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Generator Question

Discussion in 'Generators' started by Kafue, Nov 5, 2012.

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  1. Liberty

    Liberty Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    Good news on the fuel issue.

    When did you escape Tangas?

    According to the Marina Manager at RQ this morning 6:00am it was 60 knots at Manly this morning. The north end of the marina was rising and falling 1.5 metres with the waves entering the mouth ... Lots of boats snapping springers.

    Glad to hear you're home safe.

    PS I think you've talked me into a hookah ...
  2. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Hi Liberty,
    I checked the forecast Thursday noon, evening and Friday morning. We had a great time at the wrecks for the week, lot of snapper & wine, our first holiday without the boys in 20 years! :D Did miss them at first.
    On Friday it looked okay, but then forecast mentioned that Sunday there was a pending forecast due to Tropical Cyclone Oswald, which was surprising considering how far away Oswald was! That was enough warning for us.
    After that we packed up, tied down and left Tangalooma about 10 a.m. Friday and it was okay at first, just a metre to 1.5 on the aft port quarter. Then it got a bit heavier with 3 metres plus and too much wind, easily 40 knots. Went from there straight through to Tiger Mullet but decided to get closer to home and anchored at the Dux. By the time we found home on Saturday, the NE wind was gusting at least 40 knots and with just my wife aboard with me, it was a challenge to get a spring line on. I missed the first pass and then I backed over the buoy and chain after being blown off, dropped anchor and thankfully had the SCUBA to work on it. After an hour the wind was stronger but I managed to unbolt the buoy from the chain. The buoy itself was stuck right on the stbd. prop and popped out as soon as I got bolts and the pressure off the chain.
    All good experience. Boat swung around like a cork!
    Get a Hooka or a SCUBA tank, without it, I would still be rear end connected to a chain by a bent rudder.
  3. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    We just got our asses off the beach which has benefited from the ass end of an anti cyclone or two

    The press would like us to believe it is the end of life as we know it but as growers and farmers have bores I doubt it.

    GP if you could PM mr yourve mail addy, I would be happy to send you the pics of my torpedo with 23 big snapper and 2 kawhai as bait far the next trick in the morning
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    My aft tank developed some funny long/stringy/snot stuff again. Thought I had filtered it out, oh well.

    Instead of throwing two things at once at it, I'm trying the "Clear Tank Diesel" first (from NAPA). 80 oz of product rite at 125 gallons like the instructions says. I also washed it out of the bottle and down the fill hose with some fresh street diesel. Running the polishing pump tonight for a few hours to ensure it's mixed well.

    I'll report back with any observed results found in the Racor bowls.
  5. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Good luck!
    It is a very frustrating experience. For me, the generator shutting down was both a warning that the fuel was dirty and a pain in the .... because when we cruise, without a genset it is over!
    If I can help with sending any of the gear I used let me know, although I would think that the chemical structure of it is probably available in the US under a few different names.
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Nothing is starving for fuel,,, yet.. The big Racors have drawn a bunch of that snot and pulled some vacuum. That stuff does not drain from the Racor bowl well. Even thru the big hole and I have to remove the bowl for cleaning.
    Thank goodness for dual filters.
    I burned all the fuel from the aft, added about 100 gallons of fresh diesel, now starting my experiments. It's a 550 tank but funds are low, were not scheduled to move for another couple of months and maybe I found a way to learn and play with my fuel.
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Use the shock treatment concentration. The clear tank diesel should dissolve the algae, the Bio-Kleen is a biocide to keep it from coming back. I would use both, personally. Let me know your results. But, if you are getting algae like that, you are definately getting some moisture in the tank.
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Well, two months later, over 150 hours on the polishing pump. I did notice the Racor bowls looked pale for the first few nights but went back to the normal red within the week. I added another half bottle last month with 5 gallons of fresh diesel to wash it down the fill hose. The vacuum at the pickup never went down so I pulled the pickup last weekend and found a mess on the screens.
    I was hoping the "Clear Tank" would dissolve the goo. Maybe to high of expatiations.
    I did cut the screens off like I did the forward tank a few months ago.

    I'm not to impressed still But I'll keep running the pumps.
    Bunkering next week and off the dock by next weeks end.

    Attached Files:

  9. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
  10. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I didn't mean the NAPA brand, Just I ordered the Power Service product CaptJ recommended from NAPA.
  11. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Over two months and I have another up date.

    After two treatments of Power Service I have No Joy to report. The filtering pumps have a few hundred hours on them, the color of the fuel in the Racor bowls have a rude, pale haze to it.
    When we run the boat, if the bow comes up a few degrees, the Racors are full of the snot in 10 minutes (remember, no pick up screen).
    I have realized that my aft tank has a forward drop (or slope) and this low area holds all this tank snot. It flows aft when the bow comes up. Our pick ups are in the aft part of the tank and returns forward, where the snot is hiding.
    This weekend while everybody has a holiday weekend on the north river, we will be doing bow raising drills heading south. We have dual 1000 Racors on each engine.
    By swapping filters and supply tanks, I should be able to dump a few bowls of the goo. Maybe clear the aft tank of the heavy stuff or at least determine if I can make any gains on the goo before calling in the tank servicing people.

    The old Detroit fuel pumps can suck a golf ball thru a garden hose. Not my gen-sets. Forward tank still crystal clear and da gennys are happy there.
  12. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia

    Hi rcrapps,
    I am sorry your situation has not worked out.

    Mine seems to have. I say "seems" because now the generator runs without issue, most of the time, keep in mind I refueled almost 5000 litres so I am still using the same fuel. However there are still days when I need to hit the prime pump to keep her running.
    The last time I used her was 10 hours straight while deep sea fishing and also while I was working on the Port gearbox, which is again causing issue and the generator ran strongly and constant for many hours on demand for the many days I was in the ER and test driving to see if our repairs had sorted the GB.
    So I have to think that the Fuel Doctor I used has done the job as promised. Again, for any US people reading this, the Fuel Doctor I mention has NO relation to the same name brand in the US.
    I can email you the suppliers details and you can discuss what the difference in the ingredients is from what you have used prior.
    I have gone through 4 fuel filters on the generator and a dozen on the Racors, I have 3 per engine.

    Ahhh boating, gotta love it! Fixed the generator issue, thought I had fixed the GB with a new piston and clutch and now back to removing the GB completely out for an overhaul. Luckily I am happily married because I could not afford a bad marriage AND a boat!
    Cheers and Good Luck!
  13. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    O K, I gotta know, What's wrong with the gear? Your clutch, piston & seal was (I thought) your fix.
  14. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    And That is the big question! I started with a busted Hydreco (oil pressure pump) and hoped that was it. The replacement Hydreco arrived from the US and even before installing we knew it was not operating. But we gave it a try. It was not operating.
    Short version,
    I have now got a new pump and it only keeps the pressure in Neutral, not sufficient p.s.i gear, FWD or Reverse.
    After trying many other things, new hoses, gaskets etc,, I have decided to haul the GB out and take it apart with the help of the mechanic and replace every seal and any other thing that is required.
    When the labour costs start to far exceed parts replacement, then I think you need to bite the bullet and do the whole deal, it's a slippery slope that has to end. Touching wood that this will be it for a long time to come.