DieselFusion was mentioned in Southern Boating. I just ordered a few bottles. Anyone here using this product?
I am an example of victim to "Snake-Oils". Still trying to save my after glass fuel tank. Before you pour anything down that tank neck, be sure it is a real product that will not harm glass tanks or old hoses AND your engines. The term Fusion is so over used these days, I would rather run from it than try to use it.
If you read their website claims it does everything but cure cancer. Apparently the product and company was founded by someone from Awlgrip My tanks are aluminum. $60. to treat 650 ga. I agree that 99% of these additive are crap but this one rings some bells for me. Not that I have a clue
Or, that could be another $60 in fuel. Your dollar per mile just jumped up some more. Unlike an old dawg (not much), I can still learn new stuff; Tell us how it works and what was effected. ,rc
From an old post, I think it was about a generator fuel problem, there was allot of comments about that stuff and I picked some up. Lucky I only put it in my aft tank. Still not sure what happened, my results; trashed the fuel (looked like tomato juice), near convinced it ate (hopefully only some) of my aft glass tank. Near a year later, 1000Racors have to come apart routinely to clear the turbines and empty the bowl. The goo will not drain out of the bowl with the whole drain assembly removed. Looked just like a FRP tank after a gasohol attack. This goo dries hard like an flimsy tan/brown varnish.
Well here you go. They could not say it on the internet if it were not 100% true! Created using the latest developments in nano technology, DieselFusion’s patented catalyst significantly increases fuel economy up to 18% while dramatically reducing exhaust soot and fumes up to 80% and extending engine life. Originally developed for aviation fuels and extensively tested to be safe for your engine and the environment, this revolutionary non-alcohol formula works in a three-phase process: The nanoparticle elements in DieselFusion cause a molecular process that shortens the long-chain hydrocarbons in diesel fuel creating a more powerful and cleaner burning fuel resulting in less fumes and soot. The nanoparticle micro-lubricate in DieselFusion increases compression by sealing micro gaps between piston rings and cylinder walls and lubricating your engine by forming a protective layer on vital engine components, extending the life of your engine. With continued use, DieselFusion gently cleans the entire fuel and combustion system of deposits and build-up, restoring your system to like-new and increasing engine performance. NanoFusion International’s innovative nano technology based formulas offer proven benefits that are unlike anything currently available in fuel treatments today. Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) Testing Results: Increases Cetane ASTM D613 | Reduces Flash Point ASTM D93 | Increases Lubricity ASTM D6079 | Maintains Cloud Point ASTM D2700 | Reduces Carbon Residue ASTM D574 | Increases Fuel Density ASTM D4052 | Increases Fuel Distillation ASTM D86 | Meets Ash Content for ASTM D482 | 1A Rating – Copper Strip Corrosion Test ASTM D130 *DieselFusion meets ASTM Standard D975 and will not change vital fuel specifications or void engine warranties.
Hi, If you truly believe that one I have some cheap land for you. Just make sure you come at low tide so you won't be disappointed by the size of your section.
Silly questions... But If it really improved fuel economy by up to 18% and reduced emission! wouldn't all oil companies incorporate it in their fuels?
Got a bridge here, cheap. You can put a toll gate on it and make money. Call in the next 15 minutes and we'll throw in a draw span at no extra charge. Other reading from the same site talks about the basic formula that started in WWII. Snake-oil has been around much longer that that. You want good fuel? Use your boat, keep fresh fuel in her from a reliable source. If it's going to sit, top off with fuel from a Valve-Tech marina if it will help you feel better.
Thoughts like this have been bounced around before. I'm sure the fuel companies want to deliver what they can with with a profit plan (short & long term) and stay in business. However, the fuel companies have to deliver a reliable product. On top of how they refine it to deliver this reliable product, then forced to ad EPA additives, reformulate to remove other ingredients and seasonal additives schedules, do you thing they want to ad anything else to raise the price any more or further jeopardize this reliable product. The Valve-Tech fuels are from the cheapest tank-farms around (that day), then their additive are mixed in. Here in Jax, that's 50 plus cents per gallon. AND, not the refiners responsibility if anything goes astray. Naw, fuel snake oils are not anything the fuel MFGs want to get any more involved with. IMO.
The only thing I have been told to add is lubricant due to low sulphur fuel, stanadyne diesel treatment supposedly the best
Diesel fuel additives Why spending so much money for fuel additives on your diesel. Google for Water-in-diesel emulsions. Very cheap and very effective ???!!!
On the lake we lived on, water in fuel was a big problem during the off-season. Several of the marinas had problems. Some, not the better ones, would keep their fuel supply low to save money. The boat engines would start spitting and sputtering, giving decent warning before they would stop completely. Additives often did work then. This would be a one time use. Also the boat owners were advised to get good fuel to top off as soon as they used enough of the questionable supply. The dealers and experienced boaters knew which marinas were winter safe. These were all gas engines, outboards and inboard outboards. Now, my point is that there may be occasions some specialty product can help when there is a specific purpose. In that small amount and one time it's not likely to cause other problems. But that's entirely different than regular use. I heard one boat owner ask the mechanic if it would do this so well, shouldn't he use it all the time. The mechanic quickly answered "H... no". He said it fit this purpose but good fuel didn't need it and no telling what kind of damage it would cause if used all the time.
Here in NC, ValveTech does not sell at a premium. Been using it for 3 years, since that is what I can get in my slip and no price advantage to going elsewhere. No fuel related issues in that time and engines just surveyed beautifully. Whether the VT has anything to do with that, I don't know. Yea r around 100-150 hour use during this time, but more cold weather, sitting at the dock time too. Back when we were cruising full time (500+ hours/yr), as long as I bought fuel at high turnover docks or off the truck, additives or no, seemed to have good luck.
Could this be a possible back-up plan? Bertram Fiberglass Fuel Tanks From High Tide Marine - New Bertram Original and Replacement Parts - Bertram Yacht Parts, Bertram Struts, Bertram Rudders, Bertram Burgees, Bertram GearBertram Mechanical Parts for All Bertram Yachts
I agree. Yamaha ring free is an excellent additive for gasoline fuel for outboards, as well as inboards.
I have been in touch with the kids down there & others. Those tanks pictured are for the sufferers of gasohol. The attitude is I have been receiving is allot of varnish, stuff, sh%^^t, goo more sh$^t and then some water & bad fuel coming out of my (35 year old) aft tank. The timing of it all is in the air (unknown). I have not detected any glass fibers in the filters. Well, the coin is still in the air. I'm still drawing snot and varnish from my rear tank. Now varnish since I added that diesel clean s$^&^f(t). I'm still Mobile (mobile is important). Run 4 tanks of fuel thru it and none in the bilge. 2 South Fl trips including a 3 week Taloo (Abaco) side trip. Amazing how even after a tank cleaning, this aft tank still comes up with goo & sh%^f(t). One day I'll get over it or fix it. I just hope there is enough rum to survive till then. Oh, Wait, Maybe that's the answer, Rum jealous boat, stay tuned...
Are you saying that the Diesel Kleen product is what may have caused the problem, and you have not used Diesel Fusion? And are you saying that the tank also has or had a lot of water in it? It looks like Diesel Fusion took a hit for something on a boat that didn't even use it!? Regardless of what anyone personally thinks about additives, it is a bit off to trash one product for what might be related (or not) to another. Think if the same measure was applied to your fishing or captaining skills ... not a pretty thought is it?