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Pembroke / Calypso / Pequod Yachts

Discussion in 'Vintage & Classic Yachts' started by alloyed2sea, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. Krisx125

    Krisx125 New Member

    Jan 11, 2012
    Hampton falls, NH
    Hey guys,

    New to the site, and new to my 34 Pequod! Being 22 its pretty exciting! I grew up on an old woody pequod and always wanted another one. I live in southern new Hampshire, 10 minutes from where the boat were built. I picked up a 1974 34' thats in need of work. But i bought it on a tuesday and that saturday she splashed. Its a great boat just needs updating. I plan on taking a year off from boating with her to Paint the hull, bridge, and bow.And i have a pair of 350's that will go in it. The 318 she has now run well, but are tired and noisy! . As far as the interior, the windows have the famous leaks. The counter tops are old and green. I replaced the head with a quiet flush head.
    I have the layout with the galley on the port side and a bunk room just forward of that. So im going to build a dinette in the salon. I got rid of the rear sliding doors and am in the process of making a wall with a window and single door to take its place. Also soda-blasting the bottom and giving it a coat of barrier coat. Lets get this thread back on track! Post some pics!! Heres a few of mine, Hope you enjoy!

    The day i found her sitting in a barn:

    My dad turning on the light:

    Launch day! If you look close you can see the different shades of white:


    Any input would be great!
  2. Rocky5000

    Rocky5000 New Member

    Feb 21, 2009
    Crab Alley, Prospect Bay, Chesapeake. In with the
    Response to Krisx125;

    Congratulations on your new boat.

    I have a Pembroke 33, and a previous owner repowered with Crusaders, now there is all the power you could want. There is a Peaquod like yours for sale here on the Maryland Eastern shore. Enjoy and be safe.
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I rebuilt Carried Aweigh and named her. The engines, gears, fuel tanks, props and interior are not original. If you still have questions after all these years or want some pics of her rebuild send us a note. We do miss her. Fun ship.
  4. NYPequod

    NYPequod New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Stony Point, Rockland County, NY
    My 34 Pequod

    Hi!. I have a 1973 Pequod purchased last July 2011. My boat was on land for about 10 years before it was put back into the water. The gentleman who owned it before me used it as a live aboard. It's is very good condition with some minor items that need to be taken care of. I would love to compare notes with other current owners. :)

    Attached Files:

  5. NYPequod

    NYPequod New Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Stony Point, Rockland County, NY
    Pequod Boat on Facebook

    Hi everyone. I have started a page on facebook: find me at Pequod Boat | Facebook. Please "Like" the page. Thanks!

  6. Shaun

    Shaun New Member

    May 1, 2012
    Barrie, Ontario
    1978 Pequod - 34

    I purchased my peqoud boat last July, I find it an absolutley amazing boat. lots of comfortable room, and great for entertaining. My wife and I enjoy boating on it in the Georgian Bay in Ontario Canada. The boat runs great and all is original. This boat must be one of the most rugged boats ever made.....its absolutely solid. im in the process of putting on an extended swim platform.....and next year a radar arch!! I love to look at pictures of other Peqoud boats.....please keep posting them.....its great to hear there are still some out there floating... gonna try and post some photos of mine.....

    Attached Files:

  7. Garrbo

    Garrbo Member

    Aug 24, 2008
    Poughkeepsie NY Hudson River
    The Pequods

    hey ya'll, and hello to you NY Pequod, I have been asked by a Pequod owner of a wooden 34' Pequod to come down to MD and restore her, but its a bit beyond their budget to restore: Bilge ribs shot, a few planks need replacing, and both forward strakeboards planks shot.
    They put her on stands willy nilly without regard to the stringers, frames and what not and consequently have con-caved the hull; but its wood, and so it can be re-done, no doubt. All things wood can be rebuilt. But after my quote of a very conservative 20k, they only came up with 10. So Lori, i am trying to convince them to let me pick up your Pequod to replace and use theirs for future parts within that price realm or let someone else have a go at it. You may or may not remember me Lori, I came by earlier this summer to see, you were not there and gave me permission to board her. Im the one who wiggled your stuck pump,, Gary, maybe you'll remember. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I havent forgotten your beautiful Pequod and have recommended it a couple times. But I also need to do something with her graveyard 72 woody Pequod. So if there are any takers please let me know. Gar BTW, the Pequod is an extremely fine boat, as you all know; they did continue building till the late 80's, and I have actually just found what claims to be and looks to be a 1992 though I can not verify this, but if you look on yachtworld search of Pequods, Its there. a 1992 and stunning as all Pequods are but nicey nicey new. Now, if you read the 34 fiberglass brochure, they boast of there hull strength with 1/4 inch by the strakes, to 3/4 inch by the bottoms. Back in the early CC Commander days, they were 3-4 inches on the bottoms. Admittedly, thats a bit overkill, but the Pequods were exceptional boats: fuel effiicient, fast, strong, and well-crafted; and mighty fine to look at,yes sir
    Lori, give me a call if you still have my number and we'll see about whatz up with my friends woody.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2013
  8. Benski

    Benski New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
    Kent Island, Maryland
    FOR SALE: 1973 Pequod 34', 454 repowered, in Maryland

    Hello Fellow Boaters,
    I enjoyed reading all of the information and opinions on Pequod boats. My father purchased a 34' several years ago but is getting up in years and now battleing cancer. I have tried to get him to sell the boat as he rarely uses it, but he loves the boat and would not hear it. He now wants me to take it over. It is really too much boat for me. I will be considering any offers, and in the Spring, be working on it. It is located on Kent Island.
  9. Garrbo

    Garrbo Member

    Aug 24, 2008
    Poughkeepsie NY Hudson River
    wow, so sorry to hear about your Dad, I know how tough it can be, Take good care of him, Ive lost both now and I missem everyday.
    I may be interested in your PequOd, They Are a great boat, really. Send me a PM with contact info and we'll see what happens. Happy holidays good luck with Dad.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2013
  10. Pequod

    Pequod New Member

    Jun 10, 2009
    Contact info

    Hi, I would like to discuss your boat as well. Can you send a note or let me know how to get in touch with you

  11. Garrbo

    Garrbo Member

    Aug 24, 2008
    Poughkeepsie NY Hudson River
    who are you looking to get in touch with? The owner of the Pequod? You can PM his user name
  12. Pequod

    Pequod New Member

    Jun 10, 2009
    Yes, thank you!
  13. Benski

    Benski New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
    Kent Island, Maryland
    1972 PEQUOD 34' all fiberglass hull, repowered with 1993 454 engines, approx. 400 hrs

    Good condition. AC and generator onboard. Bimini and full bridge enclosure. Bridge operated windlass. Sleeps 6. Located on Kent Island. $10,000. Call me for details, Ben (757) 333-1329.
  14. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Hey Ben, Did you cruise through Piney Narrows Yacht Haven this afternoon? I saw a 34 Pequod come in, turn around and go back out. Was that you?
  15. nealw

    nealw New Member

    Aug 13, 2013
    selling my Pequod

    I'm am sad to report that I am selling my 1977 34' Pequod. 1994 marine power 350's. (1100 hours) New 5E kohler generator(20 hours). New AC/heat pump (@5 hours). Full enclosue and bimini for back deck. newer full size whirlpool fridge. Search Boston Craigslist for full specs and Photos. Asking $12000 but will entertain offers. Call Neal NUMBER REMOVED; READ THE RULES. Great Mechanical Shape. The only reason i am selling is because the kids have anxiety on the boat.
  16. rock doc

    rock doc Guest

    I have a Pequod Calypso

    My name is Jim and I accidently came across this forum by googling 'pequod Calypso.' I grew up in Pembroke NH and went on a tour of Pembroke boats when I was in grade school probably around 1965.

    I was uncertain about the forum rules so please forgive me if I'm out of bounds.

    My friend and I have a Pequod Calypso and it's been sitting for about 5 years. We don't know what to do with it. The wood is beginning to rot some and we don't have time to repair it any more. The engines are 302 Fords and in great shape and so are the transmissions. The Generator is new and so is the winch anchor.
    We don't know what to do with it since the hull needs so muck work. We did replace the keel 6 years ago. Any suggestions?
  17. rustyboltz

    rustyboltz New Member

    Jan 26, 2014
    Oriental, NC
    Considering Buying a Pequod 34 - Gas Usage?

    I'm considering buying a Pequod 34, which is equipped with twin Chrysler 318s. I have 2 questions:

    (1) What kind of gas consumption can I expect at cruising (which I understand is about 15 kts) speed?

    (2) Apparently the gas tanks were replaced at some time with twin 100 gallon aluminum tanks, which may have had gas kept in them for several years before it was drained out. There's a concern that there may be varnish residue in the tanks, and the current owner uses 2 5-gallon plastic tanks for occasional trips into the harbor and back. What is the safest way to make sure the old tanks are clean and won't literally gum up the works? Is pulling them for steam cleaning the only way?


  18. rustyboltz

    rustyboltz New Member

    Jan 26, 2014
    Oriental, NC
    Welcome the "Lady Jake"

    Well, we got the Lady Jake this weekend, and I'm hoping that there are some other Pequod owners who can help me with a little advice now and then. First up is to seal the windows against more leaks so I can figure out how to solve the problem entirely. Then some engine rehab (twin Chryslers), gas tank cleaning/replacement, and work on the bridge (seats, dash). But we did 20 miles down the Neuse River from New Bern, North Carolina to Oriental, NC in millpond sunny weather and it was just a delight. Only ran at about 8 kts, since one engine is a little smoky, but loved every second of it.

    Anyone reading this? Let me know. It would be nice to have friends who've been through some of this before!

  19. rustyboltz

    rustyboltz New Member

    Jan 26, 2014
    Oriental, NC
    Getting Going On Pequod Restoration

    Well, we didn't buy the Lady Jake as a "project boat," but it will be one to some extent. I've gone through it pretty much, and we're lucky: This is actually an historic Sport Fisher, since it looks like almost everything is OEM equipment: I've driving 2 pretty blue Chrysler 318s (Jefferson Engine Plant, just down the road from home!), and I think I've even got the original helm. The Onan genset looks original, and we just pulled the 100 gallon fuel tanks (need devarnishing BIG TIME) and they have stickers that come from 1974 too. Our version is the "Plan B" with the bunk cabin, which I prefer since we're planning on taking my kids and their families, which makes sleeping a little better.

    That said, I can use some suggestions: What is the best fuel measurement system for this configuration, particularly keeping in mind that I'm living on my Social Security? I'm going to squeeze every drop out of the tanks I can, by eliminating weight and tuning the Big Blues with care, but I'm not seeing a fuel gauge and the tank fills are at an angle from the tanks, making a dipstick awkward. Suggestions?

    But dang, is she gorgeous to look at!

  20. rustyboltz

    rustyboltz New Member

    Jan 26, 2014
    Oriental, NC
    Ahoyyyyyyyy out there?

    Is there anyone else on this forum these days?

    We took a pretty good shakedown trip from Oriental NC to New Bern NC over Labor Day, 22 (stat) miles each way. Only minor problems, now that we've gone over the water pump/engines. Amazed that the original hot water system worked, and our mech tells me that he was able to fire up the OEM Onan generator that he pulled for servicing. So all that remains now (all...egad!) is to get the gauges working at both control stations (some do, some don't), fix a few minor plumbing issues, and then verify engine operation with the new gauges. I'd give minor body parts (mine) for a manual, but touchy-feely works too. Had to replace most of the bridge seating (pilot seat still is functional, sort of) and I'd keep the pilot seat and rehab it if I was sure it was original. Photos of other peoples' boats would be great for comparisons to do interior upgrades.

    Anyone else here?