I know anything is possible but has anyone thought about adding one of these to their fly bridge or aft deck space? A 2-3 person inflatable hot tub. TheraSpa 4-person Inflatable Portable Hot Tub Spa | Overstock.com Spa2Go STG-1 Round Complete Spa2Go, 110 Volt IF the weight could be sustained safely on the boat this could be ingenious. Quick clean up/maintenance. Lower power usage and it could really add to the fun. *puts on flame suit*
okay then...I should of specified..when I said "poor man" what I meant what cheapest way to get the entertainment without having to buy a megayacht which the majority of us cannot afford.
That's a very big if. About 1700 lbs. (plus 500 lbs of people) sloshing around on the flybridge of most small boats would do interesting things to the stability if it didn't completely collapse it. I'm sure other will chime in with other pins for your balloon. Wouldn't surprise me to find it on a boat in Lake Havasu though.
NYCAP123 - thanks for at least taking me seriously (didn't expect anyone too). I should of specified that its probably going to be for a boat less than 50ft. There is a large pool just off the transom but its not warm at 3am nor does it have jets. And i'm sorry I don't get the Havasu reference. also found this thread http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/technical-discussion/15496-hot-tub-fly-bridge.html but that's more of a fixed install. Definitely not looking to venture in that.
I assumed you were talking about a boat under 50'. Last year we had a highly publicized case of a 37' Silverton turning turtle with about 5,000 lbs, of people spread around the boat. It happens amazingly fast. That cool water makes girls look so good, wakes them up and puts them in the mood to snuggle up to keep warm. Follow with a warm shower and you'll be doing what you really want to be doing at 3 AM. All kidding aside, it just wouldn't work. Google Lake Havasu and you'll understand my reference. They play with every kind of small boat toy and conduct every kind of crazy behavior you can imagine. Also they do have houseboats there with both portable and fixed hot tubs. The Three Buoys houseboats they rent are a prime example. They have jacuzzis and slides and stick small mobs on them, but you wouldn't do most of what they do on real waters or with your own boat. Here's a thought though. I seem to recall seeing, and possibly here, a jucuzzi that floats in the water. I don't recall exactly how it works, but you might want to look into it. Put "Boat Toys" or "Yacht Toys" in the SEARCH. You'll probably find it.
NYCAP is right! I've seen one go from on the boat to in the water to full of water to people in it.(in S.F. Of course) Google "Yacht Tub"
We need more information. Z66: What size boat, hull shape, etc. I have seen hot tubs on smallish boats. Best bet is to ask the manufacturer/naval architect their thoughts.
It doable, a neighbor of has one on his 49 Defever trawler. Not sure how much he uses it but he certainly doesn't leave the dock with the thing filled. Eats a lot of space on the aft deck. Filling the thing when not at the dock must be challenge considering most boats don't have enough fresh water in the tanks Unless you really like hot tubs, I think after the novelty cool factor has passed it won't see much use.
It doable, a neighbor of has one on his 49 Defever trawler. Not sure how much he uses it but he certainly doesn't leave the dock with the thing filled. Eats a lot of space on the aft deck. Filling the thing when not at the dock must be challenge considering most boats don't have enough fresh water in the tanks Unless you really like hot tubs, I think after the novelty cool factor has passed it won't see much use.
Very good point. I used to have one in the room across the hall from my bedroom. How much more convenient could it get? I used it maybe once a month. For that I spent forever and a small fortune trying to keep the chemicals right, $60 a month on electric to heat it, about another $800 a year on repairs, and then there were the leaks. After the third flood I took out my sawzall. The room is now a nice little gym (which also doesn't get used much, but at least it doesn't leak).
I believe most of those hot tubs are either unusable at sea or better not being used while at sea. On most of the big yachts, I was on, the tubs were only used, when the ship was on the hook. Not for stability or weight reasons, they just could not keep the water in, when the boat moved. A friend of mine owns a large sailing yacht, with a watertight recess on the foredeck for the 17 ft tender, which can be used as a pool for his grandchildren or as a hot tub, when the tender is deployed. But it still would look silly, observing the water floating across the deck, when under sail at 15 degrees of heel. The smallest yacht I have seen an hot tub on, was the Horizon EP-77. But the boat was unsafe with this extra metric ton of water high up on the sun deck. As far as I know, they have removed that tub in the meantime, because they never used it.
A new definition for poor! Check out this poor man's pool! http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/vitters-yacht/6356-vitters-yachts-5.html#post150695 Couldn't even fit it with bubbles machine! Cheers, Al