Hi. Generally curious about crime aboard yachts -- from petty theft to more dastardly, perhaps organized crimes against entire crews or owners. Does anyone have any anecdotes or links to such things. TIA.
Depends where you are. I ve never had an issue on the east coast or Bahamas, most of the Caribbean is safe as well. Exceptions would be Jamaica, Nassau, Haiti, etc. I ve just returned from a month in the Exumas, anchoring most of the time, and had no issue, didnt hear anything either. In Nassau though I am more careful and always lock the boat when ashore or at night Here in Miami i don't even lock my boat... The most commonly stolen things are dinghies and outboard motors. A couple of outboards have disappeared from my marina Over the years. Usually in the Bahamas I don't leave the tender or jet ski in the water at night, they go back up... Like everything else common sense goes a long way
Like this? Armed pirate gang storm luxury £20m Mediterranean yacht and rob guests of £100,000 | Mail Online
There have been issues in the last few years in ANtigua and St. Maarten, if you do a search here, you'll find the threads. But nothing wide spread
Indeed, extremely rare, yet you find cruisers, especially on US coastal and adjacent waters frantic about arming themselves to the teeth while they leave PFDs stashed in a closet with their EPIRB, if they even have one.
Note the ? at the end of my post! It was not a statement that it was a 'Pirates Paradise'. Also look at the end 'Or was the yacht targeted because of the owner?' If you are aware of the uprising in the owners country towards the affluent people, you may understand that this yacht was POSSIBLY targeted, therefore a one-off.
I also observed the "!" at the end of your initial response. Is it really that important? The Exclamation Mark
In France, the Oceanfast 156' Madiblue D (then named Parts VI) was broken into and had silverware and artwork stolen in the middle of the night. I can't remember the details but I think the French cops managed to get the stuff back very quickly. Around the same time, while at the IYCA dock in Antibes, our boat had some vehicles stolen. Two of the boat's putt-putt mopeds, a new Vespa, a VW Scirocco Gti and my brand new Suzuki GSX 1100. All taken within 5 days of each other, only the VW was found and returned. Security is at a much higher level at marinas these days, as well as on large yachts with a multitude of cameras.