We saw her running down Lake St. Clair Wednesday, she was awesome at speed. sorry for my low res zoom in iphone photo.
New 48 Meter Palmer Johnson First Palmer Johnson 48-meter SuperSport Shell emerges The first hull in the brand new Palmer Johnson 48-meter SuperSport carbon composite series emerged in the open recently in Norway. The new series was announced at the Monaco Yacht Show last year and now we get a glimpse of how she will appear in reality. The vessel is just the shell of the yacht and now has to be outfitted. She is enroute to the Palmer Johnson yard in the United States for outfitting and completion. She is up bound Welland Canal today.
Here are the guys who invented that bow, our famous good old roman friends . A roman Trireme, app. 400 B.C.
M/Y Independence Took down M/Y Independece 1986 82' Burger ex Motivation down Welland Canal on Sunday on her way to her new home in Sanibel Island Florida, she has never been out of the Great Lakes.
Independence stopped by the GPYC last weekend on her way to you, she is in excellent condition. FYI I'm pretty sure she is a 1996. Hope you are having a good summer Rodger, keep the Canal pics coming!
M/Y Independence My mistake yes she was a 1996,, she had less than a thousand hours on her she looked like she just came out of the factory. Starting this Monday there will be approx. 15 Tall Ships coming to the Great Lakes. They are now in Lake Ontario ports and will star coming up the Welland Canal this Monday, commemorating War of 1812. Will post pictures of the as they come through. TSC 2013 GREAT LAKES TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE® Series Official Blog
Sailboat Silverlining Up bound Welland Canal today is sailboat Silverlining from Hong Kong going to Thunder Bay Ontario. 34.0M (111.55 X 7.0M (22.97') Phuket Lifestyle: Dream voyage with Silver Lining
I did not know that Motivation had been sold. Thats to bad, She was one of the larger boats that came into Saugatuck, MI often if not most of the summer. I hope that her new owners get as much joy out of her as the past family did. It will be cool to see if a Motivation II is on the way.
M/Y Mimi M/Y Mimi up bound Welland Canal today heading for Chicago. 1977 Burger formerly Arara III 39.60M (129'11") X 7.5 M (24' 9")
Be careful crossing canal bridges Around 14:30 hrs. today two tourist from Florida were crossing the bridge at lock one on the Welland Canal and did not make it. The tourist jumped out of truck just before truck was crushed by bridge. No one was hurt. Truck was new last January.
New Neptunus A new Neptunus yacht was delivered to ship yard at Welland Canal below lock one last Monday from the factory. Not sure of her size will find out next week when they splash her she is around 60'.
Lady janet Lady Janet formerly Scott Free 47.85 M (156.988') X 9.0 M (29.521') up bound Welland Canal lock three.
Great pics of Lady Janet, I think she is on her way into Cleveland, accoriding to AIS. I really miss running Yachts in the Great Lakes and visiting all the great places before heading back South for the Winter.
Motor Yacht BAYOU Motor yacht BAYOU 38.0 M (124') was up bound Welland Canal today. Motor yacht BLUUE MOON is due at the canal after lunch.
M/Y Diva Took 82' M/Y Diva down canal today . She is a NISI and was shipped to the Great Lakes on a ship this spring and spent the summer here and now returning south out the Sea Way.
It may be just the angles, but she seems small for 82', or at least how it is interpreted. Good looking, non-the-less. With the large Volvo IPS, it will be fun to match this one with Lars' Delta. Rodger, you got some bird crap on that transom shot.