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Moving up to 50/54 Bertram or Hatteras 55

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by searage, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. searage

    searage Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    South Miami, Florida
    I purchased a 48' 1988 Hatteras FBSF in 2010. We use the boat as a part-time liveaboard. We have really enjoyed living on the boat so we are now thinking about moving up to something more comfortable. I know that the market for SportFish Yachts is slow. Ideally I would be interested in trading up. If anyone on the forums has any leads please let me know. Although I like the layout of the Betram 50 I dont really think it would add that much more room. The Betram 54 is roomier. I was also impressed with the Hatteras 55 closet space in the master as well as the accessibility to the outboard side of the engines. I would also welcome any suggestions. Thank you!
  2. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    I do not have leads other than checking the many boat listings available on yacht world, but my vote would be for the 54 Bertram. Maybe less closet space, but certainly a better (and dryer) rough water boat.
  3. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Others on this forum will know better than I, but I've read that some Bertram's have had delamination problems. Check knowledgeable people for the year you are interested in. Good shopping. Great time to be a buyer
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    You may need to determine if your really in need of a sport cruiser, sport fish sedan, motor yacht or cockpit motor yacht. Then compare similar brands.
    Your happily on a '88 Hat and want to move up. Maybe older yachts don't bother you.
    Many of us here own / run older Berts & Hats and we could arm wrestle all day. I'm a ole Bert guy but I have to warn you, Unless your a high performance sport fish freak, lean away from FEB's a lil longer.
    It you fit, the ole Hat 58 YF still is my favorite. Just wish I could fit (6'8", 300 lbs).
  5. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    So what 50/54" Bertram (some???) has had the issue you are referencing - I am assuming you are making a reference to Ferretti built versus pre-Ferretti ownership of Bertram?

    Why muddy the waters when I would bet that the 54' Bertrams combined have more rough seas under their keels than most any other competitor in that class (+/- 1') ?
  6. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Sorry I muddied the waters. As I said I don't have all the info. I was just passing on what I had heard to a prospective purchaser. If it doesn't apply to the boats the OP is lookIng at, ignore it ???
  7. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    Beau really isnt muddying the waters.

    Bertram is a great boat with a iconic history and reputation.
    I think the 54B is a great boat.

    However; it is a fact that Bertram has had recent construction issues, the company is struggling to recover, and has recently moved to a new location.

    My personal opinion is that the Bertram brand will survive and remain as one of the top three in the SF market.

    BTW, Many very good SF's have gone through similar transitions.

    If I were looking for a 50-60 SF I would still consider a Bertram, but I would want to be well educated on any potential issues or history of issues whith any boat brand.

    YF is a a good place to get educated.
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Grab some hours, put on a pot of coffee, do some serious searching of past threads.
    There is gobs of information here. There is allot of personal emotions also that sometimes gets carried aweigh but it's meant for the better.

    Good luck.
  9. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    I enjoy the room and layout of my Bertram 54 ... love the feel and visibility from the helm. Mine is a 1984 ... long before the Feretti years. It costs just as much to fix up an old one as it would to purchase a much newer one so that is something to consider. If you are considering a 54, I would also consider up to 65 footer as well:)
  10. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    read some of Bayside Bert's posts.....

    he knows the deal.....

    I hope to meet up with him some day and buy him a beverage in in Belfast, Camden, or Portland......
  11. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    I agree that Yacht Forums is a great place to continue your boating education. After 24 years in the Industry, I still learn from all the posters.

    I would just add that if you know a fact feel free to state it, like the Bertram that had the well documented delam issue or the other issues that have been documented on this and other forums as well.

    But I fail to see the connection to what I consider the classic Bertrams (pre-Ferretti) and consider it somewhat misleading to readers to group these failures in one Bertram basket. It then just becomes inneundo or guilt by association and doesn't stand up to the facts that many of us know to be true.

    If the 50/54' has or had issues, go ahead and state them and we can all discuss the merits of those revelations, but saying year 2000+ xx' Bertram had a catastrophic failure and beware of year 1988 xx' Bertram does not provide the level of education I'd expect on this forum. ;)
  12. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    You're on ... based at Belfast, Maine for the summer starting around June 20 as the kids are still in grade school. Can't wait for longer summers!
  13. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    The OP has a 1988 Hatt but hasn't told us what year Bert he's considering. So IMO it's up to him to decide whether the snippet of info supplied is relevant.
  14. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto
    I've owned all three boats that you're considering at one time or another. The 55 hat is much larger down below but seems to have a smaller main salon as Hatteras gave the boat wider decks along the house than Bertram did. The fifty is obviously a smaller boat and I wouldn't consider one that's powered with 8v92's, it's simply too much boat for too little motor. There were several built with 12v71's and a few with MAN's, these 50's were far superior to the 8v92 boats.

    You didn't specify what year boats you were looking at so as always I'd tell you to get the newest one that you could afford. With the 54's anything 1987 or newer means the newer flybridge, the pre '87 54's had a shorter bridge skirt and slightly different salon windows that date the boat. If you get a '95 or newer 54' you get a whole new deck, flybridge and console with a much nicer interior arrangement, obviously the '95 and newer boats will cost you substantially more than the older ones.

    If you're looking at the 55' Hatteras, there's plenty of good deals around, personally I like the newer bridge and window styling of the '87 or newer boats.

    What it comes down to IMO is going to be sea trialing the two boats and see which ride you like better. My experience is that they're two totally different boats, from ride, looks, interior arrangements to their sea keeping abilities. Either way, they're both good boats.
  15. searage

    searage Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    South Miami, Florida
    I really appreciate everyones input. I would like an 1987 - 1989, can anyone tell me if these still use 32v systems? Are the hulls cored? Thanks again.
  16. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Do a search, there are numerous threads on later model.....say 2003 and newer Bertrams with pictures and etc. with catastrophic structural issues.

    As to the other poster on 32 volt systems. I don't know when Bertram switched electricity. Hatteras did around 1987, Bertram should be right around that time I would imagine.
  17. searage

    searage Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    South Miami, Florida
    i sold the boat so the search for a new one is on. We intend on using our new boat as a full-time live aboard so space is important but we want to stay with a sport fish.

    i took Bayside Berts advice and looked up to a 65'. :)

    Some folks have told me that it is difficult to find dockage for boats that are above 60'. The marina manager said the same thing and also added that it could be a problem when traveling abroad.

    After reading Bayside Berts threads and other various post i must say that i am inclined to look for something newer. i dont mind an older boat and would consider one, however, my intention is to keep it running and replace things as needed. I don't want to restore a classic. i have already done that before and when you add up all of the bills you end up figuring out that you could have bought something newer. I know that you are always going to have to replace something. The main reason for wanting something newer is having more modern 4 stroke power, 24/12 volt systems, updated and more spacious interiors, overall age and condition of systems.

    The question is build quality. I like the 54 and 60 Bertram with the Cat 3412. I also looked at a 65' Donzi and really liked the boat but engine room access was tight (16V92). I have also looked at a 58' Viking which has good space and excellent engine room access. However, this one is equipped with Mans. My mechanic recommended the Cats and said that the Mans would be more $$ to service. Parts are also more expensive and may not be readily available.

    Always excellent information on this forum. i am looking forward to everyones comments and recommendations.
  18. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Looking at similar needs to you (well except the sport fish part), Hatteras fit nicely for me in the larger boat and coming in at 60'.

    As to the docking issue, I've looked at docking available when traveling along the coast and even some rivers. Honestly, there are fewer options as you get larger, true whether you're talking 30 to 40, 60 to 70. or 100 to 120. Plus the cost of docking increases. However, I haven't found anywhere in the US that crossing the 60' line would suddenly eliminate destinations. Maybe takes a bit more planning, but someone can accommodate.

    Now, I did find over 60' to be more of an issue in my research around Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. But between Bertram, Hatteras, and Viking, you look at marinas catering to sports fishermen and they have plenty of accommodations for 60'+.
  19. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    With the understanding that a refit of one of the older Bertram, Hatteras, Viking boats is going to cost big bucks, have you developed a list of boats you are looking at?

    Dock space is not the problem:)
  20. searage

    searage Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    South Miami, Florida
    Yes, i am looking at a late 90's Viking and the 58' has a great layout. The Bertram 60 with the cat 3412. I also considered a 65' Donzi but this is a late 80's boat with 16V92's.