Have had a large Danforth Fluke for years and had good success. Wanted to change to a Delta Plow (fixed). Lake Lanier, GA. soft mud, clay and such (fresh water) Should I do it? It sure would look and fit the pulpit better... Like overnighting on the hook... Thanks,
If it ain't broken, don't fix it! If the danforth is working for you, stick with it... I don't like deltas in soft mud but they can dig in hard stuff and grass
Stick with the Danforth for that bottom and that boat, but you might want to add more chain depending how much you already have. BTW, don't you just love to get suggestions that tell you NOT to spend money?
Stick with the Danforth. I switched from a plow to the Danforth in a previous boat specifically for the soft mud found in inland lakes. With the plow, that's just what we did; plowed furrows across the lake. Kept the same anchor for the current 55' even though it is probably undersized, yet anchor with confidence not felt with the plow. if you are having trouble holding with your current Danforth, it's probably due to insufficient scope, not a problem with the anchor design.
Thanks for the anchor advise I think you all are right, change is not always good, I'll keep what I have until I break it or loose it. Thanks, you all confirmed what my little voice was telling me!!!! Keep the old hook and fix something else!!!
Heard good things about a plow anchor, so switched from a Danforth. The plow wouldn't hold, so we switched back to a Danforth Super Hooker, and no problems ever again; super strong hold. We did go one step heavier though; a 16 lb was spec'd for a 32' boat, but not really; we have been using a 26 or so lb for our 32'AC, and holds strongly, even in high winds.