The yacht previously known as "Four Aces" has been sold and now called "Jaguar" so get accustomed. She is still a charter yacht.
Thanks for the news! Well she has not got so much exterior spaces though I think she is a nice looking vessel. It is always nice to see something different coming from Benetti than done by their In-house design team even when she is still influenced by the rest of Benetti fleet.
She looks like she has some DAF in her but still enough of her own individuality. Should be an interesting charteryacht. Delivery is probably going to be in late July.
The sharp lines of the brand new 55-meter "Ocean Paradise" turned up in Valletta Harbour, she must be delivered.
Is it a possibility that the brand new 54-meter Benetti "Lady Michelle" is the successor to "Glaze", built as Lady Michelle at Trinity?
Thanks for reminding me! Maybe she was Miss then got status upgrade to Lady! All 3 are nice boats in my opinion. Especially the Benetti. Cheers,
I would more like to believe the Benetti would be the successor, it is painted the same way and the font of the name is similar as well as the Trinity when launched. The Trinity is 49-meters, the Benetti is 54-meters, just about right for an upgrade, larger by 5 to 6 meters.
Not that I can find. There have been two Benetti who have been owned by people with the last name of Green but that is as close as I can get for you. Any other clues or background info?