Savannah was a start up boat company in Savannah, GA that manufactured a 56 Express. I cant seem to find a definitive answer as to their status. The website is still active but a article I read seem to imply they had closed. Anyone have any info????
Savannah Yachts From what I understand they have been closed for a little while the boats that they did build have been on the hard for sometime at local marinas in the Savannah area. I also just read in the trade only papar that the Vp is now working back in florida for a small cat company
As I understand, Savannah Yachts had produced a handful of yachts which were being commissioned at Thunderbolt Marine, Savannah. They have since ceased production.
Very sorry to see them close. After going on their boat several months ago I felt they were trying to build a quality product that offered some customization. This is rare when this class and size boat dominated by builders more interested in quantity not quality.
Savannah Yachts Savannah Yachts closed its doors on May 8, 2008. There was one investor that was interested and actively pursued purchasing the company, but it fell through. Savannah Yachts completed 4 boats- Boat 1 is in Savannah in drydock, Boat 2 is in Ft. Lauderdale trying to be sold by a broker that purchased it, Boat 3 was purchased and is in Hilton Head Island, Boat 4 was purchased and is in Naples, Florida. Boat 5 was almost 80% complete, and Boat 6 was 60% complete, Boat 7 had a completed hull when the plant closed.
Savannah Still a Good Destination for Yachts As evident from the supplied photos, Savannah has had a good influx of yachts coming through this past Fall & Winter!
Thats a shame. They were marketing a fresh sharp design...the 54 looked very nice indeed with a good interior and cockpit / saloon package. Nice profile too.
Savannah 54 Dear Sir, I read in this page that savannah had stopped of building. I'm italian businessman and I'm so interesting to buy all the mould of the Savannah 54 and the boats number 5 and number 6. Please contact me and give me this information by PM. Best Regards Riccardo Pane
I've recently moved to the Savannah area in search of boat work.... I've not discovered much. There is talk about Thunderbolt Marina growing and possible going into production of their very own....own line of boat that is. Don't pin me down to it, it's just been word of mouth. If nothing comes up in my searches I feel the itch to go on my own and try some small craft construction....who knows.
Savannah Yacht Co. In response to some earlier inquiries about the Savannah Yacht 54 that was built in Savannah. All the assets for the 48ft. and the 54ft. we bought by two gentlemen from Savannah and are looking for a group that may want to restart the company using the assets. This boat could be built overseas and imported or built domestically.
Savannah Yachts Update Hulls #5 and #6 were finished and commissioned by the Hinckley Yard in Thunderbolt, GA. Hinckley is interested in finding a buyer for hull & deck #7 to finance the completion of this vessel which lies in the Hinckley yard. I would be happy to process any inquiries to that effect.
I figured I'd revive this thread since I heard that the #4 Hull Of the 54' is on the market out of Naples, FL. It's quite a design for the size and looks to be top quality. Link is below if anyone wants to take a further look. 2008 Savannah 54 for sale | Naples, FL