32 meter yacht "Oscar II" was under fire while entering Sydney harbour!!! 18 shots were fired windows were shattered, but nobody was injured. A couple hours later a man was found with a shotwound in his back on Bondi beach.
A news thread. Gunshot victim found in Bondi after luxury yacht comes under fire | World news | theguardian.com
Considering how many yachts are owned by unsavory types -- deposed African dictators, penny stock scammers, thuggish Russian plutocrats, middle-east arms dealers -- I am surprised there are not more reports of yachting violence. I have wondered at times if yachts are used to carry "hot" items -- diamonds, drugs, international fugitives etc. It may come from watching too many James Bond movies.
Well, She was hot till she stepped on with those heels. Everybody else is barefoot,, even the host in a tux. Sorry, I'm still laughing at that pic. ,rc
High Heels In the case of the people who chartered this yacht, I have seen the photo of one of the "ladies" on the boat that night & I think the high heels were meant to be in the "air" most the time, not on the teak
The attractive Miss in the photo above #4, is Erica Packer, the ex Mrs. James Packer... not only an experienced yacht owner, but a renowned and celebrated singer and model. The photo at instant was taken many weeks before the night of the shooting, as she boarded Oscar II for a fashion/charity event. She clearly had/has no association with the shooting or the vessel. The reporter simply inserted her celebrity to add color to his story... in the event that 18 rounds of fire were not relevant enough.
Note that I did not state the person in THAT photo was the person I referred too. "I have seen the photo of one of the "ladies" on the boat that night" If Kerry Packer was still alive, that reporter would disappear for using a photo of a Packer in the article.
Her feet are not the only ones heeled. Check the two at the left side of the photo. You are right about her looks - very elegant for a 36 year old Mom with three little ones.
The # 3 & 4 skirts on the left are still scratching their heads if (how) they are going to get on at all. Don't have those long legs as #1. Could have used a pic about 1/2 second later when that heel made contact, gouged, slipped and a high split from that 36 year old. What was that about in the air? Oh, Wait, Uh, Sorry, the grunge in me came out and the delete key is broken. LOL.
Might have been a reference to dancing - light on their feet, as in this pic: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/12/20/article-2526778-0CBF601F000005DC-335_634x422.jpg