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Bertram 54 Fall Projects

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by Ormond Bert54, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    After working with my Galley Maid toilets and small 25 gallon holding tank system for a year, it proved to be a huge waste of time and money except for learning that I needed to MAKE A CHANGE!

    I installed Raritan Atlantes heads in the Master and Crew last year.

    Here is the new Raritan Hold N San system that will work with my existing holding tank ... render the waste harmless and send it overboard.

    Then I removed the forward v-birth head and pump, countertop and vinyl covered walls. Here is the new Spendide XC2100 in its spot. It's fully vented so should deliver adequate performance.

    The Spendide Washer/Dryer unit almost fit through the forward hatch ... but not quite so forward hatch had to come off as well as the trim around the now laundry room door. The new laundry room will have teak walls and ceiling with Vimar lighting. Storage to the side of and below the washer/dryer unit. It's also designed so the washer/dryer unit can be easily removed for maintenance. A new natural teak and holly floor finishes the room off. Ultimately, I will begin taking this nice flooring through some other parts of the cabin.

    Two areas of the original tabbing which became visable when removing the former bathroom interior had never adhered to the hull. These two areas were repaired.

    I've opted to vent the dryer to the foredeck using a Vetus Dorade vents. There was unused space between the liferaft and the dinghy.

    I'm happy to report that the foredeck balsa core layup from 1984 is in perfect condition! No delamination.

    The other two Vetus Dorade vents are for a new ventilation blower system for the forward bilge. It is designed in such a way to create a vaccume in the forward bilge so any odors are never coming up into the cabin.

    To complete the job, a cover was fashioned for the forward bilge shower/grey water sump ... as these were designed without a cover making it possible for the water to slosh out of the sump.

    Other odds & ends ... switched out Rule 2000 in engine room for a Rule 3700. Fixed the hose/filter arrangement on the diaphram filter to make it work properly and installed a battery operated bilge alarm.

    And ... thanks to Hartge Yacht Yard (Alex Schlegle and the crew) for the excellent work. All references to "I" ... mean ... them!!

    Found some more shoddy work done by Saunders Yachtworks of Orange Beach, Alabama. My deck mounted liferaft they installed was not through bolted. Fixed that. I'm quite sure the deck mounted dinghy they did too is not through bolted. That might need to wait till next year.

    I love this boat! And the fall weather in Maryland is beautiful. Makes our return from Maine after the summer bearable.

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  2. RT46

    RT46 Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Long Island, NY

    can you offer any comments on the change over from the GM to the Atlantis head system?

    I have the GMs, and I am generally happy with them, although one of the pumps seems to be ready for a rebuild. So I may be at a decision point.

    Most of my friends have the vacu flush.
    i have helped three of them clear a few nasty nasty blockages that required full Hazmat Gear and dismantling of the system, not fun.........(btw those are the only three guys i am friendly enough with to help with that dirty job)

    I have not had a blockage with the GM's (yet).

    The GMs also seem to be more tolerant of of paper than most systems.

    The only negative that I have with the system, is that as my holding tank fills up, one head will fill the other bowl, i guess i could correct that with a few one way valves in the system on the discharge side.
  3. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    The Galley Maid heads are just one of those problems that would not go away for me. I initially replaced all 3 pumps with overhauled or new units. Then I replaced all of the hoses and check valves. Two of my heads would still lose prime while underway and one of the just overhauled Galley Maid pumps was dead on arrival. Just a nightmare for me ... period.

    The Raritan Atlantes - with the same installation height location as the Galley Maid, have never lost prime. I experienced an initial clog (which I was able to clear with a plunger) but it seems that as the system was used more I believe the hoses become more slippery inside. Anyway ... never another clog.

    There are several options on the flush panel including empty bowl flush which can be nice if running in heavy seas.

    I ordered mine with the built in vented loop and then just vented the loop to the bilge. I think the amount of odor or "vent" that comes from the loop is just about nothing and it has a check valve.

    Bottom line ... simple, robust, pump is light, clean, easy. LOVE IT.

    Also, the elongated bowl alleviates any complaints about a mini-size (round) toilet.

    With regard to the "too small" holding tank. I quickly learned that I could fill the holding tank on a quick weekend trip. I was spending lots of anxiety worrying about when it would overfill etc. The Raritan Hold N San system is my solution for this ... will report back on how well it works.

  4. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Job still coming along. Here is the 4" hose running to the forward bilge for the bilge venting. Final coats of varnish going on ... ready to install cabinet doors.

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  5. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Very nice boat. Are you able to work on it year round? If so, I am envious. Our Atlantis heads have given us very good service. We use the forward head, set on short cycle for our day head. Our 45 gal holding tank gives us good capacity for a long week end. Next Spring we will be installing a freshwater flush to help cut down the summer smells?

    We had a raritan unit in our Egg when you could still off load treated material in LI Sound. It was dependable and very simple to operate.
  6. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    I left the boat in the water last Winter and as you know, it was an extremely mild one. Also, since replacing the side salon windows/frames the cabin is tight and stays nice and warm with a few simple space heaters during the coldest winter. When it gets colder I'll put the cockpit cover on which helps a great deal by keeping snow/ice/cold out of the cockpit.

    Once the bay gets below 40f, cannot use the reverse cycle heating anymore.

    It's surprising how comfortable it is at the helm on a 40f day. Perfectly acceptable ... just a little lonely on the water as there is little to no traffic.

  7. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    We shrink wrap in the water so it's pretty dreay. But those warm winter days are very nice to go down and do some of those little items that I keep putting off. I have submersed engine heaters. When i go down in Jan and Feb that engine room is toasty.
  8. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Here is the installed bilge blower. Should keep the forward bilge aired out and odors gone. Also, the Splendide 2100 ready for testing and then finishing the installation. It will be surrounded by teak cabinetry. I'm ready to get back to my marina now. As usual, the work has taken too long.

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  9. Ormond Bert54

    Ormond Bert54 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Ormond Beach, FL
    Laundry room complete. They turned that nasty stinky unnecessary 3rd bathroom into this gorgeous space. They also designed the installation so the washer/dryer unit can be easily removed for service. The bilge fan (separate project) is one of the best things I have done to the boat. Climbed into the forward bilge this morning and there is no smell! The odor used to waft up into the cabin ... smelled like somebody crapped the bed. No more.

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