The OP was looking to get his boat from one local to another local. He wanted to find a captain. Some folks might call that transporting the boat; some might call it sailing (much more likely if it's a sailboat); some might call it moving the boat; some would call it delivering the boat. If you google "yacht delivery" and "yacht transport" you'll find some mixing of the terminology. No need to be rude to someone who does not use the same terminology that you utilize in your local. Some folks have varying ideas of what rude is. I wouldn't suppose that the yacht owner cares who the captain of the delivery is if the yacht delivery company shows professionalism and a past history of satisfied customers. Do you ask who the driver of the truck is when it's moved over land? In that quick google I found at least 6 companies which will competently move/transport/deliver your GB. I'm sure the OP will be able to sift thru them and find what they are looking for, and of course they could go to the appropriate page here and ask for companies or private individuals to submit a proposal to move the boat from A to B.
Words Never heard of a Captain doing a "Yacht transport" but heard a lot doing "Yacht deliveries". Keep taking the medication Ed, we all need to take that chill pill sometimes, some more than others on here but I am with you on this.
Lol... Indeed I may have misunderstood your initial reply, maybe it s a Canuck thing but to most people, transport means either on a truck or on a cargo ship... Not worth arguing About it though... Enjoy your boat ride!
59' Grand Banks yes a 59' Grand Banks should get down the Erie canal as I had a client about eight years ago brought his 59' Grand Banks to the great lakes. You can rent a crane at Albany and Oswego to remove equipment to get down the Erie Canal. It will save you 1500 miles.
Hope margo123 was able to survive this thread to read Rodger's post.
He got his direct answer in posts 6 & 7. Everything else was education which he didn't ask for but many will probably benefit from.
Dear Sir, I write in response to your request for a skipper to take captaincy of your newly acquired Grand Banks 59', and would like to express an interest in this position. I am an experienced yachtsman holding RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean (commercially endorsed). I have a lot of experience sailing Grand Banks and Traders around the waters of the United Kingdom and I have sailed on the US eastern seaboard between Newport Mass & Portland Maine as bosun/mate on 63' Alaskan Motor Yacht and Rockport Maine to St Lucia as skipper aboard an Amel 53' ketch. I hold a current US B1/B2 visa. I would be happy to assist in your proposed voyage to the Great Lakes. Please contact me for further details, professional references and my curriculum vitae. Kind regards Vincent E Merton Esq Kent, Olde England
This may be way to late but what is the height on the boat?? Can you get it under 22 feet?? What about the Erie Canal??
KKreicker1, you know my intentions, and doing this would be a great little trip to get started again!!!!!
I would write anybody a letter of recommendation for you. All is well and I would hire you 10 times over.
GB delivery I sent you a PM yesterday regarding the delivery but I would assume your on your way already. The Erie is the way to go if you can get the boat under 22 feet for the East side of the canal unless you want to take the longer scenic route. I'm also available if you need crew and have done the trip twice in the last two years. I'm located in Florida, hold a USCG 200 Ton near coastal with 35+ years experience. Cheers
Margo Keep trying here at this forum. Its a great spot. Sooner or later someone will jump on to give you substantive info on your question. Enjoy that GB59! Whoops. Disregard. I didn't realize this thread was that old and some good info got exchanged.
59' Grandbanks I no she was waiting for the Erie to open and was waiting in Kingston Point on the Hudson River. Should be in the Welland Canal in a few days.
After spending 15 years managing and maintaining GBs for a charter company, I disagree. GBs are great boats. But they are very rolly polly at anchor unless it's calm or you use some from of stabilization.
Grand Banks 59' Just to let everyone no she arrived at the Welland Canal today. All they had to do was remove radar and mounting brackets and remove mast lights and lower antennas to get through the Erie Canal.