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Is this a sound buying option?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Ladies choice, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. Ladies choice

    Ladies choice New Member

    Jul 25, 2005
    Hello all,

    After seeing the design by Lars I am stuck on having a observation deck w/360 views. Since I haven't seen anything like that to go along with all the toys I am wanting I am moving more towards building his design.

    Thing is this, I want to get out of here NOW! lol, I am going to the Ft Lauderdale show, I have little hope of finding what I want in a 50 meter at that show, Light woods, lots of deck space, cranes, and so forth. So unless something shows up there that fits I am going to go look at the 120-130 footers for a interim yacht.

    Probably find a lightly used late model something or another, go to the islands here in Caribe, have some fun for 6 months and then meet up with Lars next summer, Sorry not going to Sweden when it is 30 below! Start the design process and then get my full set of plans and start shopping shipbuilders to put together the 50 meter that I really want.

    2 to 2 1/2 years later sell the interim yacht and start seeing more then just the Caribe and Hamptons where I intend to only use the interim yacht at.

    The question is what is recommended in the range or 120-130 given the sailing grounds we want to go to, say 10m or under in price and will be easy to flip on resale in 3 years or less of ownership without taking a huge hit in the wallet!

    Oh and of course I would hope I can have a crew of 4 or 5 at the most for this smaller yacht so nothing to overdone with toys, no sub yet, no choppers, etc..


  2. talkingstone

    talkingstone New Member

    May 29, 2004
    British Columbia, Canada
    Why Wait?

    I love the idea of the observation deck and if it was me, I would fly Lars to meet with you at the show. :)
  3. Garry Hartshorn

    Garry Hartshorn Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2005
    Directly above the center of the earth
    Sounds like a good and wise plan to me
  4. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Well it certainly is fun to search on such yachts. Very impressive what you can find on the market north of $5M!

    Kelly Cook

    Attached Files:

  5. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Reasonable approach. The added benefit is that as you actually use a vessel you will find things that work and don't work for you that you can apply to your own build.
    My own plans are following a similar train of thought with the exception that I've talked with a management/charter firm about keeping the interim vessel so that I can reclaim it should the need arise later on.

    As to shopping for a builder there is an option that I was not aware of until recently.
    The designer can also take on this responsibility which leaves you with one less thing to have to deal with. My instincts tell me that if the designer is also responsible for the actual build that the end product will be truer to the design. Apologies to AMG if this looks like I'm putting him on the spot.
  6. JonS

    JonS Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    This can go either way. by giving the responsibility to the designer, the boat will end up to the designers specs and possible tastes, which may contrast slightly to the client. No disrespect intended, just pointing out the other side of the coin, so to speak, as you have to be totally happy with what you are putting your money into. :)
  7. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Well it's fairly obvious that LC is going to be quite "hands-on" at all stages of her build, so the chances of anything getting finished not to her taste is pretty slim.
  8. Ladies choice

    Ladies choice New Member

    Jul 25, 2005
    That's for sure Kevin,
    I figure with web cams, a digital video camera/digital stills and the often visit during construction along with a owners rep on site I should be kept up to the minute in all phases, which Is how I would like it done.

    I am not out to tell the craftsman how to do thier jobs, just to make sure the details are clear and the quality remains high thru-out, nothing is worse then something new having to be done over again due to sloppy work or unclear communications.

    I look forward to doing such a project actually though the time it takes isn't so enjoyable to wait. But like Lars said in his design post if I remain active in the build the time should fly by. Hope that is the case!

    At times I am thinking for just 2 of us we are building a very large yacht, we are not into large groups for entertaining, it won't be chartered or used for buisness and other then the occasional friend or family member on board it is just for us.

    I am not sure I could even fill a Limo for the ride over for the launch party! Depending where it is we decide to build at it just might be the two of us there and the staff of the shipyard that put it together. Quite a different site compared the the party that "Let it Be" at Heesen's launch just had.

    The difference though is that we plan to use this yacht probably much more then most owners ever intend on with thiers. Sitting at a dock with staff keeping things polished for the 2 or 3 weeks a year that the owner goes on a cruise seems like such a wasted life for a vessel.

    My concerns are more in line of perhaps needing a change out crew for the extended 9 months of near continous use with a 3 month break for refits and maintenace/crew rest. The staffing agency should have no trouble with that, I intend to have roomy crews quarters and very nice interiors for thier comfort as well.

    I would love to see some cool, techie, fresh ideas, light wood interiors, high end use of audio/video( and no that doesn't mean bose or bang & olfsen), game rooms, work out rooms, kitchens unusual use of space for entertainment etc.. IF anyone can point me in the direction of yachts that fit that let me know!

    I am starting my scrap book of ideas, things I saw in magazines, and other interior/exterior details that I can use for final design to show Lars and a interior designer what it is I am hoping to put together.
  9. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    I mentioned it because it was an option that I was not previously aware was possible.
    Time and time again I've seen designs in other sectors that looked great only to be changed so much that the final product be it a bridge, building or an automobile have little resemblance to the original intent. If the designer and the client are working together properly in the first place then any conflicts should be resolved during the design process.
    I'm just suffering from an involuntary shiver recalling what happened to a house design when it became real. I would have razed it but for someone else deciding that they wanted it.
  10. JonS

    JonS Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    :eek: Sorry if it sounded like i was critising you Codger, i wasn't, i was just offering a balanced opinion, and anyhow, in this case I'll agree with Kevin, Ladies Choice certainly knows what she wants and that is to enjoy the whole experience from the initial drawings to every voyage she ever makes in her yacht! And i think it is great that the community we have here has probably partenered these two together who both share a passion for the same object! :D

    Or something like that ;) :cool:
  11. Ladies choice

    Ladies choice New Member

    Jul 25, 2005
    Forgot to ask, Kelly what is that last yacht in your list in the photo? Where did you see it's listing at? how much is it? That is sweet and a good size, style for the Caribe/ Hamptons run
  12. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    No problem Jon. I'm exploring options. Sometimes doing things differently from the norm results in a better end product. Of course, the opposite may be true, which is why some things are done a certain way.
    The value of the forum is that the norms as well as the exceptions can be explored to the benefit of all involved. :)
  13. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    All this talk about "builds" got me wondering about critical choices. Namely, how "backed up" are designers, project managers, naval architects, and builders with existing clients? If one of those categories is really swamped, then that could drive the build strategy to a degree.

    Or something like that,
  14. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Well, for starters you could always invite all of us along! :D LOL

    Yeah! I spend an inordinate amount of money on CDs and DVDs regularly (not to mention gadgets and computer upgrades as well), so if ever I were in a position to be outfitting my very own yacht then movies, music, and technology would be high on the interior decor priorities list. The order of the day would be the newest, biggest, and best of whatever I could possibly squeeze in. :cool: The on-board media library would be about as extensive as I could fit. Besides having full media acccess in all rooms, there'd be a area specifically for a theatre set-up. (If there's one thing that drives me nuts, it's people that spend large sums on money on home-entertainment equipment, then decorate the rest of the room as if it were a normal living space.... dumb. Home theatre means threatre style seating!) While I'm at it, I'd have an al fresco theatre as well... something like Tiara's projector screen on the aft deck.

    I could go on and on... LOL
  15. lwrandall

    lwrandall senior member

    Mar 31, 2004
    Ladies Choice..

    The last yacht pictured is the 1999 117' Palmer Johnson - "Mostro" - for sale for $7.4 mil. Built for the past owner of Palmer Johnson and (Mostro is either spanish or italian for monster). I have had the pleasure of going on her after she was launched. Very contemp. styling-electric blues and such but it does have the light wood you like. I am sure you could refit the interior with new fabrics and carpets in short order. I believe this was the first yacht built by Plamer Johnson designed by Nuvolari and Leonard. You can view pictures of her by going to ************** and entering in Palmer Johnson in the Boats for Sale search.
  16. Ladies choice

    Ladies choice New Member

    Jul 25, 2005
    Carefull now on the dumb remark! I built a theater in my home, a barco data grade crt projector, martin logans for analog stereo as well as thier theater sets for digital movie sound etc... and I didn't want theater style seating because of what you can't do on it, Cuddle! So I have leather reclining couch and two very nice comfy leather reclining chairs instead. I looked at doing the floor in a raked angle, with theater seats but it just wasn't comfortable for me to lay on my side or cuddle up under a blanket and watch movies with my partner. IT is a dedicated room, only thing other then the couches is a glass block bar in the rear to hold a fridge, micro and popcorn machine on top!

    I will go DLP most likely though on board for a theater both inside and out also on the rear deck, I mentioned doing that in a few of my write ups most recently when I saw the design that Lars did for me, float the sailboat, get the chopper off to land and it is one heck of a deck for a screen to come out of the above deck soffit.

    What I haven't seen yet on board is any sort of game room, perhaps some pinball, a bumper pool table(so rocking really cant hurt a shot) a video game area and my personal favorite a racing sim set up complete with a recaro seat and LCD screen.

    I agree with the multiroom video feeds, something from sunfire perhaps or one of the other companies that make a video storage unit to hold up to something like 3 thousand movies I think they are capable of now! Each room can pretty much choose from the on board library stored, same goes for music with multi room, multi choice, I think you can play like 10 rooms each something going on different, either the boat better be well insulated or one heck of a cluster headache of mixed sounds is bound to happen!

    I read audio/video Interiors magazine each month, there is some great new stuff that can be intergrated on board, New lottery winner and I have had a few chats in that realm.

    That is the sort of stuff though I am hoping to see more of in new builds to get some great ideas and see what works and what doesn't.

    Now if i can figure out how to get Netflix to deliver offshore....
  17. YES!

    YES! Senior Member

    Aug 13, 2005
    Sarasota, FL
    I have followed this thread with mild interest as I have enjoyed the challenges and successes of building "the ultimate yacht" myself..... and everyone has their own idea of what that is.

    But if you require plasma screens and SatTV in every room and on every deck, you have unfortunately not savored the ocean nor have you experienced the infinite interaction and ever changing beauty of the sky and the sea. There is no screen that can capture the magical image of an evening at anchor.

    Build your yacht with the largest possible windows and as many al fresco dining areas as you can, then "be here now." You can catch up on the missed episodes of "Desparate Housewives" when you go home.

    Enjoy your yachting fantatsies and share. They are fun for all.
  18. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Ladies Choice, are my Private Messages getting through? :)
  19. Ladies choice

    Ladies choice New Member

    Jul 25, 2005
    Having never seen the tv show you speak of I doubt I will miss anything regarding it, I rarely watch TV, 3 hours a week would probably be at most, then that is usually some F1 race or other open wheel racing, Nova, National geographic & the occasional documentary.

    I do though enjoy films, All types.

    With the submarine I will have on board it will have video capablilities coupled with a Mac and editing software, enjoying a film made from the tape we shoot benieth the waves will be most enjoyable to see.

    I don't drink, am not into endless parties and entertaining.

    I do however plan on living on this yacht and in so doing no doubt will be caught in rainstorms that last for days, inclement weather where being outside dining is rather uncomfortable, so to cozy up on a couch, find a film to watch on those rainy days or nights after the sun goes down sounds like a wonderful way to spend the night to me.

    I have sailed on my own for many years, I have seen sunsets and sunrises galore, I am sure I will not miss many either on this yacht.

    I just want to have options to enjoy more then getting drunk every night and falling asleep in my chair with a glass in hand at 9pm like so many yachties I have come across in thier retirement years.
  20. Ladies choice

    Ladies choice New Member

    Jul 25, 2005
    I received one private message from you Kelly about how to find that yacht that you posted the picture of, that was all.