December 15, 2012 is the date for the 2012 Winterfest Boat Parade. Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade in South Florida - Greatest Show on H2O P.S.- Realize prior threads were in another location. Also, realize none of the threads were recent. Hence, this reminder to the camera wizards that do their magic for our viewing pleasure.
2012 Winterfest Boat Parade Route Helpful link for 2012 Winterfest Boat Parade Route - Dec 15th: Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade in South Florida - Greatest Show on H2O
The fun has begun! The Parade may be viewed on Ft Lauderdale Webcam - A Port Everglades and Fort Lauderdale Web Cam Click: North East Cam
Hi OP, Sorry, but due to prior plans, I couldn't get down to the boat parade this year. However I did get down to Lauderdale on Thursday when Judy & I brought lunch to Discokachina who is suffering an extremely over-bent bone, compliments of a careless driver. He's horizontal for a few weeks with a cast on his leg. Tom is playing catch up on his life this week because he's been living out of a suitcase for several weeks. I got a text a few minutes ago from Maldwin who is in the show this year. He's got a 'Posh' seat on some classic wood. See attached...
That guy almost hit us tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! We were anchored near Bahia Maria out of the channel and he almost hit us broadside, then turned and passed across our bow 6' away......luckily our anchor chain was heading to starboard and he didn't run it over. How do you almost run into the side of a 55' Neptunus with a lot of lights on????
Watched The Show on The Webcam for two hours - very impressive. You and Judy are Saints, as are the on-the-job accomplishments by Tom. Guess one could say Disco has a leg up on the rest of us for a few weeks. Here's a little blog Disco might enjoy, to pass the time. The dummies guide to coping with a broken foot! | Mumsee's blog
Sorry guys, did not make it. Catching up on laundry and such and entertaining two college kids this weekend prevented me from shooting. Will try to plan better for next year. Enjoy the holidays.
Sorry about that, but I was not at the helm and must have been looking the other side because I never saw the incident. Best, Maldwin
A Few Pictures I wasn't planning on posting these but, since none of our usual pros made to the parade I will share a few from my point and shoot for the benefit of those unable to see the real deal. Regrettably, all of the pictures I shot of the boats underway came out blurry due to looooong shutter speed since it was dark. Here are a few I got while some were either at the dock or while waiting for traffic. Sorry they couldn't be better . . . I re-sized them in Picassa. I hope they fall in the guidelines, I can't really tell until I see the post. If they are too big I'll delete the post and start again or if a mod sees it first, feel free. A few more to follow if it works out . . .