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| Lürssen | 180.00M | "AZZAM" ex Project 'Azzam' |2013 |

Discussion in 'Lurssen Yacht' started by Milow232, May 24, 2012.

  1. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    It sure sounds like you have some type of axe to grind there Felipe.

    Did you apply for a job on there and get knocked back or something?
  2. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    LOL, no, those jobs are far from mine, and I have one. The reason for the tone was my surprise at reading I shouldn't comment on Eclipse's usage, when anybody informed knows its owner takes his other explorer yacht, Luna, all over the place (including very rare locations, like Vancouver or Alaska, where it is now) while Eclipse spends most of the year not in use. The reason is probably cost, of not only just moving the thing, but the huge crew, which you can eliminate if you only use one yacht at a time. That also explains why you can charter those yachts, which you couldn't before. Even when you are a billionaire, you have to manage expenses.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2012
  3. rodsteel

    rodsteel Member

    Mar 8, 2010
  4. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    Looks like coincidence. Azzam means determination in arabic, and the owner of Azzam is from Saudi Arabia, not Abu Dhabi.
  5. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    You seem to be making that statement with some authority or inside knowledge.

    It is contrary to what is doing the rounds in the business at present.
  6. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Wasn't the 74m ECO/Enigma based on an earlier waterjet B&V naval design?
  7. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    That is the information I have, but could be wrong of course. We will find out relatively soon.
  8. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    What I read somewhere is that those holes we see are air-intakes.
  9. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    K1W1, Initially I thought Topaz would be for the KSA owner, because her lenght is the exact length of Prince Abdulazziz, the saudi royal yacht, and I share your comments about seniority within the royal family. You told me it was for another country in the area. Abu Dhabi being a good choice, that leaves Azzam for our friend at KSA. Seems the perfect yacht for someone who in a year will be flying his new VVIP customised A380 flying palace.
  10. Kraut

    Kraut New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    Well, so what's the point of air intakes below waterline? :eek:

    It has been said before that Project Azzams propulsion system is going to be a jet stream. And that's exactly the way it is. Furthermore there will be 2 supporting Azipods, because of course a ship of this size is not able to cast off with water jets.

    It's great fun following the speculation on the owners identity or his/her country of origin. I won't reveal it either but I'd love to participate this game by telling you, that some of Azzams stuff (e.g. furniture) has been shipped from Abu Dhabi directly to the ships building site. That of course doesn't in any way mean that the well respected owner comes from the Emirates, but maybe it's another jigsaw piece :D .
  11. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    When the ship is moving at a certain speed, those holes are above the waterline, not below. I don't know of any azipods, but my info could be wrong, we will see.

    I am surprised to hear they are sending furniture from Abu Dhabi, not because of the country, but because one orders a Lurssen for the quality of its craftmanship, including furniture, and in Abu Dhabi there aren't any quality furniture manufacturers, they import all the furniture for their hotels and palaces. But with respect to the country of the owner, as before, my information could be wrong. We will soon find out.
  12. Kraut

    Kraut New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    Which might be OK with jet skis - not with 180m Azzam.
    I don't want to boast about anything. But you have the questions and I probably some answers. I know where the air intakes are, been standing right in them yesterday. And I've been standing in all of the 4 holes and the deck they are in. I've seen the parts belonging in each of these holes and I know what they are for and all of the installations in and behind them.

    You will see - I've seen them already ;) .
  13. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Yes you are wrong. Have you ever heard of Green Line interiors? This is a company outfitting palaces, residences, public areas and superyachts Greenline Yacht Interiors (yacht website). They even have a depandence in North Germany.
    And just because you order a yacht at a German yard it does not mean that there are only german subcontractors. These yards do not manufacture the interiors... at yachts like "Azzam" there are 5-6 subcontractors for the furniture (probably some Germans but from other contries as well).
    Where do get these information?
  14. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    Obviously, if you have seen them (I haven't), my information is wrong. Thank you for letting me know. When you can, let us know where are the air intakes, which must be huge.
  15. Felipe

    Felipe Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    Millow, i said Abu Dhabi, not Dubai. I know they are both part of UAE, but I said and you said Abu Dhabi, not UAE.
  16. Kraut

    Kraut New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    I could show you all the building plans - if I only was allowed.

    Project Azzam is a ship, not a plane. You'll find the intakes in the middle/rear area on one of the decks above the waterline. Quite usual.
  17. mfranjic

    mfranjic New Member

    Feb 15, 2007
    Zagreb, CROATIA
    Someone mentioned those holes on the transom are air intakes for turbines... I am sure they are not and I have already described what I think they are aimed for. I would like to say a few words about how the presence of the water can affect the operation of the gas or the diesel turbine.
    The fact is that inlet cooling systems are a generally accepted choice to increase power of gas turbines, especially in a time of higher ambient temperatures.
    Higher power outputs can be obtained by injecting a scattered water droplets into the turbine´s air inlet. Thus evaporated droplets, inside the inlet stream, cause the air cooling, higher mass flow through the turbine and increased power output. The most important requirement for a proper fogging is that the water droplets are small enough so they could evaporate on their way through the compressor. If those droplets are larger than they should be, evaporation occurs later, within the higher compressor stages and, consequently, this causes the whole efficiency of the inter-cooling to be compromised, the same as turbine power increasing. Besides, compressor blades erode and corrode.
    Fogging requires structural modifications of gas turbine´s air-cooling and combustion systems and very high attention must be given to the protective systems of the turbine. Special caution must be taken to maintain compressor stability and blade mechanical integrity. The most important is how big those water droplets are, their distribution and overall concentration because it determines how fast will they evaporate within the compressor.
    On one type of the turbines, it is applied just enough fog to evaporate before any moisture come in contact with rotating parts and another one that allows to first several stages of compressor to run wetted (this is the case on airplane engines – just imagine how much water those engines soak during stormy weather). Anyway, there are no fog nozzles that produce homogeneous droplet size so most of the droplets are oversized. Larger droplets won´t evaporate in expected time and will affect IGVs (inlet guide vanes) and compressor blades causing erosion and corrosion. A notable amount of the water also affects duct surfaces, silencers… demanding for an highly efficient drain system and a lined duct since the demineralized water is very aggressive. If the drain system is faulty, excessive amounts of the water could be sucked into the compressor, causing catastrophic failure. In the cases of overspraying, mismatch of oncoming working phases will occur, while in the same time, the flow coefficients will increase and projected temperature rises will not be met. If you take a look at the compressor map, this could probably cause the points to move closer to the surge line, increased stage loading and quite possibly pushing higher compressor stages near to stall. Excessive salt water injection (this would be the case here, because of the nearness of the water surface to the transom holes and because of high suction pressure), together with unforeseen operating conditions, low quality fuels, rarefied combustion and compressor blade demotion can cause aerodynamic instabilities and total failures caused by the material degradation.
    This is the main reason why are the marine turbines intake ports located away from possible contact with the water droplets. While maintaining turbines, special attention should be paid to a regular filter changing and compressor washing. To keep gas turbines operating at their optimum, it requires regularly scheduled shutdowns and maintenance. But the major source of power loss, and the most easily correctable, is contaminant fouling of the compressor. For the type of turbine, that are probably installed in project Azzam (GE LM2500/+G4), water or steam injection NOx control is also available.
    During the time, special attention was paid to the development of air intake filters and equipment for treating the salt content in marine atmosphere, generally because of the fact that turbine´s performances are very sensitive to the inlet air pressure, for its reduction will lead to sharp increase of fuel consumption and sudden decrease of power output.
    Further on, the interaction of salt and water on the filter can lead to salt leaching through the filter and entering the gas turbine. The presence of salt in the gas turbine can lead to fouling of corrosion…
    There are several reasons why are the turbines, in fairly rare cases, built into civilian vessels and some of them could be found among above mentioned...

  18. Kraut

    Kraut New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    Azzam will be moved out of the Lürssen dock to the pier in about 8 weeks (4th or 25 of April). All the works are progressing according to schedule, first parts of the scaffoldings will be dismantled in 2 or 3 weeks and most people are dying to know what Azzam will look like when the (complete) cover is removed.
  19. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    *rubs hands* Thanks Kraut.
  20. Kraut

    Kraut New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    I will let you know the exact date as soon as it's confirmed.
    It is going to be very very very very interesting this time.