I'm thinking about buying a 41 Viking 2 stateroom style. I am trying to find out if it is a cored hull or not. I live in the Lake St Clair area and wonder if gas or diesel is better for the lakes?
I had a '80 43' viking which was solid hull. I think the 41 is the same. I would definitely go with the diesels. the 41 viking is a big boat for its size and diesels would be the only way to go in my opinion.
A friend of mine picked up a '81, 35'. He called the factory with that same question. It was solid. My friend commented how helpful the viking people were. Were all sure it's solid, But call the kids who made her, You may meet some new friends.
I believe solid below the water. Only go with diesels. I believe they typically had Detroit 6-71s (either TI or TIB) for power. It will be a pig with gassers.
Early ones had 6-71's, I even ran a 1978 41' that had 6-71 naturals......later ones came with 8v92's mostly....mid 80's +, with 8v92's they'd run around 21 knots at 1850rpms, 23 at 1950rpms.......
Captain J You may be thinking of the 48s. I search on YW brings up 52 boats for sale. Looking at the first page I saw one with Cats all others were 6-71s through 1989.
Doug....Your BIO says your a diesel mechanic OK that said, I woudn't even walk across the steet to look at that boat if it had gas engines in it.
Yes, Im a diesel mechanic. Been a mechanic for 47 years and working at a Volvo truck dealership. Getting kinda tired of it. These electronics are not all cranked up to be that ther are to be. One sensor goes bad and the engine goes to derate or shuts down. Need to retire someday, but still have 2 kids to put thru collage. I pay other mechanics to repair my cars, but not on the boat. I do my own work. Thoes old 6-71 have been around a long time. Not too sure about Cat's on a boat, but probably get better GPH.
Well I can tell you my Viking has 6-71s in it and they run flawless my gph is about 34/hr .So you can expect better. Remember where we live our season is so short and this lake is not that big so consumption is really not that big of a deal. These DD are pretty well bullet proof and parts are not an issue in this area. Go for the 41 with 6-71s
new viking owner did you buy the boat? i am on lake erie and just bought a 41' 1985 viking with Gas, looking to see if anyone has any stats on mpg gph and top speed, have not yet gotten to run her!
Not yet, still looking for a diesel at a reasonable price. Did you buy "Manhatten", or the one in Ohio where the broker is in western Mich and didnt want to show the boat unless the full amount was held in escrw at his bank??
i bought Manhattan!! funny, i thought you were looking at her! did you ever go up to see her? what were they asking when you were looking, why didnt you jump on her?!
Im looking for a diesel and a good price and low hours. That boat you bought looks like new, I,ll bet the survey was quite good also. I think they wanted $60 or $80 last summer on it. Its a good price for that year/style. Only thing I need is a transom door which she doesnt have. Cost 20 grand to have Viking put one there though.
survey came back great as you said. I too wanted diesels however everything i was finding was fished hard and worn out, or they just wanted too much ( that i could afford anyway). i found Manhattan and the prior owner updated it to electronic ingition and fuel injection ( which im just "so, so" about). I figured just as you posted above, the cost for Diesels vs gas it was worth going for Gas, we dont go all that far, a few times to PIB a year. we will never fish her, we wanted a criuser for a family boat, Mahattan is perfect for it, but yes, fishing her would cost an arm and a leg. Still am eager to see what she criuses at and tops out at speed wish (did you find anything out on your research?) So, I gotta know! HOW DID I DO? IF you could give him a FAIR number that you were willing to pay for that boat as is, what would it have been? - or did you put an offer on her? the survey showed needs new battery charger and battieries, i have a spreadsheet of about 10K worht of things i wanna do to her, new bottem paint, interior updating, new electronics, ect. I will be sure to submit pics as the project comes along. PLan on getting her home Downriver in May
No, I didnt put an offer on her, but I did look a lot at her. I think I'd offer 40 to start. Anyways, she looks good, enjoy her. It will be a good trip home with her. Just make sure that you shake her down good before you leave, she's been sitting 3 or 4 years inside.
Doug, I pm you, check it out. Well it is great to hear that you two were looking at her. I will have to continue to post on this thread and show you the photos as I update it. Thanks for the info you have on her be sure to keep me in the loop if you find something else. I'd like to see what you find!
not to hijack your thread but also just picked up a viking in your area its a 45 1989 laid up in toledo now till spring and going to run it home to canada (bay of quinte area) its a diesel 6-71Ti
are you doing any updates to her? would love to see some pics! I am trying to decide what color to paint the bottom, right now i have red and i hate it. Want ot change it to either black, blue, or teal. I REALLY like the teal on new SF, but dont know how i feel about it on only boats...
My parents originally purchased Manhattan in 1985. My father became sick in 1986 and past away at which time we sold the boat to a person who kept it in northern mi. it had 50 hours when we sold it to him. It cruised at approx 18 knots at 3200 rpms. I looked at the boat over the summer at Dilworth in northern mi and thought it looked good. It needs some updating and had a bad smell that I'm sure would go away once it is opened up. I remember going to the new jersey factory and viewing the construction of the boat and meeting the Healys. They took delivery of the boat initially at Jefferson Beach Marina for approx $200,000. I've had a 35 & a 43 Viking over the years and they are great boats. I recently purchased a 42' Post for something a little different.