almost finished The stairs and a new 6' platform were manufactured and installed for $4500. Ray Stoss in Caledon East, Ont. owns tempest boats and does custom work at his farm. He travelled to Port Severn to do the install. He took the old platform off and used it as a template for the new platform. The stairs he designed from scratch. ph 416-606-5705 ill send photos of platform and stairs this week.
Do you mean you have a 6' swim platform? That's a lot of platform. Do you have a photo of the stairs on your boat?
Have you pursued this any further Phillip? Maybe if we both ordered them the price might come down....
I thought about this a little, when you throttle full forward, what effect does the extended platform have on performance and is there any drag issue prior to planning out? It seems to me that there may be a problem, just curious!
No issue with performance. For an express boat I don't think I would be getting a 6' platform. For an aft cabin no issues. There is now 3 carvers in the marina with this platform. Most liveable space on a boat.
I have posted photos before of my 1988 4207 that has been refitted with a 1995 440 spiral staircase. t
Phillip, I realize this post is very dated. But I’m looking for the same sort of idea for my 1992 carver 33 aft cabin, for my own dog! Did you ever find a practical solution that worked for you ?
Hi Annie, did you ever figure something out? We are looking into a Chris Craft with a small platform and only a ladder up. My two big dogs can't get on so unless I figure out something, I won't be buying it.