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What Carver yachts have and don't have lower helm?

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by bluestar, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. bluestar

    bluestar New Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Alameda, CA
    I found that some Carver yachts have a lower helm, yet some don't. I'm wondering is this an option item for every year, or did the company take out lower helm after a certain year.

    I'm looking for a Carver in the length of 30-36'. I want to have flybridge AND a lower helm. Thanks a lot.

    Alameda, CA
  2. RB480

    RB480 Senior Member

    Feb 8, 2011
    New Buffalo, MI
    It was an option on almost all of the Carver's with flybridges. You will probable never end up using the lower helm, it does eat into the use of space in the salon. I had one on a 1984 32 Aft Cabin, I believe I started the boat from the salon once when doing an oil change but that was about it. Never ran the boat from below.
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I've run a lot of Carvers and never encountered one with a lower helm station. That tells me that, if you can find one, it will be a hard resell. Also, as point out previously, it will eat up a lot of salon area on a boat that size.
  4. triggerfish23

    triggerfish23 Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    Seattle, WA
    I have run an assortment of Carvers in the PNW and some have them, some don't. Personally, I appreciate a lower helm because it's usually easier to handle the boat single hand and stay warm during winter deliveries.

    I think that many of the brokers were ordering them with lower helms in this area due to the rainy weather. What seemed like was happening was that everyone was putting on canvas packages and full electronics on the bridge and leaving the lower helm pretty barren. After the brokers figured that out, they just started ordering without lower helms and with canvas packages.

    In answer to your question, you can find them with both helms, but they will probably be more rare on the later models. Unless you know that you want the lower helm, you would probably be wise to save the extra salon space.

    Most clients just end up using the seats as a shelf and losing the space taken up by the helm. Presumably, you know how you will be using your boat more than those of us on the forum, but those are some thoughts I would take into account.

    Happy shopping.
  5. bluestar

    bluestar New Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Alameda, CA
    Here around SF Bay, it gets cold even in the summer months when afternoon winds kick up. It would be more comfortable to steer from the lower helm. That was my thought...

    Thanks for the explanation.
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Absolutely. Cold or rough much more pleasant from a lower station.
  7. talexander38

    talexander38 Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    Va. Beach / Deltaville Va.
    I have one on mine and used it 3 times under way once due to cold and wet weather and twice due to heat, Had the gen set running and the A/C on :D But I'd not get another one with it most likely.. one reason the cost of repair and maintenance of to full helms and extra potters/repeaters for radar and gps
  8. timjet

    timjet Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Tampa, FL
    My 355 ACMY doesn't have one and I wouldn't want one. I cruise the ICW in FL so the need for one is unnecessary plus the limited visibility from a lower helm would be a disadvantage in the crowded ICW.
    However if my cruising area were the PNW, my thoughts may be different.

  9. triggerfish23

    triggerfish23 Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    Seattle, WA
    I think you're right TimJet. If I was in warmer climates, I wouldn't want one either. I also don't care for the helms that are just a minimal station at a counter which seems to be the case in some of the Carver models.

    It's just like all boats, there's good and bad in every option.
  10. Phillip J

    Phillip J Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    Mariner's Marina, Seneca, IL
    I have a lower helm on a Carver Aft Cabin, mine is a hide away and I love it. It was an added option and I personally consider it a benefit for resale, here are a couple of pics

    Attached Files:

  11. Fireman431

    Fireman431 Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    East central Florida
    There are pros and cons with just about any available amenity on a boat (with the sole exception of a bar :D)

    My 374 Voyager had the lower helm as an option, although the PO didn't get it on my vessel. I never thought i would have a use for one and was glad it wasn't there. I also cruise the ICW and inland rivers. However, during very hot or cold/rainy days, I would be grateful to have a lower station. Yes, there would be additional costs with an added GPS/chartplotter and maybe some additional maintenance, but I think if it were there, it wouldn't stop me from the initial purchase.

    The lower station doesn't take up very much room...basically the depth of the wheel.

    Some times when the family is below in the AC, it would be nice to be down there with them....on the other hand, sometimes it's also nice to be solo up on the bridge!
  12. bluestar

    bluestar New Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Alameda, CA
    After mulling over the pros and cons opinions, I have come to the conclusion that I DO want a lower helm, precisely because I want the option to be with everyone else when it gets cold or rainy, which it does often get around SF bay area.

    Which seems to mean I'm limited to older versions of Carver... because I have not seen a 90 or newer model with a lower helm!
  13. Phillip J

    Phillip J Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    Mariner's Marina, Seneca, IL
    Mines a 92 - 33 Aft CABIN, I looked at all types with and without lower helms. I boat in Illinois on the rivers and lake Michigan from mid March to mid November, Comes in handy. The 33 is a precursor to the 350 AC with the same beam and just a bit under 40 LOA. easy to handle and roomy enough for a bunch. There are plenty available.
  14. SeaDragon

    SeaDragon New Member

    May 14, 2011
    Kennewick, Wa
    bluestar, I have a 1999 404cpmy with the lower helm option. It came from the Seattle area where a lower helm is highly desired. Agree they aren't common but they are out there.
  15. subsailor637

    subsailor637 New Member

    May 11, 2010
    Kenosha, WI
    Lower Helm

    I have a 1990 AC with a lower helm. I boat on Lake Michigan which of course can be rather cool even in the middle of summer. My boat has a full canvass package for the upper helm so I have yet to use the lower helm (other than turning on or off the engines when fogging). The helm doesn't take up alot of room and does look "nautical" in the main salon (but isn't that redundant on a boat!). I purchased this boat 4 years ago so it came with the lower helm. I didn't seek one out with or without the lower station, just looked for a boat in good condition. IMO it would be difficult to steer from the lower helm in near shore or in close quarters as visibility aft is non-existent. I would think a lower helm is really only useful on a trawler.
  16. MysticDolphin

    MysticDolphin Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Lake Texoma
    I boat in Texas and found that on my 30 footer I only used the lower helm once in 8 in buying my 4207 I had the choice between one or two helms.. I choose the single helm and really love the extra space... it does make a difference in this model boat
  17. mam234

    mam234 New Member

    May 20, 2012
    Union Springs NY
    lower helm

    Just read you request,so maybe you have already purchased your boat. I do have a lower station on my 3607 and i've been in situations when i was thankfull for having one. Upstate New York gets nasty weather at times, and i found it to be a much better ride going back to the marina and being able to see more clearly than being on the bridge. Long distances in bad weather is more injoyable, if you get caught.
  18. Old Navy

    Old Navy New Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    Russellville, Ar.
    I have a lower helm station on my Carver 3607, it makes a great place to set the large TV.
  19. hopper5

    hopper5 Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    Lower helm

    I recently purchased a 440 which had the lower helm removed several years ago. I also have a 34 Tolly aft cabin (for sale by the way !!) which has the lower helm. Over the last 12 years I have only used the lower helm a handful of times. I am in the PNW and boat in inclement weather quite often. Personally, I would rather have the extra room , given the option, but obviously there are pros and cons for either configuration. If this is your biggest dilemma you are doing just fine !! Good luck with your search !!