Old crown head gave up so ripped it out along with all the plumbing and flooring.Installed plasteak flooring, next up marine elegance head,electrascan, granite counter top and vessel sink. Only get to work on it every other weekend so will post pictures as it progresses...
I'll be interested to learn how well you like the Marine Elegance head. I installed one last season and am not impressed with it's performance.
It clogged on the first use. The unit seems to get airbound. If solids are present and it gets a dose of air in front of that, you're done. The flush action is quite anemic. We've played with it by increasing the size of the fresh water supply line etc. and it's pretty much the same. We have the multi switch where you can add water separate from the flush, so we're conscious to do that often and evacuate the bowl several times along the way to prevent problems. I have a Sea Era in a guest head that works perfectly. It's flush and water action is so aggressive that if you're not careful when you push the button it seems like it could suck the nearby bath towels right off the towel bars. It's just not as pretty as the Elegance.
I'll let you know once we start using it. i tried to research before buying a new head but the census was " they all suck "
Unless you meant that as a joke, it's not true in my experience. Head Hunter makes a great system. As does Tecma. I've also had good luck with VacuFlush systems.
I have the OEM Delta Galley Maid heads. These heads have worked so good for me I wont even consider changing them. I am willing to pay the 700 for the pumps when its time for a rebuild. The heads can handle just about anything but a cloth rag. As a test we loaded one with baby wipes and they passed through without a problem. There was one brand of wipes that eventually clogged the impeller blades. The cloth like wipes balled up so tight it became a rock like mass than would not pass through the blades. I removed two hose clamps and pulled out the mass with a needle nose pliers. It took about 5-10 mins. I have helped a friend clear his vacuflush 2x over the last several years. One time it was a sanitary product from a guest and the other time it was just balled up paper that would not pass through. That job was a mess and took quite a bit of disassembly. The only draw back that I can see about the Delta's is that it seems to require a few cycles to clear a large deposit, as a result it uses more water that the vacuflush. Not really an issue unless you are filling up the holding tank more often than others.
I have said it before ... continue to love my Raritan Atlantes heads. I had been struggling with losing prime on my old heads while underway. They also stunk .. lots of people said it was the salt water feeding the heads, holding tank needed a filter etc. Finally replaced the two heads with the Raritan Atlantes ... Now I have added the Raritan Hold n San/Purasan system. it is perfect and amazing. Love it.
well i just had to chime in. you have to admit this is a bit funny with terms like "large deposits". Anyway I'm with RT 46, Galley maid is serious stuff. never an issue and dependable.Back to Waterbaby, good luck work looks great.
Supper Hero reviled Were still using old Raritan Crown heads. 32vdc motors. Not pretty like the new stuff but still does its job with my job. 2 heads pump sea water, on 2 others, I've installed a fresh water solenoid and flush with ships fresh water. All into holding tanks. Yep, 4 on ole Bert. This may be a good ice breaking thread for me; Everybody sees my handle as "rcrapps". Years ago, thinking nothing of it, when I registered for YF, I used rcrapps as my handle. My name is Ralph Crapps (NS). It's a "******" name but somebody had to have it. There are rumors that I may be related to the inventor of the water closet. However, My lineage was Irish. So with a positive attitude, When I talk about crappers, I've already been there, and fixed it. Kids on the dock call me the "Master Crapper". Old school on lots, red neck attitude. So there, my Crapps is out of the closet (NS).
The positive Galley Maid sentiment from many people is why I attempted to work with my Galley Maid Delta heads for a couple of years. I replaced the pumps with new or overhauled, replaced all of the hoses, replaced the check valves at the sea water intake plenum. Never solved the problem (that the heads would lose prime while underway). I was going to install vented loops to try to deal with the problem but decided enough was enough and switched to the Raritan Atlantes.
I have heard of many bertram owners having problems with loosing prime while underway. i always thought it was due to the poor location of the seawater intakes. a simple solution would have been to have one head flush with fresh and designate it as the head to use while underway
thats a nice looking head. I bet the Queen Mum herself would be proud to sit on that throne..... good job
I have a single Raritan Crown Head to starboard (43 Post) and a Raritan Lectrasan. I have two issues. The first is the Lectrasan. The "A" fuse repeatedly blows when I deploy the system, and according to the technical folks at Raritan this means that the smaller of the two motors is either stuck or inoperative. My plan is to remove the unit and send it for refurbishing. I think that is the best thing to do. This brings us to my second issue. I have located the discharge seacock but I can not get eyes (or hands) on the intake seacock. My Post manual indicates it should be under the floorboards in the head but it is not. I can follow the hose only so far before it courses thru a hole in one of the stringers. I can't imagine one would have to unscrew floor boards to gain access to a thru hull. Does anyone have any idea where the head intake seacock might be? I need to close it before I start disconnecting hoses to remove the LectraSan. But also the seawater inflow is very weak when I flush. So I think there is an obstruction somewhere along the intake line (or impeller issue with the Crown Head I suppose). Either way, I need access to the raw water head intake thru hull. Thanks!