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All is Lost - Official Trailer (2013) "alone at sea"

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by zeeshan66, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. zeeshan66

    zeeshan66 New Member

    Nov 8, 2009

    All is Lost Trailer...

    "Alone at sea." Roadside Attractions have debuted the full theatrical trailer for J.C. Chandor's All is Lost, the lost at sea film starring Robert Redford and only Robert Redford. This takes place entirely in the Indian Ocean with Redford navigating his damaged sailboat and attempting to survive being lost. I first saw this at the Cannes Film Festival and fell head over heels for it, so much so that I went to go to see it a second time (in my Cannes review: "it's grueling, thrilling, meticulous, inspiring and most importantly, moving"). This trailer does a great job selling the emotion. I highly recommend it as one of my favorite films this year.

    Here's the full theatrical trailer for J.C. Chandor's All is Lost, originally from Yahoo:

    Chandor's All Is Lost is a "man vs. nature" drama, apparently starring only Redford himself. It looks like his boat hits a storm, as details only say it's about "getting lost at sea and struggling against the elements to stay alive" or "a journey of one man's fight to survive." Chandor and Redford just finished shooting at Baja Studios in Rosarito, Mexico in their water tank. It was produced by Before The Door Pictures' Neal Dodson & Washington Square Films' Anna Gerb with Justin Nappi & Teddy Schwarzman. Lionsgate and Roadside Attractions will release All Is Lost later this year, but no official date has been set. Read my Cannes review.

    Must Watch: Full Trailer for 'All is Lost' Starring Only Robert Redford |
  2. Pelagic Dreams

    Pelagic Dreams Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Land locked for now
    Here is a question, do modern radar systems issue an alert if it detects a collision course with a target? Would it even see the half submerged container as a potential collision threat?
    That trailer is some scary stuff right there. I would love to see this film.
    Party on,
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Yes they do if you have a perimeter alarm set. AIS will also do it. But again, you have to use it. I once cruised with an owner who got upset when I put an EBL (electonic bearing line) on a ship that was entering the Delaware River as we were crossing it on the ocean. Basicallly if the bearing to a moving object doesn't change you're going to collide. He didn't know how to take it off and was afraid it would be on his screen permanently. So of course I taught him how simple it is to put on and take off.
    When I put it on the ship was about 6 miles off. When they got about 3 miles away I got a radio call from them asking my intentions and I let him know I had an EBL on him and would pass just about 1/2 mile ahead of his bow. Then my owner understood why I did it.

    As for what it will pick up, I've picked up seagulls sitting in the water on a calm night. If it can "see" it, and you have it tuned right, it will show it. AIS however requires that both boats have AIS.

    Sailboats however are notorious for not having their radios and radar, etc. turned on because it drains their batteries, which require running the generator or motor to recharge and that burns fuel.
  4. Pelagic Dreams

    Pelagic Dreams Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Land locked for now
    That's a great answer. Thanks for educating me. In the scenario you described you had the other ship on your radar or AIS and took the steps to track it.
    As for the container afloat with no one at the helm of your boat.....if say the radar was set at a 10 mile radius and it noted the container position...would you have had to preset "collision alarm" mode for it to notify you of a threat? Or would that be an automatic feature?
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Yes you would set up a perimeter alarm, Basically a big electronic circle around your boat. Anything that breaks the beam would trigger the alarm. HOWEVER, on most recreational boats they are too low for the radar to be effective against something sitting as low in the water as a container, except at close range. Radar can't look through waves. AIS would have no effect as they send a signal which is received by another AIS box. It requires both vessels to have it. The container wouldn't be equipped with it. Radar sends out a beam that reflects off objects and it measures the time it takes for the trip out and back to calculate the object's distance. If it's within that circle the alarm sounds.
  6. MountainGuy

    MountainGuy Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Isn't a Forward Looking Sonar exactly the thing to use to detect a submerged container? I saw such things on the sites of farsounder, echopilot ant I think even companies like Garmin offer them...
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    No. They're for scanning the bottom ahead of you. I've only run one boat with it, but found it rater useless even for that. There is a side scan that the military, etc. uses for detecting thing brought in under boats, but I doubt you'll find that on any recreational boats.