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1987 46 post salon side windows

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by ruby, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. ruby

    ruby Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    Long Island
    I am curious what could have made the salon windows on the port side of a 46 post crack, and what is involved in removing the windows to replace them.
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Rotton wood around the window frames most likely or loss of a support. The weight of the flybridge above them then was bearing on the windows and they finally cracked under the weight.
  3. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY
    does the 87 Post have a wood house?
  4. Ave Maria

    Ave Maria New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Apollo Beac FL
    I do not know what would have caused them to crack the tracks are teak and I am sure they could rot but I have not heard of the problem in that vintage Post did the crack start at the top or bottom or on the side edge that might help also were you in some really rough seas

    I can tell you how to replace you have to remove the top valance and the corner in the rear where the cables and wires run also the trim that runs underneath where the rope lights run if you have them when you get that done there is a apprx. 6x2 heavy piece of Mahogany with about 20 large wood screws that runs the full length of the windows it is also glued in with dolphinte or some similar product, that is the difficult part you have to carefully pry / work that long piece off with out cracking the good windows when you get that removed the windows will tilt in from the top then lift out of track and remove, what I did at that time was to then to place all the windows in the outside tracks and seal with windows urethane I live in Fla and never opened the windows any way also this is the way Post started doing it in the early 90s if you are interested I can tell you how to do it
  5. ruby

    ruby Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    Long Island
    Ave Marie

    I appreciate any and all help you guys can give me. Are the screws that hold the upper wood trim in place easy accesible?
  6. 42hatteras

    42hatteras New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    New London Ct/Hope Town Bahamas
    No it is fiberglass............Could be the cat whiskers are rotted or worn out and the impact of a heavy sea cracked the window.
  7. Ave Maria

    Ave Maria New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Apollo Beac FL
    first you need to remove the front of the box that the wires and cables from the port engine run up to the hardtop in the left rear corner of the salon then once you remove the panels where the track lights are mounted under the valance you ( look up between the windows and the valance) you will see the screws that hold the valance in remove them and move valance out of way then you should see the screws that hold that trim in place it runs the full length of windows in one piece and and is difficult to get loose it is heavy and you will probably need help to remove if that piece has not been removed before it is really stuck to the cabin side it fits really tight if all your windows are broke not a problem but if you are trying to save one or two panels get help and try to work free very slowly or you will break the other windows as it seems old safety glass gets brittle with age then the windows just tilt in at the top and lift out hopes this helps it has been a few years but that is how I remember it as I said earlier I would consider cutting
    the aft window smaller have some trim pieces made and stack all windows to outside and seal them up less problems later if you do decide let me know and will give you some pointers
  8. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Wait a second guys. The OP needs to give us more info on when and where the glass broke. Running in heavy seas. On the hard. At the slip. During a windstorm??? Did my son hit it with a baseball? There are hundreds of reasons why that glass may have cracked or broken. We don't even know what it is he's describing as a crack? Is it shattered. Is it a centerline horizontal crack or vertical. Is it in the corner ? Just my 2 cents
  9. Ave Maria

    Ave Maria New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Apollo Beac FL
    The one thing I forgot to point out is that heavy piece of trim that you have to pry off also has the window track attached that is why if you wish to save the windows you have to be careful and do not twist it you have to work it from end to end with that said the windows in the Post are really put in well as you will see, that trim piece straddles from the aft of the salon to the front and is attached in multiple places and is quite sturdy and will support that span quite easily it is built like a brick ---- house, I do not know what broke your windows but I do not think it was structural unless the boat yard dropped your Post or really twisted it when blocking I would think something must have hit your window or windows but you should be able to determine when you disassemble
  10. ruby

    ruby Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    Long Island
    salon windows

    Well I started taking apart the area around the salon windows and as advised that heavy wood piece at the top of the windows is glued in place well. I did remove approximately 60 screws that held it in place, I am not concerned about breaking the windows although they will need to be used for templates. They are laminated glass, I am still not sure if I should replace them with tempered glass or laminated. Anyway I am still having difficulty removing the glued in wood at the top, there is also a vertical piece of wood at the rear that is also glued in, and it looks like someone did silicone the windows in place on the bottom tracks. Maybe an old water leak that was cured.:eek:
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Use Laminated glass. Tempered glass shatters very easily and Laminated is more foregiving. Most yards will flat out refuse to remove tempered glass windows (if they're leaking) because the chance of breakage is very high. I would take a really long and hard look at your flybridge supports.
  12. Ave Maria

    Ave Maria New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Apollo Beac FL
    salon windows

    Post used dolphinite which is not as bad as 5200 but is close I used what I call a Stanley wonder bar which is a short pry bar about 15 inches long with a rolled end used for removing nails start at one end at the top of the board and start prying while working your way to the other end pry it gradually from one end to the other to try and save windows like I said before take your time as far as the vertical track in the back you will have to slide that aft window forward to clear that vertical track
    I broke one of my windows while removing and replaced with laminated like the original at a cost of around 200.00 also now is a good time to move all of the windows to the outside track and seal the windows like Post did in the later years if you want some tips I will try and help you you will need plastic strips made and you have to cut the aft window it would probably cost 300.00 to 400.00 but it really cleans up the look and seals the window the also I hade a glass installer urethane all of the glass where it meets the fiberglass no more water to the window tracks
  13. mwwhit1

    mwwhit1 Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2006
    I did some window track work years ago and couldn't get one of those top boards off.

    Hopefully I can explain it clearly. When you look at the top rail, there is only a small piece of the board (1/2"x1/2") that is keeping the tracks and windows from tilting in. I cut that piece off wider than the center window. Without it, you can access the tracks. I can't remember how the tracks were attached but you may be able to get a saw blade between the tracks and wood to cut any nails\glue. The center window can now tilt in. In theory, the front and back windows can slide to the center and come out. I couldn't get the front window out and had to break it.
    Whether you put the windows back in with new tracks or seal permanent, they can be installed through this center part. The small piece of wood can be screwed back in place at the end if it is needed.

    An alternative if the whole board won't come off. Pretty big job to start now. Sure it can't wait until winter? I did mine under the shrinkwrap which was great. Good luck.
  14. Ave Maria

    Ave Maria New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Apollo Beac FL

    The header board with some work will come off I have taken off on two Posts a 43 and a 46 it was a pain in the butt, just need some patience and a pry bar:)
  15. ruby

    ruby Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    Long Island
    ave maria

    I did get the top board off last night, the center window is loose and will come out if I choose to take it out now. The front and rear windows are glued in nicely and will take some work. There is a vertical piece of wood in the rear that is being stubborn. I did buy new window track, my boat had white plastic track, I found that Beckson does make a great replacement for what was in my boat. The track looks slightly different at the top then the original and I think the manufacturer changed it to aid in sealing. Hopefully I can allow the windows to remain sliders. I am waiting to have laminated replacements made. I will take pics and I will also post the dimensions of the windows for fellow 46 Post owners who made need to replace windows someday. There was no water intrusion anywhere around the structure and my surveyor did not find elevated moisture readings around the deck or structure.
  16. Ave Maria

    Ave Maria New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Apollo Beac FL

    Glad to hear you got that board off the rest is easy I do not know which window was broke hopefully the center which is already loose, the rear track should not have to be removed just slide the aft window forward if you need too and it will then tilt in to remove, a lot of people silicone that aft window in because they will leak under way in a windy/rough conditions, hopefully the info I provided helped if I can be of any more help let me know also the glass in my boat had a slight tint I think they called amber but not sure, all the Post's that I have seen do have a tint the glass
  17. ruby

    ruby Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    Long Island
    salon windows

    Guys one question that I have not asked yet, can someone send me a pic showing whatever type of locking mechanism is on the sliding salon glass. As previously stated the windows in my boat were siliconed shut. I am attempting to have them slide. Thanks in advance
  18. ruby

    ruby Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    Long Island
    salon windows

    Well they are finally out!!! Someone please let me know and send a pic of whatever locks are on the salon windows

    Attached Files:

  19. mwwhit1

    mwwhit1 Senior Member

    Jan 19, 2006
    Mine are gone at this point. I can describe what was originally on the sliding window: It had a stainless U shaped piece that was around the rear portion of the glass and extended inside. That part had teeth on it with a key lock that slid over the extension and locked against the metal weatherstrip on the rear window. I have never been able to find these online to replace.

    The only thing I can find is this:
    Perko Sliding Window Lock and Anti-Rattler

    Not sure how well it would stop the window from sliding. Should do something.
  20. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Hi Ruby

    Does our mutual capt friend at WSM have sliding windows?