It is well known about Valve problems in these engines. Why will Yanmar North America stand behind just Hinkley made boats with this engine and no other manufactor? We have had one of our local boats experience a second failure on the same 440 hp engines you have, so we are sending the following letter out to all of our owners with these engines. Let me know any developments on your end.
What with FLIBS due to open in three week's time, who'll take the bet that there will be an airborne banner, flying 'round & 'round during Show hours, whose message takes some engine mfg'er to task for real or imagined slights. In the early '90s, MAN was the target. Coincidentally, I ended up listing a Sunseeker 60 Renegade a few years later, only to learn that the owner had been the guy who hired that banner ad. The class-action lawsuit, BTW, was summarily dismissed in Palm Beach Circuit Court.
I'm surprised there wasn't a suit by MAN against banner guy. You should be provably right when you attack a company. Some don't take it well and that can be expensive.
The other side went last year and Yanmar USA took care of it. This one had the same problem and they wont do anything about it?! Same problem and only 750 hours on it! Something is wrong with this motor and it is a Yanmar problem! This is the 2nd motor on the same boat.
Any others with opinions on Yanmars? I'm looking at a couple of boats with Yanmar 440's for a client and wanted to get opinions on Yanmar in general and that motor in particular. My experience with them is limited. Yanmar used to be the motor of choice for the Oldports which beat them up with long hours and lots of stops in launch & water taxi services. Other than that I used to run a 43 Ocean that had them back and forth to Florida for several years. We ran long days at fast speeds and never had any problems. They didn't even leak or burn oil. So, if you've used them, worked on them or whatever, I'd be curious what you can tell me.
Yanmars I had twin 170's on a 28 Bertram and twin 440's on a 36 Blackwatch. Boats used for game fishing, so a 90 minute run to the shelf, 8 hours if trolling and 90 min run home. As a general matter they ran like sewing machines. 440's a bit smokey when the turbo's kicked in, but apart from that, good. i had both sets to about 900 hours. Scrumpy
Forgot to mention that if they have been properly installed and serviced, then having 2 go in the same boat sounds like a defect problem - they were likley part of the same manufacturing batch. 750 hours is not alot and i would be pi##ed if they only stepped up for one. Have you got the defective parts to point to?
Not in doubt. I don't know enough so I'm looking to the experts. The boats the client is interested in have them, and I want their decision to be an educated one.
I know there's another thread on this with posts the other day, but it didn't come up on a search. I believe Capt. J asked if they were sleeved. Unfortunately I now know the answer. No.
Actually, I posted a picture of a cylinder of a Yanmar 6LY2A STP 440hp with 141 hrs. My boss also owns the one that came down the assemby line right behind this one.
Same Problem I have just experienced the exact same problem with a Yanmar 6LY2A STP 440 engine. Two valves ceased most likely due to a piece of the valve breaking away. Engine only has 760 hours. Any progress in getting Yanmar to own up to this defect?
DK about Yanmar. They've never had a reputation for owning up to problems, but we've filed a claim under "latent defect". It's been determined that it was caused by a faulty valve guide. We recently authorized the insurance company to have metalugic testing done, and are waiting to see if they'll cover. I'd have to imagine if the tests come back showing a problem the insurance company would then have cause (and they have the resources) to persue a claim against Yanmar. Make a note to PM me in a few weeks and I'll let you know how things are progressing.
Thanks very much for the quick update. I will be in touch again in a couple of weeks. I will keep you posted on developments on my end as well.
Yanmar Gearbox Failure I have just posted a thread about a Yanmar gearbox which seized after 360 hours of light use but a few months past Yanmars 24 months warranty. At the end of the day they simply will not do anything about it. From reading this thread it would appear some of my questions have been answered about Yanmar!
Sorry to hear of your gearbox issue. Not sure if it is directly related to the valve issue that I have but who knows. I am currently waiting for a response from YA regarding a claim that this model engine has a valve defect. They have responded initially with a bunch of clarifying questions which I am hoping may be a good sign that they will step up and do something as they have to have done to others in the past. I will continue to provide an update as my situation unfolds. I will be really interested in hearing the feedback from NYCAP123's claim on the same issue. The picture he posted of his cylinder is exactly the same as what mine looks like.
440's guys, can you tell what years the Yanmar were built that had all the valve problems.. how were the 2004 models on the 440's.