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Crusader 454 Ignition

Discussion in 'Viking Yacht' started by jrobinson, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. jrobinson

    jrobinson Guest

    Hello, Has anyone had luck with converting Crusader 454-350 HP engines to Electronic Ignitions. I installed Pertronix kits and lost 600 rpm. Went back to points.Apparently there could be a resistor in My wiring not letting the Electronics work. This is a 1980 Viking 40 foot. Please help. Thanks Jamie
  2. Old Navy

    Old Navy New Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    Russellville, Ar.
    I have been wanting to do the same thing with my 454's, hope we get some responses to this question.
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I'm not familiar with the Pertronix kits you refer to but I have been here. Long ago I learned the total advance and curve must be observed per the desired tune design.
    The new distributors I worked with had the curves mapped in a chip, the old point systems relied on springs and weights to achieve the correct advance at a specific rpm. The chip looks like an auto part but it is mapped differently for marine use and must be specific for you engine and h p tune.
    Other point-less distributors look just like an old spring & weight system but with a mag pickup instead of points. Here you would change the springs and maybe weights to achieve you desired curve.
    Find the total advance value for your tune and make sure your new system can swing the same amount.

    There use to be speed shops that could match and setup distributors but I have not noticed one in a while.

    Also, to much advance could be dangerous.
  4. rgsuspsa

    rgsuspsa Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    Melbourne, FL
    Visit the website for Hot-***** Performance Products. They have an extensive line of conversion kits for marine engines, including Crusader.
  5. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    CD ignitions

    Looking at a couple of boats with these big gas engines as well, and the thought occurred to me would they accept an aftermarket CD (capacitive discharge) ignition system??

    I'm not even sure they still make these units after a significant number of 'pointless' ignition systems by the automakers. But when I was younger and the first 'electronic' improvement in ignition systems came about, it was in the form of these CD units. The 'points' were no longer required to carry the ignition spark current, but were now regulated to just 'timing' the release of a bigger, better spark charge from a stored source in a big capacitor.

    I put one on my 62 corvette engine, and then transferred it to a Mercedes I had. Both engines performed better with this CD ignition, and the points would last forever since they were carrying so little current. I think my was a 'Delta Mk10' unit if I remember correctly. I also subsequently got another brand unit (MSD) from a hot rod shop when the Delta unit finally crapped out after many years.

    Capacitor discharge ignition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia