That LE180 looks good and seems to have a few new features like a fold down balcony on the port side master and port holes on the aft hull hatch where a beach club might be. ...and yes the LE199 looks pretty good from what I can see so far.
Noticed that too, wasn't sure if this one was the first with a fold out balcony? On the Amels site there's a drawing showing such a balcony, but on starboard. Portholes at the stern also seemed new to me. (Although, when you click "specifications of the 212" on the Amels site, you get a drawing of a 242 177 isn't available anymore, according to their site, but when this yacht was ordered buying a 177 perhaps was still possible?
Will try to video her when she gets out. Could only see a part, but she looked better than I had expected, and a radical change of styling compared to the 171/177/180/212/242 models. (Is a casco of the 242 under construction in Gdynia?) LE199: Axe bow and XL beachclub: it's what many owners want (And charterers)
The LE199 is different yes mainly because of the axe bow but she does feature alot like the 171/77/80 series. Change that axe bow to the conventional one of the 171/-80 series and she looks similar overall. I know she has that deep raking line drooping to the stern and a slightly different mast. However, she is similar yet different design elements wise.
The 3rd LE171 "Were Dreams" was sold recently so do not be surprised if you see her sailing under a different name in the near future.
On the 24th of December 2012 a well known yachting monthly published the news of her sale. I'm not very familiar with brokerage firms, but it really surprises me that even weeks later some companies still list a yacht as "available" or "for sale" even if she isn't...apparently this is a normal way of doing business for such firms?
Haha David, I do not want to deride about ***** yacht & they give us ethusiasts much more information about their projects etc. than other brokers do! But sometimes they do not take it so accurate with their listings, for example they list in brochures yachts in their inbuild-list which were already delivered and sometimes give the same projects different names... Answering your question I doubt these brokers do not do it intenionally.
LE212 hull 6503 arriving in Vlissingen at the end of the year. Note the forward windows...that looks different from what we have seen in the same area on the previous two hulls "Imagine" and "Sea Rhapsody". AMELS 6503 - - Ship Photos and Ship Tracker Check the Amels Imagine video and you will see. IMAGINE - AMELS 212 - YouTube
There are nice PDF's featuring a nice story about the LE 199 built at Amels! Based on how Amels did it with the LE 212 I guess we can see her final launch in a few days...hopefully. Amels The ART of yacht building
Wow my heart skipped a beat...literally!! I think she is an heck of beautiful boat. Love her bow design and the downswing at her stern... but also the sundeck turned out much better than expected. I am not shure if it would have looked better in white tough. Many thanks for your ever so clean photos, David!
Wow!!! What a great looking yacht!!!!!! Makes Amels "imagine" look like an old design. Definitely a head turner. Great pictures!!!!!
When I look at the LE199 I wonder if she is the successor to the LE 171 "Bel Abri"... remember she was sold recently, has a grey hull as well and both were/are managed by the same company (Imperial Yachts). Coincidence?!
Saw this video of her by David or...his team... She is really good looking. I think this is definitely a winner for Amels, at least aesthethics wise. We have to see how she performs. New Amels megayacht LE199 "Event" #5501 Vlissingen - YouTube
Interesting how the radar platforms on the mast seem to be 'cocked' to the side instead of straight forward. Is it just me or everyone else is seeing this?