I already had great information from this forum before I bought my first 1981 Post 46 and now I want to restore it in its old glory and could learn from your experiences over the years. Post is currently in Ft Lauderdale and within a couple of month we will sail it over to Curaçao where I live. I’m born in Holland so Dutch is my native language so please excuse me for any mistake in English! First thing I would like to work on, is the toilet system. Currently there is a Raritan Crown head system installed and I suppose it’s original. I’m was thinking to fully replace it, and could use your experience on: - Which system to chose - Which bowls will fit - Where to put a waste tank - Which brand - Etc etc Have some more items of course but will open new treads per item. I promise to upload pictures of everything, so you all can monitor the progress! Beste regards, Eric (currently at Curaçao)
There's no holding tank and you're in Ft. Lauderdale? Don't use it. People really object to raw sewage in their marinas and canals. Where you put the holding tank isn't too important as it'll probably only hold about 30 gallons full and hopefully will seldom be full. So I'd put it wherever it'll fit and as close to the head as possible. It shouldn't affect your balance. I'm partial to VacuFlush heads.
Were still using our Crown heads (4 on board). Parts are still available and usually stocked at most supply houses. It's not as pretty as the newer devices out there but probably the most reliable.
would like to know where other Post 46 owners put a wast tank and if possible what size and/or supplier
Are you absolutely positive there is holding tank onboard? I would have bet money there was. Anybody come across this boat and vintage without one?
There is no holding tank, due to the Raritan Crown head system, that works without holding tank (as far as I know).
Your using the MSD1 Lectra-san system. Some boats still have a holding tank after the treatment station. A Y valve diverts to the tank or overboard. If the equipment works and in a discharge zone, life is good. However, Neighbors in a clear water marina or in a canal, still don't want to see it, even if it is treated.
The reason I'm doubtful this configuration has been illegal in North America since the 70's. Was the boat built for a different market perhaps?
MSD1 or ANY overboard discharge, including grey water, ie water from washing your hands, is not allowed in the upper great lakes (ZERO). Not in any inland lake or tributary. Coastal areas that are not posted as zero discharge zones are allowed and off shore. The U S Army Corps of engineers used to have some nice graphics and charts showing the Zero Discharge areas.
My mistake, I'm a Great Lakes guy. That being said are you saying manufacturers like Post, Viking, etc, actually made boats in the 80's without holding tanks?
I just bought a 1981 Post 46 in Miami (it's now in Ft Lauderdale) and if there should be a holding tank, please Post 46 owners, tell me where it is hiding?
I can not say for sure if they were made with/without. I'm just not a Mfg expert. Call the factory with your serial number. Maybe they still have the build info somewhere.
Hi, The older boats have ( had ) the 'Lectra-san units and were legal when they were manufactured. It is treatred twice in the system before getting the heave ho. Most are still legal as rcaps stated as long as you are not in a " no Discharge" zone. If you want to learn more then google lectrasan and check out the various units still for sale today. Also they are really good manufacturer to deal with if you need to return your lectrasan or toilet for repairs. They are also very helpful over the phone with troubleshooting.
Yes that's what I have, and want to get rid of, I would like to have a whole new setup and hopefully someone has done this before on a Post 46…
10 years ago I removed my Lectra San and put in a holding tank. I haven't responded because I have a 43' with only one head and a different layout than your 46'. I installed my 30 gal tank under the queen berth in the bow so I didn't have to cut the floor out to get a tank in the bilge. But I will recommend to look at this vendor: Waste & Water Tanks | | Ocean Link IncOcean Link Inc My tank after 10 years has been perfect. No smell coming from the tank. The part I liked was they will install the vent, fill and discharge fittings in the tank exactly where you want them. So it makes planning a bit easier.
Good luck with your new purchase, you will be glad you bought the Post46. I have a 1988 46 II, I have the Galley Maid Head system and the holding tankis under the cabin dinette area, the hatch that you lift up next to the galley side panel gives access, and that is where the tank is located along with one of my water tanks (starboard side tank), the deck pump out fitting is on the starboard side right outside the dinette window, all very easy access. The tank sits right behind the dryer that is mounted in the bulkhead of the lower berth on guest stateroom.If you would like i can take a few pics and send them to you or just post them here. GOOD LUCK George
Thnx George, if you could send me some pictures of your holding tanks and the location, I would really appreciate that!!
Good luck with your 46 Post, youre going to love the boat! My holding tank is set up the same as Coastalgeoege. It is in the Stbd side under the salon forward of the engine room. The holding tank sits on top of one of my water tanks. There a bunch of through hulls and y-valves under the floor near the staterooms that feed and discharge the heads. If you donot have a holding tank, installing one should not be too difficult.
Thnx RT46, will send pictures of every step I make to inform other (new) 46 Post owners! I really look forward to start the process!
I have recently installed vacuflush toilets in my 1986 46 Post, I had mounted my waste tank in the bilge just forward of the fish box on the starboard side. The macerator is located aft of the starboard fishbox with a thru hull in that location. I have eliminated the y valves in favor of a dometic key switch at the breaker panel. I did remove all other valves, thru hulls, and lectra san unit. All thru hulls were fiberglassed shut. The vacuflush uses fresh water, I had vacuflush's in my other boat and just liked how they worked. The original galley maid are great systems but use salt water. Anyway good luck with your boat, I am sure you will find plenty of great advice from all on the Post site.