Nothing better than bringing the fish up w/ our Post 50' Fishing last weekend with our 2 sons and 3 of their teammates off Clearwater onboard our Post 50....she can sure raise the fish!! Would LOVE to see more pics of forum members showing off what the Post' does best...bring up the fish.
wow, thats such a great looking boat, I miss mine so bad it makes me sick. and with that im off to bed with a zanex so I dont dream about my sunken Egg harbor
yup, it was up at 7:30 brfore high tide, I got there at 6; thirty the next morning and just the hard top and bridge helm was showing. Do you know how to post Pic's?.
I am so sorry for your loss! I assume that is your boat in your avatar? To post pics, there is a paper clip icon above the text box for reply to thread. Click on that icon, and attached your saved file.
Ihave spoken with the Coast Gaurd and they will assist in helping me raise her but it will be a long time before she see's life again if ever. It was my home. I had just brought her down to Jamaica Bay to continue caring for my ex wife and her dad who both have been having medicle problems so I joined a boat club here so I wouldnt have to do all the traveling back and forth to Newburg. 3 weeks later Sandy. Makes me sick
I can't imagine what you are going through! Did you know what caused her to go down? I'm assuming you lost power and the bilge pumps drained the batteries and could no longer keep up with the water coming onboard.
Good Q, I was there at about 7:30 am Monday just shy of an hour before hi tide, she was hi with 8+ feet on the pylons for the floating docks. Our fleet capt. was going to ride out the storm Mon. night but bailed at approx 8:30 pm just before hi tide, a wall of water 2' had breached the bulk head and 2' of water rushed the building the building through the walls. as he was leaving, driving through the flood and lucky to made it out, he called me and the boat was high and still had piling left so He said. I arrived the next morn at 7;30 again and the boat was down. slight damage to dock about where my transom lay, and 1 dock had come off the pilings and the aft cleats had pulled free but still attached to the lines. We think the cleats let go allowing the aft to bounce around the dock and possibly breaking some ribs, planks, or bilge 1/4, or all of the above. unfortunately, I had no insurance and that sucks. Its an older boat and the coverage was ridiculous without an appraisal which I had scheduled but hadn't time to get.
Really sorry. Garrbo - so sorry for the loss of your beloved Egg Harbor. Having been through a few hurricanes down here in Florida, the devastation is simply unimaginable. Praying for a quick recovery for you. Warmest regards, Cap'n Eddie
Thank you Capt. Eddie, I sincerely appreciate the prayers and Im praying also for all the pain this storm has brought on so many, Ive been around a long time, through many storms. I lost my house last year during Irene, but never have I seen a storm this disastrous. Mother Nature can really get a hard on some times. Ive asked her what the heck have I done to her to hit me twice ! but still many are suffering and still with no power, unbelievable.
Garrbo, I am very sorry for the loss of you beautiful classic Egg. It is very sad to see such a beautiful classic Egg sitting on the bottom. There cant be alot of 43 Egg's of that vintage left. very sad, Im so sorry Btw, locally on the South Shore of LI, there was a beautiful old Chris Craft that survived the storm in its slip. It is my understanding that it sunk after the storm, presumably after the power went out and the battery could no longer dewater her. RT
True, there are very few left, those that are, are pretty butchered or to far gone. There is one I know of thats pretty nice but its got a funky couple things with it. mine was tru un molested and ,, beautiful. Thanks all for your comments, now if I can figure out how to edit a post that wont let me Ill be a little better off tonight
44 Topaz looking at the trim around the house, it resembles a post. Looking at the bow makes me think you may be right. Still, it's a sad picture
it is hard to tell from that pic. It does look like a Post, but personally i cant make the ID, there is not enough of the boat showing. most of the post's that I have seen have the molded in seat infront of the slalon. Either way, that is a very sad pic.
pretty sure it's not a Post. No front seat (only the 53 and 56 were made without). Seam at the front center of the house. The teak toe rail is to heavy. The bridge is wrong, runs too far back with no over hang....etc
I am pretty sure Beau is correct, the boat is not a Post At first glance there are some similar lines, but i agree I do not think the boat is a Post. The salon windshield does not look correct for a Post and the bridge extends too far back for a Post. Also, to me, It looks too small to me to be a 44 Topaz. The Salon window starts to sweep down too soon and the bow seems short for a 44 Topaz. After doing some photo shearching i think the boat in question seems to be a 38 Topaz Fly Bridge with tower..... Pic of 38 Topaz FB w Tower: