just found this on youtube: Motor Yacht Final Act burns and sinks - YouTube how does it come that those yachts burn down so fast? no - like NO - fire system aboard? i mean, after seeing this i'd say even on a 60 feet boat i'd install a fire extinguisher..
That's just the way it works with plastic boats and their furnishings. It is part of what SOLAS is all about. Depending on what caused the fire it could be beyond control literally within seconds and there is no fire extinguisher or system capable of being carried on a boat that size that could stop it.
The average small yacht like this one will have an automatic system in the ER and automatic engine shut downs but many if not most don't have air dampers so if the fire isn't fully out, of if electrical and the electrical system isn't shut down it is likely to flare up. At which point you re down to a few hand held bottles And if that electrical fire is DC related you can thank the builder who often place battery switches in the ER...
What is the main cause of onboard underway fires? Electrical? I wouldn't think it would be galley related. Fuel leaks? There is no way I could sleep through the night if I didn't have a fire ER suppression system. I can see why having a ditch bag and life raft at the ready.....you could have but minutes to survive. What do the insurance companies say to the likely event of a boat fire......1:10,000?, 1:50,000?, one in a million??
At the dock, it's mostly always an electrical fire. Underway, it could be an engine room fire or electrical. But most boats tend to burn down at a dock and most are caused by electrical issues.
I've been involved with 2 very small ER fires on board. Both were electrical. One a swim platform and the other a battery charger. Both flared back up, the swim platform after the fire department left. Neither time did the fixed extinguisher system activate.
Another yacht fire. Not sure what it is, I guess a sunseeker. Jahta u plamenu (Yacht on fire) Herceg Novi, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgDyXGT-JTU
A 113' Hatteras, Montana Moon, burned over the weekend in North Carolina! After 13 hours the Hatteras Yacht fire is contained - YouTube
Welcome to the party, Disco. http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/g...30-jarrets-bay-boatworks-fire.html#post174658
My port side engine would not turn over when I pressed start so I used the "Battery Pairing" switch and it worked. Also, I was only getting 34V from the Volt Meter instead of 38V while charging. I figured there was yet another circuit breaker or some terminal ends that were a little corroded and needed attention. A friend with more technical knowledge immediately said ... "need to figure out what is happening and why ... look at the battery connections" We found the positive battery connection on one of the 4 x 8V batteries was loose and arcing like crazy ... ready to START A FIRE!!! The positive battery terminal had almost melted away. I'm very fortunate my experienced seaman friend helped with this one.
Did you notice there was only one hose on the fire? Minister denies Airlie Beach fire station is under-staffed | Whitsunday Times
"Thirty tons of pot go up in smoke September 9, 2013—A 2,108 dwt general cargo ship caught fire Friday off the coast of Malta after a cargo of 30 tons of cannabis caught fire, according to a Reuters report citing Italy's Guardia di Finanzia. According to the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM), personnel working at the Operations Center of the Armed Forces of Malta were alerted to the fire by an emergency message being transmitted at sea. The AFM immediately dispatched three of its maritime assets and an Alouette III helicopter to the operational area." I can just imagine that emergency call as the smoke wafted up to the pilothouse, "Whoa, man, we need some help and can you bring some Doritos when you come"
Now if any of them fail a drug test they can blame it on the contact high... I also wonder if Jeff Spicoli was on board "All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine."
"Drug smugglers set their ship and its cargo of US$78M worth of hashish ablaze after Italian customs officials spotted the vessel. BY MAREX Italian Customs officers did a fly-over of a ship in the Mediterranean that was smuggling hashish estimated to be worth nearly US$80 million. However, the cargo's worth cannot be fully confirmed because the ship’s crew set the hash on fire and then jumped overboard. The crew of 9 was later captured by the Italian Coast Guard. The Tanzanian-registered MV Gold Star burned for more than 24 hours before being extinguished. Firefighting boats and the residents of Malta seemed amused by the events, but the vessel was towed to the Sicilian port of Syracuse where the recused men were questioned before being officially arrested. Italian authorities were tipped off that the ship was smuggling a huge shipment of drugs. They intercepted the Gold Star off the coast of Sicily after keeping tabs on it for several days. Several fast patrol boats were used in the raid and a search of the ship's hold revealed 30 tons of hashish which had been loaded in Turkey. Italian officials had to obtain permission from Tanzania where the ship is registered, before they could board it."
Holy smokes! Gives new meaning to the "High Seas." From Marine Log News: "Another cargo of cannabis goes up in smoke September 12, 2013—Just one day after Italian authorities finished putting out a fire aboard a ship carrying a cargo of cannabis, the French Navy found itself responding to a similar incident. Based on information from the French customs, the maritime prefecture of the Mediterranean had received authorization to intercept, board and divert the LUNA-S, a 1975-built, 1,530 dwt general cargo ship strongly suspected of drug trafficking."