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Vessel Management Software

Discussion in 'Electronics' started by mulligan, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean

    Hi steve, wondering if youre back, when we'll have the new version, etc, etc... we've been with the old one for a few months already and havent used it at all..... I'll be in FL end of the month if we can meet on board so you can give us a tour/general how to, otherwise i guess we'll discontinue as its no snese just pyaing monthly and no one accessing...

    please e-mail me when you can...
  2. Girl Captain

    Girl Captain New Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    Ft Lauderdale
    RVN - can I ask you why you did not use Manage My Vessel software? I am currently looking for a system that I can use to manage a number of large super yachts and so am interested in your take on the different management software options as you have obviously done a lot of research into different systems. I was hoping to find a management system, as we're you, that was class approved and the only ones I found were Teomaki and the ABS system. I am in the early stages of the research and found this thread on Management Systems.
    I appreciate any input you may have.
  3. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    Hi Girl Captain,

    Although initially I did mention looking for something type approved, I then came to the realization there was little if any advantage or need for aproval in this type of system... I may be wrong? Also didnt find anything which really fit the bill and touted type approval so either I stayed with something approved that I didnt like, or something not-approved that I liked... or at least preferred...

    Anyways, I did try MMV about 1.5 yrs ago, but iirc when I asked to retrial it prior to making our final decision I couldnt get anyone to answer phones, emails went unanswered, website was only semi-functional, I kind of assumed they had gone dead-ship? I may be wrong totally though... based on my previous assessement, it was an OK product, but quite tedious in terms of data entry...

    Their support section also lists updates only up to end of 2011, which wasnt too inspiring since when I tested it it was lacking in features I'd have wanted (dont remember exactly, but if you want more detail I can try and chase back my e-mails with the girl, i believe her name was Michelle, from MMV)...

    In the end, Triton ended up being the most full featured of the bunch, which may have been a blessing or a curse.... We still havent started using it in full, but I'm confident if we do use it it will be for the best...
    GPO likes this.
  4. Girl Captain

    Girl Captain New Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    Ft Lauderdale
    Thanks RVN appreciate your thoughts. Sounds like I need to keep looking at different options. Do you mind me asking why you are not fully using Triton? Is is because the input side is too tedious or is it just not user friendly? Thanks.
  5. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    The problem in using Triton is two-fold... I believe some issues we have the software may not be completely ready for (things such as worklist item price, quotes pricing, etc), which leads to the second issue which is getting everyone on board...

    We were unable to get ppl on board for the refit period, hopefully we will impose a stricter routine once we enter operation mode, whereby the captain, engineer, etc will all adhere to a stricter methodology... I sincerely believe if we get everyone on board it will make for a more organized life.... It wont be easy, but if at least we get some departments working on triton (and this could be on any other system too), it will help us loads in the long run!

    in summary, when we initially started laying out use of triton, we stumbled upon a few minor features missing, this basically snowballed into everyone not using it.... so the main issue is educating everyone involved to use it... neither triton nor any of the other programs are really *that* tedious to use... it may take a bit of time getting used to it... but if you have good data in the end, that is what counts!

    feel free to send more questions you may have...
  6. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Girl Captain, All these programs require a lot of data be entered and arranged at the outset.

    As mindlessly boring as it may seem the successful operation of the system as a whole is fully dependent upon the accuracy of the data it uses.

    The information in them must be kept up to date, improved and developed as you go along to get the full benefit from any of these programs.
  7. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    Exactly... the key is to not have "parallel" systems, so the ppl involved understand and require the information from the system...

    ex: if using it for provisioning tracking, do not use another stewerdess's booklet with handrwritten provision position... otherwise ppl never have the same data, and people dont really "get on board"... if all they use for provisioning is the computer system elected, they begin to see the power of it, and then begin to input more and more info, because in the medium run it will bring palpable benefits.... In the beginning however, it is pure data entry, which is boring, and until you actually "use" it, it doesnt really bring much benefit...
  8. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    I dont know how big your boat is but this has proved to work well for me.

    Each Engineer has a notebook in which the goings on ( jobs done etc)of the day are recorded amongst other things.

    The notebooks are left in the ECR at the end of the working day, the Duty Engineer goes through them and updates the PMS as required, its a different engineer on duty everyday so everyone soon gets to know their way around it well.
  9. RVN-BR

    RVN-BR Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    South Florida & Mediterranean
    This makes a lot of sense!

    Ours is a 42m so only 1 engineer + 1 aux eng, but our idea is to spread the concept as much as possible... Having inventory, etc, also in a system is invaluable for any complex operation (business or pleasure)... and I think your method may be a good way to start "non-intrusively"... Thanks, I hadnt actually thought of it... Coming down with an iron fist of "this must be used as it will be our savior in the long run" was what I had in mind so far (not happy with it, seeing as I still hadnt applied it, but it was my plan so far... Thanks for the good alternative! Forums at work once again! Your idea is simplicity at essence, and is quite obvious, as it mixes what ppl are used to - paper records - with the new system, for the clear purpose of helping out operationally from day1! I Like!)
  10. ychtcptn

    ychtcptn Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    Lighthouse Point, FL
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    When looking at custom systems (not just boat related), my first question always is what will it provide that a standard system will not. Now, I've still had many custom systems and heavily modified other systems over the years. Still, here, I've been very pleased with Idea so I'd only go to a custom system if there were features I needed that just weren't there.

    As to comments about entering data. There is a cost to having information. When putting in systems, you're generally looking for more information. That adds man hours of entry and, at first, increases the total workload, rather than reducing it. It took a tremendous amount of time to set everything up and still takes time to enter everything. The payback will never be obvious either as it's not from something miraculous that happens. It's more from what doesn't happen. You don't overlook things. You don't find yourself without that document or information you need. You don't make mistakes you otherwise might. You won't justify such a system through a dollars and cents calculation. You either inherently appreciate the benefit or you'll never be sold on one.

    We don't have the large yachts you generally see something like this used on. We don't live in the complex world K1W1 does. But we do love how organized things are. It's nice to be able to scan when you use filters and have PO's automatically generated at the appropriate time. It's also nice to know where all spare parts are located. It's great to be able to pull up manuals on everything and procedures and instructions on all maintenance and service items. Also crew and guest tracking where the required information for clearing is readily available as well as tracking of sea time.

    And we do even have our tenders on it as the maintenance of them is equally important.
  12. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I've used John Vergo and was very happy with him. His system is thorough and easy to use.
    It's not an automated computer based system, but works well when maintained.
  13. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I misinterpreted it as a computer based system and see now it isn't. Thanks for making that point, Ken. The comments on standard programs vs. custom don't then apply the same. Do you use a computer based system or one like his?

    I just saw the pages he has as examples and, at first glance, thought they were computer screens or printouts from a computer system.
  14. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Just a little link, for those of us, who might not know, what we are talking about.

    Home SpecTec GmbH - IDEA Software - Yacht Management Software

    The website includes a nice demo of the tool.

    This tool has set some standards in the business but it really lives of the "food" it gets, when in use by a competent crew and a well organized land based office.
  15. NEO56

    NEO56 Member

    May 2, 2014
  16. luvtocruise

    luvtocruise Member

    May 1, 2020
    This chat is fairly old— A lot of Apps have popped up since then as well as systems like Barnacle and others— is there a consensus as to whats the best bang for the buck for a small private boat in the 50-70’ range?
    Looking for something that will track maintenance, send alerts, track spares inventory, possibly has manuals or how to sections as well for what you input into it — as in here is what we have on our stuff and it automatically would have access to drawings or maintenance periodicty based upon mfg specs. Prefer a purchase on time and be done, but subscription could also work. I dont need the costs, or costs analysis type stuff, or a charter accounting system at this point.
    A lot to ask I know— but this kind of stuff isn’t all that uncommon for a lot of heavy industry
  17. luvtocruise

    luvtocruise Member

    May 1, 2020
    Looks like vessel vanguard might be the ticket— unless someone has a better or as good as and cheaper app to do the same thing
  18. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    It's the weekend.
    Give this thread some time to digest with the kids a while when the R&R is over and work comes to mind.
    It's amazing when people are working, they tend to visit YF more often.. :D:D
    luvtocruise likes this.