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How is Marina Cap Cana(Dominican republic) doing?

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by ombreetsoleil, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. ombreetsoleil

    ombreetsoleil Senior Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    The Netherlands
    A couple of years ago a big campaign was started about Cap Cana in the Dominican republic.
    It was Called as being the biggest and best marina development to come in the Caribbean.

    Now a couple years later I dont hear much about the place anymore.

    Has anybody been there?
    Does anybody have pictures of the marina etc.

    The few picture that I found on the web give me the impression that it didnt really take off, or am I wrong?
  2. Cap Cana is the most boring place in the Caribbean!

    Cap Cana is DEAD!! There is no activities, yachts or people in the Marina. Many visitors refer to it as a "GHOST TOWN"

    The reason for this is that Cap Cana has failed to attract people to live there. There are empty shops and apartments every where you look. Cap Cana was sold to investors who was looking for a quick profit flipping properties or rich people who would use it as a vacation destination. None of that happened, today people can't even sell their apartments at half price! Sales and maintenance staff has been cut to a minimum. Owners of property in Cap Cana complain about that Cap Cana itself can't pay their part of the condo fees for all the empty units. Cap Cana have huge problems paying interest on loans. Sales are close to ZERO and TRUMP at Cap Cana was one big joke! They will probably soon be bankrupt and the new management must for sure take a more qualified look at the entire development and bring it in tune with current times.

    Cap Cana's MARINA could have been the most important tourist destination for one million+ people every year, it would have been the center for the entire Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and the Caribbean if they had not restricted access to the Marina. The overall problem with the Cap Cana's marina is that it's NOT public, but located inside a less than 10% finished luxury residential development.

    The marina was build before the Malls at Paradiso hotel and Cap Cana had the unique chance to attract Hard Rock Cafe and many other luxury restaurants and shops but the Harzoury brothers were to snobbish. Today they pay dearly for that mistake.

    The marina will never succeed unless its open to the public and some serious movements of people and yachts will be seen out there. They need to move the security point back into the development, offer 2 years free rent for shop owners to move in and they need attract events and yachts to the marina. The marina is the heart of Cap Cana and until that beats, NOTHING will work in Cap Cana.

    For now you will have to go to the marina of Casa de Campo, about 60 miles from Cap Cana.
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I really hate when someone uses forums to spread propaganda, political or personal. Your directive keywords to your website have been removed. I'll let the post stand, but I'm removing your membership. You have no business here, other than to promote your cause, driving traffic to your website in what appears to be some form of a personal war you are raging with the Dominican Republic.
  4. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Out of interest having spent a lot of time at Casa de Campo years ago I did a bit of googling of some of the things written above.

    In relation to the guy mentioned by name there seems to be a pretty limited response but to problems in the DR in general with money laundering, crime etc there is like anywhere else like that - a fair smattering of it all.
  5. ombreetsoleil

    ombreetsoleil Senior Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    The Netherlands
    I had the feeling that the marina was coming to life, cause a new hotel had just opened in the marina itself. The Capcana website looks like they are still developing heavily.

    I Didnt quite expected the answer that that guest was giving me, but okay, seems like someone is a little frustrated.

    I still hope someone else has an objective opinion about, what seems a cool project.
  6. NewSouthSailor

    NewSouthSailor New Member

    May 5, 2011
    Cap Cana Marina - update?

    Does anybody have a more recent update on the marina in Cap Cana?

    I'll be visiting shortly and will post my impressions afterwards.

    There is a Venezuelan developer who is building a couple of villas in one part of the marina (Villas Marina) and apparently things have improved lately.

    I'd appreciate any feedback from recent visitors to Cap Cana.


    PS: I have no ties whatsoever to the real estate project mentioned.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  7. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
  8. NewSouthSailor

    NewSouthSailor New Member

    May 5, 2011
    Thank you for the link. I'll be back with my impressions after the visit.
  9. NewSouthSailor

    NewSouthSailor New Member

    May 5, 2011

    Stayed in Cap Cana over new year and visited the marina twice.

    The second time I passed to ask a few question at the marina's administration office.

    The marina looked very well equipped and clean but there wasn't a lot of movement going on. According to the lady from administration 'high season' starts around March or April with more SFs arriving for the fishing season and things get busier. She even advised to reserve in advance for these months if you want to have a nice slip and good WiFi coverage (which apparently is not the case in all of the slips).

    Here a few infos - again all according to information provided by the marina's administration:

    Weekly Rate: USD 1.01 per feet / per day + 18% VAT ***
    Monthly Rate: USD 0.70 per feet / per day + 18% VAT ***
    Rates include WiFi and cable TV.
    Electricity USD 0.39 + 18% VAT per kWh.
    Fuel: USD 5.40 per gallon (day price of 01/04/2013).
    Water: USD 2.00 flat per day.

    *** Rates will likely go up for their high season.

    The marina can be used as point of entry and exit to/from DomRep but it is advisable to coordinate with the marina in advance. They bring in the custom officers from the nearby airport for that purpose. The service is free of charge if you stay at the marina. Unfortunately you can not check out the night before in order to be able to leave (very) early next morning. The marina opens at 6 AM and they said the best they can do is to have everything set up to leave by 6.45 AM / 7.00 AM.

    Out of the 8 days I stayed the Mona Passage looked pretty brave for about 6 days, one day intermediate and one day looked pretty calm. I guess it all comes down to patience and a bit of luck if you want to pick a nice day to cross towards PR.

    PM me if you want me to send the contact coordinates of the marina.

    PS: Cap Cana as a development is still pretty slow but picking up a bit lately. There are many houses and flats for rent in different locations within Cap Cana (with huge differences in prices!). The golf course is expensive but by far the nicest course I've ever played. I liked Cap Cana / Punta Cana (+ Bavaro to a certain extent) as a holiday destination and certainly will be back in the future.
  10. ombreetsoleil

    ombreetsoleil Senior Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    The Netherlands
  11. Miss Lisa

    Miss Lisa New Member

    Aug 3, 2013
    Houma, LA
    Wow! That is a beautiful marina/development. Would love to go there one day.:D
  12. ombreetsoleil

    ombreetsoleil Senior Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    The Netherlands