salon windows Beau, I have not seen him and have tried to call him. MW does that mean that only the center window moves?
Yes. The original design only had the center window sliding aft. The plastic channel holds the windows tight. So moving the front and rear ones when locked in on three sides is tough. Not really any good way to grab them to move as well.
I filled sliding spaces with pieces of teakwood (won't rot) with sealant underneath, I will never slide them open and hope now they never leak again!
I removed mine several years ago and went with 2 panels and had them fixed. They do not leak and i like the way they look.
You are correct. They are used in jewelry cases in retail stores. Be sure to recommend stainless steel locks with keys. That what I put in mine when I replaced the sills in my windows. Another trick to free the old windows was to use mono fish line to cut anything holding the windows in. Two people, one inside and one out can quickly pull the line across the window edge and free the windows. David OUTPOST