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Pneumatic Saloon Door

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by kubu, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. kubu

    kubu Member

    Apr 21, 2011
    Charleston, SC
    Has anyone ever converted a top hanging saloon door on a sport fishing boat to a pneumatic one? I do not think it would be that difficult, but was curious if anyone has every tried this.

  2. Bill106

    Bill106 Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Beaufort NC
    If the top track/roller asemblies are in good shape it's not that difficult to add a side of the door mounted actuator. There are several brands on the market that are either electric, air (pressure) or hydraulic. All have their pro's and con's. Limit switches and wiring is required and there's considerations for the actuators themselves that many time will require the aft setee to be modified to clear but yes, it's done often.
  3. kubu

    kubu Member

    Apr 21, 2011
    Charleston, SC
    The door hardware was just replaced about 3 months ago and that is what got me thinking about it. The setee does not come into play at all. I would think that more than likely electric is the easiest to install and would more than likely be less maintenance, but I may be wrong. The door slides around real easy and if you are not careful when you are offsure will get your hand or fingers in a second. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    Pneumatic anything usually equates to a pain in the backside because the nature of the beast. air leaks, condensation and sticking valves etc. I've worked on a few vessels with Horton automatics electric door openers (swing) and electric sliders and found them to be reliable units with world wide offices for support when needed. Anytime that you try to add a system like this after the build stage its going to be costly i.e removing the headliner panel next to the door and various electrical and or compressed air line runs, fabrications to fit and hide the system etc. Best system is your hand to open a door for sure BUT if your going to automate than Horton would be my recomendation as Pendennis, Amels and Christensen yachts have used them in their builds. Hortons U.S. headquarters are in Huston tx. I believe and their European headquarters are in Falmouth. They can easily be found on line but you'll have to speak with a rep to see what they offer thats a marine application as they dont show any of that equip on line. Good Luck!!
  5. Bill106

    Bill106 Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Beaufort NC
    I've also seen (and worked on!) a lot of Stanley door actuators installed on sportfish boats. I've never used them on our boats but I'll do some digging and see if I can find some models to look at.
  6. kubu

    kubu Member

    Apr 21, 2011
    Charleston, SC
    Are the actuators best mounted toward the top of the door near the rollers or in the middle of the door. If done in the middle of the door the actuator would actuall be hidden by the setee unles you looked over and then down from the setee. Just cuirous? I apreciate the help.
  7. Bill106

    Bill106 Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Beaufort NC
    Most of the retrofits are done behind the setee for exactly that reason. It puts more side load on the rollers which is why I asked what shape they're in. If they are the type that is "captured" on the track so they don't have vertical play it should be fine. If they just "hang" and can be lifted up off the track they won't work with a middle of the door actuator.
  8. Chris W

    Chris W Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    stuart florida
    another option

    i worked on a feadship sportfisherman afew years ago that had a VERY clever and effective system for controlling the heavy varnished slideing back doors. they were joined by wire somehow(not sure exactly how because we never had any problems needing to get into the works) so that as the 2 doors opened the equal wieght of the doors balanced each other and even in rolling conditions they didnt slide around. there was i think some kind of window wieght on the outboard side but i know it was a clever system that worked perfectly and had zero electrical or mechanical problems.. the boat sits in derectors in dania if you are local in ft lauderdale...