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Fort Lauderdale Boat Show Cancelled?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by K1W1, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    I have just been asked by a colleague if I had heard that the show had been canceled completely. He had heard rumours from another shipyard that this was the case.

    Can anyone verify this?


  2. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    I have not heard a confirmation but I see no alternative.

    No electricity
    Hotels damaged
    huge amount of cancellations even before the storm came ashore
  3. Hawk

    Hawk Senior Member

    Jul 19, 2005
    Vancouver BC
    I'm a little torn in writing this post. Firstly I sympathize with all the people in the effected areas and know that their priorities are likely a little scattered right now. The damaging effects from Hurricane Wilma far out stripped anyone’s expectations and really caught a lot of people on their back foot. That being said, as an exhibitor at FLIBS I’m extremely disappointed that there has not been an official update as to the status of the show. Although power and phones are greatly affected, it takes but one cell phone call to the local Sun-Sentinel newspaper to give an update or an email to a great site such as Yacht Forums. Given what we are seeing on the news, even if the show goes ahead the damage to the other infrastructures in the Ft Lauderdale will greatly impact the decision of potential buyers to attend the show. We as exhibitors expend a lot of money to attend these shows and notice of delays or cancellations must be forthcoming ASAP
  4. marinesouth

    marinesouth New Member

    Oct 21, 2005
    Knoxville, TN
  5. taobsu

    taobsu New Member

    May 12, 2005
    northeast, usa
    No firm word yet! but might postponed to Spring 2006

    "Hurricane Wilma Update: Ft Lauderdale International Boat Show May Be Postponed to Spring 2006"

    Yacht Vacations & Charters Magazine's editor-at-large writes: On Sunday night, based on the two-day delayed opening of the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the International Superyacht Society (ISS) announced its revised schedule with regard to its host of activities held annually during the event.

    On Monday noon, it was apparent that two main hotels of the Ft Lauderdale International Boat Show, Sheraton Yankee Clipper and Radisson Bahia Mar Hotel suffered worse damage than aniticipated, some windows blown away, and no power in the area.

    "If they can't get the power back on and repair the damage by Wednesday morning, I can't see how they will continue with the show this year," said Billy Smith of Trinity Yachts. Smith was in the West Palm Beach area as the hurricane hit Monday morning. Trinity Yachts, the largest American superyacht builder, has a number of superyachts in the region to participate at this year's show and they have always presented one of the largest superyacht exhibits at the Ft Lauderdale International Boat Show.

    Before the hurricane Wilma hit Florida earlier this morning, the last known schedule change for the world's largest boat show was that it was pushed back for two days.

    Late Monday morning it became apparent that the Broward County, where Ft Lauderdale is located, received worse than anticipated damage from the hurricane. It was unknown if there would be additional changes to the boat show schedule or it will be pushed back to next Spring.

    The extend of the damage on the boats and vendor exhibits which were already in Ft Lauderdale was also unknown Monday morning. At the time of this report, the boat show Website was down (, most likely due to the wide spread power outgaes in the region. YV&C news desk was unable to reach the Show Management to find out more information this morning. Power outages were reported on the East Coast of Florida, between Miami through West Palm Beach.
  6. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Thanks for the replies.

    I just spoke to a yacht Captain in Ft Lauderdale who told me of some of the extent of the damage to the infrastructure. If it is as bad as we see in the press and from personal on the ground accounts surely Show Management must realise that people come to FLL from all over the world for this show and they owe it to their exhibitors and guests/visitors to announce the facts ASAP.

    I was supposed to travel today and others from here are scheduled to leave tomorrow, I am now scheduled to travel Thursday and some others are rescheduled to go Friday. This costs the company who are major exhibitors a lot of money to get everyone there and get setup, I think the support to all visitors and exhibitors is poor to put it mildly.

    I hope they(Show Management) issue an official statment soon so we can decide what to do and when to do it.


  7. Hawk

    Hawk Senior Member

    Jul 19, 2005
    Vancouver BC
    From what we are getting on the news and is available on the net, it appears the damage is pretty wide spread and all encompassing. Will Fort Lauderdale be ready to host this prestigious event or will it go down in history as the 2005 show that should have had the plug pulled on it. I expect value for money and if the show is going to be a half hearted effort with little attendance from both exhibitors and buyers it would seem good risk management for future events to start damage control right now.

    I, like K1W1 was due to fly out Today (Tuesday) but I’m now rescheduled for Thursday. Come on “Showmanagement” the clock is ticking.

    Hey K1W1, I’m from Auckland what’s your home port?
  8. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    I feel its a safe bet to say the show will be cancelled. Even if Show MAnagement could set up the docks and tents who is going to travel to Ft Lauderdale at this time? I cancelled my hotel and travel arrangements.

    Our boats were stopped by insurance issues traveling from the NE US while a hurricane was immentent.

    Hopefully Show Management has insurance, we all get our money back and get ready for Miami.
  9. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Hawk, I am originally from New Lynn, Auckland.

    I haven't lived there since 1983.
  10. Hawk

    Hawk Senior Member

    Jul 19, 2005
    Vancouver BC

    I left Takapuna in '82,
  11. taobsu

    taobsu New Member

    May 12, 2005
    northeast, usa
    Show will not open Saterday!

    Show will not open Saterday!

    Just called Showmanagement. The lady answer the phone told me the show will not open on Saterday (Oct29) as announced before the storm hit (Friday evening). They havn't reach decision yet as to cancel or further pospone the event. There will be a formal announcement coming out sometime tomorrow as they are still assess the damage now.
  12. taobsu

    taobsu New Member

    May 12, 2005
    northeast, usa
    Their website is still down. But they can be reached at 954-527-9332
  13. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    This thread in the General forum has a post with regards to the show. Things look grim, and not just for the yachts.
  14. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Here is the latest news via IBI, actually saying the same thing we already heard, that the Show is postponed until further notice.

    Let´s also keep all further info on this subject within this thread to make it easier to get things straight.
  15. Yachtguymke

    Yachtguymke Senior Member

    May 8, 2004
    New Hampshire
    Show Management

    Just talked to Show Management about when the show would open or even if it would open at all. I need to change my tickets sooner than later. The lady said they will definetly not be open this weekend. They couldn't give me a defintive answer as to if there would be a show at all.
  16. talkingstone

    talkingstone New Member

    May 29, 2004
    British Columbia, Canada
    Show Postponed Indefinitely


    Lauderdale show postponed indefinitely

    The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show has been postponed until further notice after a stronger-than-expected Hurricane Wilma pummeled South Florida, the Show Management office said today.

    Officials say Wilma was the worst hurricane to hit the area in 50 years.

    A Category 3 with 115 mph winds, the hurricane on Monday crashed into the southwestern coast then raced toward Miami-Dade and Broward counties on the state’s Atlantic coast, ripping off roofs, flooding streets and knocking down power lines. Local sources say the area is devastated.

    Reached this morning by cell phone, show organizer Kaye Pearson says crews started clean-up efforts at the show sites Monday afternoon after the fast-moving Wilma went offshore. Pearson had indicated this morning he may have more specific information later today, but around noontime the show office was advising callers that the show had been postponed. A temporary show office has been set up in a trailer on site, which is equipped with six working telephone lines. The number to call for information is (954) 527-9332.

    Show Management’s Web site was not operational today but information also will be posted on the county’s Web site,, Margaret Stapleton of Broward County Emergency Operations Center said today. The show last week was postponed from Wednesday until Saturday in anticipation of the storm. Even if the show goes on, several related events have been cancelled.

    The area’s major airports — Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood and Miami International — are closed until further notice. Even when the airports are opened, travelers are advised to contact their airlines, since some flights might not be operating.

    Some 6 million customers are without power and officials say it could be four weeks before it is restored. Many communities are without water. The city of Fort Lauderdale is under a boil water restriction.

    The Fort Lauderdale Police Department has issued a 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew until further notice. Miami-Dade county residents have an 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. Other communities have curfews as well, and Coral Springs also has a ban on alcohol sales until further notice.

    Most schools and businesses are closed. The Fort Lauderdale beach today is closed.

    Should the big boat show not go on, it will be a blow to the industry but not an insurmountable one, says the nation's biggest boatbuilder. "The loss of any boat show is unfortunate for all of us, but the industry has proven to be resilient in all cases and it could overcome the loss of the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, if that were to happen," said Dustan E. McCoy, president of the Brunswick Boat Group, in a statement.

    Broward County officials today say that recovery is a priority. Some 15 sites have been designated as distribution points for water, ice and tarps. Emergency management officials are urging residents to stay off the roadways while cleanup crews remove debris from the street. Traffic signals are without power and crews are working to clear debris from the streets.

    President Bush on Monday declared parts of Florida a major disaster area, paving the way for federal funds to help with clean-up efforts.

    — JoAnn W. Goddard
  17. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    The post above is the third time we refer to the same message. Please read through what is already said before posting, it is hard enough to keep track on what is the latest news...:)
  18. Hawk

    Hawk Senior Member

    Jul 19, 2005
    Vancouver BC
    Great thread guys, I think this string has helped a lot of people.

    This show involves so many international participants and leaving only a few days for them to decide whether to go or not is a little inappropriate. I think it was pretty clear that the right thing to do after witnessing the destruction was to pull the plug. The financial exposure to “Showmanagement” must be weighing heavily on their minds and I’m sure that has had some influence on the decision making process. Let’s hope the now indicated postponement is a fact and rescheduling and mitigating the fallout from this postponement can begin

    I wish nothing but good fortune for “Showmanagement” and look forward to the next world class event put on by this company. The logistics to reschedule this show I’m sure will be a mammoth task, but if anyone can pull it off I’m confident it will be Kaye and his team.
  19. marinesouth

    marinesouth New Member

    Oct 21, 2005
    Knoxville, TN
    Trade Credentials

    I wonder if we will get a refund on our trade credentials? I'm guessing no. And sorry to all of you who have put considerable time and expense that cannot be refunded.:(
  20. Hawk

    Hawk Senior Member

    Jul 19, 2005
    Vancouver BC
    Latest update from Sun-Sentinal newspaper

    FORT LAUDERDALE – Hurricane Wilma on Tuesday claimed another victim when the organizer said the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show has been forced to delay and consolidate its opening.

    The boat show was scheduled to open this coming weekend at several sites along the Intracoastal Waterway and run for five days. It will now be compressed into four days and run a week later, said organizer Kaye Pearson.
    The show will begin Nov. 3, a Thursday and run through Sunday, he said.

    He said several boats were damaged by Wilma's winds, but no one was injured.

    Pearson, president of Yachting Promotions Inc., said running water should not be a concern for boat show goers.

    And he is hoping power has been restored by then. If not, he said, the show would use generator's to supply electricity.

    "The show is obviously important to the entire industry … They are very anxious for the show to continue," he said.