My Bad, I thought when Carl posted that the scammer was removed he had cleaned up he thread and knocked a couple of posts off.
In some case, that's exactly what I do. I'm pretty careful when it comes to stripping threads, but I've screwed up a few too. I'm probably most careful with K1W1's posts. If you ever saw the size of this guy, you'd understand why!
The present Captain of Princess Marianna posted a message on (I think) Dockwalk or Triton stating that the ads for PM are fraudulant.
All scams should be reported, even if a repeat, to the US Treasury. Folks may also check on scams at the same website: My former employer received endless e-mails, mainly Nigeria-based, with concocted stories targeted to high net-worth individuals. Every one of them I reported to US Treasury. Sound advice on any e-mail offers or requests is to check it out before you act. Be safe.
Hi, That link you posts opens a page after you click to report Internet solicitations where the url differs from what is shown in your ink and it doesn't look like it belongs to a genuine US Govt website at all. A Google for the US Treasury shows up a similar but different url. Are you sure that isn't a scam?
ic3 is a public/private alliance to combat fraud and crime conducted via the internet. It's quite legitimate, and you will quite assuredly get an eventual visit from local or federal law enforcement authorities as a result of you turning up on the ic3 watch list. While primarily staffed privately, ic3 is bestowed a .gov domain because it acts under the authority, and with the full powers, of the FBI here in the US.
Unfortunately, most of these scams originate from Nigeria & Russia which, although they have severe penalties on the books for this crime, seldom take action. I heard the other day that the US is starting to investigate whether there are organized efforts underway to attack national economies. It's about time this was looked into as a form of warfare.
You may also go to, or begin at a US government starting page and navigate through. It will lead you to the same IC3 site. Thank you Seafarer and NYCAP123. Thank you K1W1 for heeding advice and checking further...a perfect example of checking out links & information. Sadly, these sites DO NOT appear as official as they could, leading only to more uncertainty.
scam hi i had load of emails from some guy calling him self capt lampard offering me a job on the princess mariana. he ask me to apply for a visa and work permit which was going to cost me £1000. i never did so be careful of this guy
Employment Scam, Be Aware. HEY GUYS & GALS, Got sent this email. read through it carefully so you dont get fooled by it. I personally know the captain of the M/Y Princess Mariana, she is based in the states not the u.k, hence how i know its a scam. This is the message: My name is Capt. terry Anthony, 40 Years Old from United Kingdom. Iwork with PRINCESS MARIANA - Luxury Motor Yacht in United Kingdom.Weare seeking applicants to work on the new year-round UNITED KINGDOMflagged Passenger ship. Its a private own yacht,We have a total of 13 yacht. 7 new ones. This is the reason why we are seeking for more crew members. You should tell me where you're fit in. We still have vacancy for beiginner assistant captain, engineer, deckhand, chef, babysitting and so on. I believe you are the right person for the joband i want to assure you that you will not regret working with us, we shall treat you asone of our family.You know U.K is a very Large country where everyone will like to visit.There is so much for you to achieve here in U.K. You should be interested in working with us, because we are a private own yacht, the salary range starting from 3,700 sterling pound depending on your postevery month Saturdays and Sundays is your off day. You should be responsible, able to maintain a consistent schedule with my crew, have a loving attitude and patience, along with high energy.You should be a self-starter with a sense of humor and maturity.You need to betolerant and understanding. Above all, you need to have a true interest in the job you are employ to do full time.I want to point our something clear here, because we have a place where all the crew member resides. If you prefer living out let me know so that preparation can be made before your arrival.If you want to live out your bedroom is on a separate floor from the flat so you'll have your own privacy. Its includes bathroom and private bedroom with cable, internet, laptop, and DVD/VCR. It's important that you are happy and comfortable in our home. Do you havethe necessary papers needed for you to travel to U.K.if not i will recommend you to travel consultant that will assist you to get the necessary document because without the document ...they would not allow you to enter U.K. They assist my company in processing visas for staffs, work permit, tax clearance and all related documents to their foreign employers . kindly contact and let them know that you've been offered a job here in U.K are from by Bridlington Yacht Club, explain to them all you need for traveling to U.K.write me on my e-mail address:
Another Scam SILVER STAR SHIPPING COMPANY APPOINTMENT LETTER N0: APTNUMB: SSCL/0021132 Attention: XXXX XXXXX The Management and staff of Silver Stars Shipping Company would like to congratulate you on your prospective employment with us. Your resume was just screened and approved by the board, also your contract is being prepared by our legal department, and will be forwarded to you during your employment procedure. Attached to this email is your Appointment Letter, please kindly go through it and you accept terms and conditions to take up employment with Silver Stars Shipping Company, kindly fill the forms and sign it and also kindly fill in this part on the contract letter form. You will contact the company official travel agents immediately to make your travel arrangements to London for your interview and contract signing, also the company will bear the responsibility of taking all new applicants on a 3 weeks crash program on marine safety and survivor techniques in London after which you will fly to France to join the vessel. Flight expenses from London to join the Vessel in France will be covered by the company. Your Resumption Date/Monthly Salary/ position is listed below please read and fill them on the Contract Agreement form after reading. Employment Resumption Date: 14Th January 2010. Employee Full Name: XXXX XXXXXXX Position: CAPTAIN Monthly Salary: £4800 Pounds The ship's facts and figures: Ship Name: THE ESTEY Flag: Panama Gross Tonnage: 83,800grt Length x Breadth: 124 m X 14 m Speed recorded (Max / Average): 12.1 / 9.3 knots Number of Stabilizers: 3 set Bow & Stern Thrusters: 3 Full Satellite Navigation System: 2 Total Crew: 82 Kindly Contact our Employment Travel Agent in London For The Processing of your Traveling Papers,via email. Below is our official Travel Agents' contact information: Avalon Travels And Tours UK United Kingdom Immigration Consultancy Firm 30 Leicester, Square WC2H 7LA, Tel: Hot Line +44 (0)703 186 7360 Fax: +44 (0)703 186 8439 Email: Regards, Florence Romanos (Director of employment) Silver Star Shipping Co. Ltd Tel: +44 703 184 0292
Hi, I have also been contacted by this crook. What made me suspicious was the fee with Western Union and the quick handleing of the visa. I contacted the Brittish Embassy and they told me at least 6 months handling time. Best regards capt. BJ Gadler
Todays Lucky winner....Me. UK-SOUTH AFRICA LOTTERY ORGANIZATION TICKET FREE/ONLINE E-MAIL ADDRESS WINNINGS DEPARTMENT. UK-SOUTH AFRICA LOTTO ONLINE WINNINGS NOTIFICATION OF US$4.6M. If you are the correct owner of this email address,Be glad this day as the result of the UK-SOUTH AFRICA Lottery Online E-mail Winnings draws and sweepstakes held in SOUTH AFRICA on the 28th September 2013 has just been released and we are glad to announce to you that your e-mail address has won you the lottery in the first category and you are entitled to claim the sum of US$4.6M. Your email address was entered for the online draw on Lucky numbers KW9-283LMA-22, You are to contact Mr.Jonathan Mobo on the below email address for quick delivery of your won cheque of US$4.6M. All winners cheque are certified cashiers and are cashable in any country of any part of the world. Your official first and last names Full address & country name Telephone and mobile numbers Lucky numbers Month of draw, Age and Sex Occupation & Job title Contact Agent: Mr. Jonathan Mobo Email-Address: ( Phone: +27-74761-9872 Fax:+27-86-556-1795 Yours Truly, Co-ordinator. UK-SOUTH AFRICA LOTTERY ORGANIZATION
Wimp. Thought they designed a brass monkey to accommodate yours?
One of Many Nigerian Scams in South Africa. We have a big problem with Nigerian Scams in SA. It's not just the scams but they also run the prostetusion and drug cartels.
Oh the misspellings, bad grammar, dodgy punctuation are done deliberately to reduce the scammers' work flow. "Nigerian scam letters include carefully designed flaws, complete with misspellings and pidgin English, in order to weed out the intelligent and leave only the most vulnerable targets, new research says..." Nigerian scams 'deliberately misspelled' | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News