C-Team, i took two photos of the Pederson, which is a 45 footer, which i originaly said 42 ft. I got a little closer and as you can see, shes done. I was speaking to the builders son today, he mentioned it was the first "big" boat they ever built and was built for an oil guy. he wasnt sure how they ended up with it from the owner, but did remember his dad and the owner were good"drinking" buddies. So with that said i am sure you know how that went!!!! Hope all are well. George
I dont know,, I think she can be rebuilt, she didnt sink,,it looks to be a matter of the windshild being rebuilt , its wood, woods ezypzy. Looks like the roof is in tact, shouldnt be that bad. She's a real looker, whats her drive train?
i should have gotten some more pics, but the hulls are caved in and engines are dislodged from stringers. truthfully it needed TLC before our freind Sandy stopped by. By the way how are you getting along? Any progress?
A heavy canvas tarp pulled under the hull would keep enough water out for a 6" pump to empty the water. You have to get in the water and plug as many thru hulls, port holes and exhaust pipes before the pumps will catch up. If they lifted that boat very much with it full of water you can just about guarantee that the planks didn't stay on. The weight of the water will pull the fasteners out of the frames. Especially if that bottom is on the soft side. As simple as it sounds boats aren't built to hold water.
To bad about the Penderson being caved, that was a fine lookin boat for sure As for my Three Belles, and your coment dsharp, that sounds about rite, I wish a bag would do, the crew the USCG brought in had to small of a crane and a single diver couldnt patch the hole by himself and and only made it bigger. I was not allowed to do anything but watch. they had a 90 barge but a tiny crane. They removed all fuel and contaminants and dropped her back down. Its still there, I have a guy with a bouy tender that will come in and bring her to the yard across the way where we might get permission to scrap her but thats 5k. If and when, I will do all I can to salvage the Detroits within hours of her getting air but Its just part of the whole sad story . My ex wife's house took a hit too and with her 95 yr old father to care for, Ive been busy taking care of them too. New furnace, HW heater, demo and mold removal , I feel like I been rode hard and put up wet. and now Im broke too. Its not so unfamiliar to so many people who have suffered through this storm.
George, thanks for the pictures and the status of the Pederson. One thing that could be done is too cut off the transom and make a nice bar. I have a 1965 Owens transom that I took from a boat that was being cut up and will make a bar for my deck at home.
Ive seen that done a few times, works with the bow too as one place ive been to has it as the tiki bar
Well lets start repairs! Hey guy's it's been awhile. Hope all are well. i am going to start repairs to my 46, as I mentioned earlier in this post i suffered minimal damage to the bow rub rail on the port side where we came down on a piling in the Hurricane. Well that wasnt bad but if you recall we had a nor'easter a day or two after Christmas, my boat was moved to the inner side of the marina ad tied to a floating dock, well it floated alright, about 20 feet from where it was during the nor'easter, so we suffered a lot of fiberglass gouging on th transom and the port stern. I will post some pics as i start work and as we progress, also a rigger bent in half, and canvas damage, all minor stuff. Going to take advantage of the haul out and replace some thru hull fittings and valves, shaft seals and cutlass bearings etc... Take care and talk to you soon. George
let the fun begin ya, its getting time to tend to our wounds, post us some pic's George, that Noreaster was like a second helping of death for some, enough to make some wonder whats going on here ??
We also got hammered and flooded again with that December Noreaster. Some of the people in my community have hurricane/flood/storm PTSD. I guess its our turn up here in the North East. In the coastal communities things are slowely getting back to normal. Although, it will take much more time to fix everything. Some marina's may be ok with the increased repair work. The construction trade is jumpping. Most home owners are sturggling with Flood Insurance claims. About half of the displaced coastal home owners i know are back in their houses. Most of the half that are back in thier houses are sheltering in place awaiting completion. I only know a few that had minor damage that are 100% back to pre Sandy. Re boats, Oddly, in my area, more boats were damaged on land than in the water.
RT46, glad your seeing some progress, hope your complete soon. as you know i am in the hVAC business, we are swamped, financially thats great but i despise the reason, but the stories i here daily with the insurance is dreadful. although i have a hard time with the people with no flood insurance complaining about FEMA not paying enough. But thats another story. I am starting work as I mentioned soon, i will definitly post pics of the pre and post repairs. I cant get to my boat at the moment due to dock repairs ongoing, but at least its progress. I will be pulled very soon i hope, and i have a question on average weight of the 46, i have 1/2 fuel and zero water on board, minimal human needs stuff, the lift i am able to use is rated at 50000, I'm in the mindset that i will be around 47000 any thoughts? Thanks again. George
i think you are close in your weight estimate. I recall close to 48,000 pounds on the dial the last time i was in the sling with 1/2 load of fuel.
Coastal Your lift is right at the margin. So go slow.... Watch the cables and cable brake. Are the slings relatively new.?
Hey Beau and RT46, yeah it is close, i will find out the condition of equipment, marina owner isnt afraid of spending money on his yard and slips so i think he probably invests in his equipment although i will ask for sure. My hull is Awlgrip Oyster white, and insurance only has transom being painted and i wonder how we will fade the paint into the hull sides? If cant be done right i may bit the bullet and pay out of pocket for the hull paint. Also i hope fiberglass and paint guy's will be available, with all the work, i'm sure the good guys are all scheduled. well just checking in i will be back Monday am have a great weekend all.