show, viewers (both window shoppers and actual customers) and exhibitor staff included? If so, does anyone honestly believe there will even be a number even remotely close to that this year?