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Feasibility of Marine Bug Out in case of Economic Collapse

Discussion in 'Yacht Captains' started by Sea-Sovereign, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. Sea-Sovereign

    Sea-Sovereign New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Arizona -- for now
    Uh huh. Just as the dollar was made valuable by the same type of propaganda. Actually, gold and silver have been devalued by a concerted propaganda campaign since Nixon closed the gold window in 1971. Why? Because Gold is one form of MONEY (not currency) where when you hold it, you don't have to count on a counterparty to keep their promise to make it good. And that makes it hard for governments to peddle their worthless paper. (Silver has it's own dynamics but has, for the most part, gone along for the ride with gold) That said, expanding on this is way beyond the topic here. You folks know boats, I know currencies and world finance.

    Yes, indeed! Those commodities do have great bartering power.
  2. Sea-Sovereign

    Sea-Sovereign New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Arizona -- for now
    Capt J: Do you think the pirates had better success when they had the element of surprise on their side when they first started their attacks? Seems to me that once the rest of the world caught on to their game, they stepped up the ability to repel such attacks? I know the marine security industry had a field day whipping up new products to sell.

    My other question for you is to ask how the piracy threat changed awareness and policies aboard private vessels to improve the safety of those aboard (aside from staying off the coast of Somalia?) What, if any, defensive capabilities are more prevalent today than before piracy made a comeback?

    Be clear, I would not contemplate such an option without the means to put up at least some modicum of resistance to such threats. Even as this would preclude some ports and areas due to laws opposing weapons. (I understand you can get the death penalty for having firearms aboard in some asian 'jurisdictions.')
  3. Sea-Sovereign

    Sea-Sovereign New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Arizona -- for now
    I never proposed an option of this sort without a defensive capability. But I'd prefer not to develop a reputation as a bartering arms merchant... that could come with WAY too many complications... <grin>
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    If you went anywhere on a large yacht after a total financial meltdown. You'd have a target on your back by just about every single person everywhere you go. You'd have more success of staying alive walking through downtown Detroit at midnight with a sack of Crack Rocks hanging from your neck in a clear ziplock bag, than pulling up to any place populated after a meltdown with a yacht. I once saw these yahoo's run out of Fuel on a 55' Viking SF off of Honduras that was heading down to los Suenos. They anchored off of a little town, went into town, got hotel rooms and arranged for fuel to be brought out to the Viking the next day with Panga's. Well, they came back to the boat the next day and EVERYTHING was stripped from the boat overnight except the fiberglass itself......Just like the airplane in "Lord of War".
  5. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Biot was one of the most expensive places I've ever lived. Even the Post Office charges $10 for a coffee. :D

    The old La Poste Cafe is now a high class cafe-bar.
  6. rhinotub

    rhinotub Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    los angeles
    I live my wonderful life the way I live it, which is absolutely no business of yours. What I don't do is look for bogeymen around every corner, think that I can predict the future or burden the right now with fears of that which has not happened.

    Umm. Mormons preach a doctrine of self-reliance and selflessness. They have, since the Great Depression, communally prepared to weather economic storms, not arm themselves to the teeth so that they can Rambo the keys to a 120' MY out of a tanned charter Captain's cold dead hands.

    Much like all other Conspirigeddonites on this thread, you have drawn non-contextual references to prove non-fact based theories, much like many hate and fear-mongering TV pundits.

  7. Laurence

    Laurence Senior Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    Chattanooga TN
    Back on track

    You missed the point "How suitable it a cruising boat as a bugout location or vehicle?"
  8. Sea-Sovereign

    Sea-Sovereign New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Arizona -- for now
    Yahoos indeed! And this episode occurred in "PeaceTime?!?!?!" Actually I once heard that stretch of coastline on the run down to Costa Rica referred to as the "Barbary Coast West" -- Seems to me that "unscheduled fuel stops" are never preferred. And, if these guys really left their boat unattended in 'foreign' waters??? Oh well...

    That said, I would absolutely concur with you that bad times would only exacerbate the potential for that kind of thing to occur. Same as on land. In the Argentine collapse of 2000, people would leave their homes to go to the market to try to get whatever meager rations were available, only to come home and find their homes ransacked and plundered in their short absense. It's why, even today, you see so many of the homes there with bars on the windows 13 years later.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I just figured it all out. You need NUCLEAR power, then you won't need to refuel for 25 years. You can run everything all of the time, the watermaker, etc. Troll non stop for food, and not have to worry about gold or currency for anything.
  10. Sea-Sovereign

    Sea-Sovereign New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Arizona -- for now
    ...or another form of 'alternative' energy that would reduce if not eliminate dependence on fossil fuels. Energy 'density' is an issue since these boats we use are so cotton-pickin heavy! But that's a topic for another post. ;)
  11. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    This particular architectural accessory is not a unique Argentinian one.

    Open your eyes and look around your own country, you will find houses with bars in the windows that are not owned or occupied by Argentinians.
  12. Sea-Sovereign

    Sea-Sovereign New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Arizona -- for now
    Heh heh, absolutely no argument there... and security was one business that did boom in the Argentine situation there when, according to a few friends who were living there at the time, their monetary system went to hell and social order followed quickly. By contrast, most of those accoutrements here in the US life didn't come about so much as a result of rapid economic collapse as they did as a function of a moral or civil collapse over a longer period of time in this country.
  13. rhinotub

    rhinotub Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    los angeles
    Buenos Aires has never been any less safe than any NYC borough, Miami Beach at night, or where I live, Los Angeles, or any other major metropolitan city. The social unrest I think you are alluding to was due to the underclass being pissed off at the powers that were, not moral or civil decay. And, in fact, Argentina's economy is now thriving more than it was pre-1998.

    Open your mind, brother, there's a whole big beautiful world out there.

    "Moral or civil collapse"... Watch out! The gay-marrying, weed-smoking, Black POTUS voting, pro-choice, anti-NRA, socialist Libtards are coming to get you, and your 60' Sportfisher.

  14. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno

    Too funny.

    Argentina?s economy is in crisis. So it focuses on the Falklands, of course. | GlobalPost
  15. rhinotub

    rhinotub Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    los angeles
    Yup. I didn't make my case well enough.

    Meant to say that Argentina has been in an economic free fall for decades, and that pointing to the '98-'02 collapse/default as the single tipping point for when their "monetary system went to hell and social order followed quickly" is too myopic.

    Thanks for being kind enough to point out my laziness.
  16. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    Obviously you where never in BA in the seventies when it is reported that up to 30,000 citizens disappeared during the "dirty" war.

    I was and was picked up by the "police" and held for two days for nothing more than jay walking.

    At least in Miami you get out of jail after a few hours and I have not heard of thousands disappearing down there. Trying to drive around there on a Friday or Saturday night it may be a blessing if 30,000 did disappear. :cool:
  17. rhinotub

    rhinotub Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    los angeles
    I was 2 years old.

    What's your point?
  18. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    You were 2 and in BA or just 2 yr old
  19. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    QUOTE Rhinotub "Buenos Aires has never been any less safe than any NYC borough, Miami Beach at night, or where I live, Los Angeles, or any other major metropolitan city. The social unrest I think you are alluding to was due to the underclass being pissed off at the powers that were, not moral or civil decay. And, in fact, Argentina's economy is now thriving more than it was pre-1998."

    "Open your mind, brother", read about places before you make comments like this, was my point or better still go through the hell that the locals did and are still going thru not knowing what happened to their loved ones during the Junta years.
  20. Sea-Sovereign

    Sea-Sovereign New Member

    Jun 19, 2012
    Arizona -- for now
    Read my post again! Those weren't MY words. Those words came from my friends/business associates who lived in Buenos Aires and went through that crisis. For you to call their take on their situation 'myopic' is simply not credible. They were in the arena. Were you?

    And... first you said, "...And, in fact, Argentina's economy is now thriving more than it was pre-1998." And then, when you were called on it, you then backtracked and said, "Meant to say that Argentina has been in an economic free fall for decades," Well... WHICH IS IT???? I don't think 'laziness' quite captures it.

    Perhaps you would be so kind as to distinguish for us on this thread an "underclass being pissed off at the powers that were" from moral and civil decay! What's the distinction? Either way, there was a breakdown of the Rule of Law.

    Do you honestly think that, as of Friday's unemployment report with now, 91 million people in the United States today presently SO unemployed that they've actually given up even LOOKING FOR WORK, we aren't fomenting another case of an underclass being pissed off at the powers that BE?? The US Government LIES with their unemployment statistics! 6.7%??? Who really believes that number? It's actually closer to 23% without all the hedonics they've massaged the numbers with since the 1990's to make them look good... Do you honestly think that nearly 50 MILLION Americans (about 1 in 6) on foodstamps isn't a fertile ground for an 'underclass' getting a little edgy at the powers?? If not, then perhaps you'd like to offer a suggestion for why the US Department of Homeland Security has now purchased over 2 BILLION ROUNDS of anti-personnel ammunition in the past year and a half or so and is federalizing the local police and sheriff's departments en masse all over the country?? Who do you suppose they are arming to defend against? Islamic Terrorists??? Really??? @Yachtjocky alluded to people being "disappeared" in Argentina in their periond of unrest. Are you aware of an Executive Order signed by our president which empowers the government to pick up people in this country -- INCLUDING US citizens and hold them in indefinite detention WITHOUT access to legal counsel or due process??? Yes, that's right. Get yourself on the wrong list and the US government might just give you an all-expense paid trip to the tropical resort of Guantanamo!!! Gee, they did something similar to that in 1930's Germany after Hitler came to power. Here in the US, it's called the NDAA. Do NOT get me started here or I will bury you with incontrovertible and undeniable evidence that we are in serious trouble here in the US and in the world. And that's SO far off the topic to what I started here that I wouldn't be surprised if the moderators threw me off Yachtforum if I did unload like that. I wouldn't blame them if they did.

    In this country, we have our heads buried in the sand. "Interesting times" of this nature have always happened in OTHER countries and OTHER places in recent history -- NOT HERE IN THE US -- IN OUR FRONT YARDS. In the US, we've always been fortunate to read about these times from a comfortable distance from the mayhem. in limited form, in the news and maybe a TV news story here and there. Historically, those 'interesting times' never washed up on our shores. Well, now, my friend, whether you are ready or not, here they come... no...wait... they are ALREADY here!!!
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