It was on the radio this morning, 14.234 German tourists visited Curaçao this year, (8% growth) Happy holidays too Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute zum neuen Jahr!
BODACIOUS was covered following Thanksgiving. Like RT46 I keep my engine heaters on so I can visit regularly to check things out. Shrink wrap removal scheduled for St Pattis day, weather outlook permitting. Ruby, I'm still trying to locate that info on the horns.... P46, we have stayed at the Princess several times, and done some great bottle diving off Curacao's lovely coast
No, we flew in for part of our honeymoon this past July. We stayed in Lagun, but dived several places in the north, so I've seen various beaches from the water side. We wanted mostly the culture of the island, then moved on to Bonaire for a week of more serious diving. (I couldn't believe how much Bonaire had changed in 20 years.)
Princess Beach hotel...stayed there as a tourist many years ago and really appreciate it. Late it became an all-inclusive, but now it's Princess Beach again!
This season is a wrap Well for all my Post forum buddies I thought I would show you something that would put a smile on all your faces!!! I know all my NYer's or northeasteners will love this. Oh yes before I forget, have a great Christmas for all who celebrate it, and a Happy New Year...
We left the dock Monday morning. Anchored out in Jax, Fl. Been relaxing tinkering on my own boat for a day. Checked out some NetFlix for the next couple of days. Josie started preparing tomorrows diner today (greens & stuffing), BigBird in the oven early next morning. This old Bertram came with a wonderful stove and full sized oven,, AND work great. Tomorrow starts the Turkey feast. Good thing I like turkey, turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, turkey stuffing, turkey stuff on anything. Yep, Josie is a wonderful cook and if you didn't know, I like turkey with/in lots of stuff. We may be back Friday, sat, sun, sometime. Naw, despite the earthquakes, typhoons, volcanoes, politicians, it's not that bad this week in south georgia. Thank you all on Y F. You Post kids are great. Wish there was a Bertram rally like yours. I'm trying. God bless us all. Merry and safe Christmas & Holidays to all, Ralph & Josie
Christmas tree is a permanent part of ships inventory. It just wont die. 5 years, two Bahama trips and all other travels it is with us and ready every year for some lights and stockings. Found some good stuff under it this morning.
Turkey's Think how much of the very limited fuel resources that could be saved by every American only eating two or three slices of turkey at Thanksgiving & Christmas. We could go on using high powered diesels for centuries. Then again think of how much money that could be saved and we would not be heading for an economic melt down and heading to some "bug-out" location. Or we could go on eating less than 20% of the turkey's we buy and finding new ways to recover our fuel resources and making use of new technologies allowing us to keep shaking our heads at those doom & gloom merchants who, IMO, would be much better off having a positive outlook on what humans have achieved even in my lifetime and what I am sure the next generations will achieve. That turkey did look good.
Well I ate on that turkey long and hard yesterday. And it was great. If I could maintain that rate of consumption, A long week. However what really happens when we return to the dock, We feed my stepson, some of the yard guys a few lunches, Some of Josie's associates a few lunches. By that time, the bones are picked and a soup is stirred up. As much as I love turkey, Josie won't let me eat it 24x7, nor can I drink the good booze every night. Did I tell you about a full-sized fridge/freezer on board also and a pantry stocked well with cheap rum? Josie and I will have a another full dinner (hopefully two), 6 to 10 people will have a good lunch, Soup by New-Years and a faint memory by by January's first weekend. There won't be a crumb waisted and I'll crack the wish bone awaiting the next feast on-board.
Ralph apparently none of us NYer's received an invite? LOL, looks good. I hope you aren't operating the vessel while under the turkey influence, you may fall asleep at the helm!!!
Thank you Ruby. Naw, Nobody was invited. Josie and I can only get away by ourselves a few times a year and this was the big one. It's 0200 and I'm just in trying to get caught up after our off time. The world keeps spinning when we jump off for a few days. We anchored off a few days so last night when we came in, I was sober and not under the turkey influence. then, Once the lines were on,,,,,. Oh,, Stepson waisted no time in finding us back on the dock and raiding da fridge last night. Worked him a bit today as payback. Maybe, maybe cheaper labor paid by turkey. Not sure yet. Oh, the yard was closed today... Good,, more bird & stuff for me..