lol! Disco! I wanted to photograph her because she never came here before...but I was exhausted from yesterday. Btw, When "Serene" turned on her lights initially last night they were RED!! never saw that before by the time I went for my camera/tripod and got back outside, they had switched them to soft blue!
Thanks Yachtpictures...I know you always take nice pics and do not seem to miss anything! Nice you can fill in the gaps sometimes. I like your "Germania Nova" shot sailing yesterday.
They used the Eurocopter this evening to test it out since they re-installed the blades. Additionally this is the best I can do from here...since I have no clear shot of her. * Last Night (12/17/12) * This evening (12/18/12)
Here's another one from tonight...not a great photo at all, "Serene" is moving around alot and bare in mind I am 3 miles from the yacht so getting these distance shots respectable for the forum standard isn't the easiest thing to do from this distance...but she's in White at the moment.
"Germania Nova" came up to the Port early this morning for bunkers and she not too long left, heading back down to the marina at the moment.
"Meteor" just arrived outside of the Bridgetown Port. I do not think she was scheduled to come here though.
"Meteor" is IMO stunningly beautiful. Ron, has she been to Barbados before? If you haven't already, go see her up close!
Eric, "Meteor" wasn't scheduled to come here...this might be a diversion for medical reasons.. I think they were on course for Greenz (Grenada). As far as I she's never been here, I have no doubt that she is a beautiful boat
Okay, it wasn't anything medical, they just had to drop off a few crew members. "Meteor" is currently underway to Grenada, "Serene" left as well, as well as "Germania Nova". Actually Serene left the harbour but she is out in Carlisle Bay. If she is there tonight I will get some shots, because I know she will be fully lit outside.
"Serene" departed anchorage and Barbados a few min ago. Look out for her where all the big yachts gather (i'm not calling the destination's name).
Some of my pics from a few nights, yesterday and tonight... * "Serene" lit in white while switching berths...from Breakwater South over the other side to 4S. * "Serene" in orange... * "Serene" in Blue... * "Meteor" when she arrived last night...since then gone on to Grenada. * "Wind Spirit"...
"ICE" not too long arrived...about 20 min ago. She's outside at anchor...pretty much same area "Serene" was in today.