In case some of you don't believe this vessels near circumnavigation of the globe, here she is on her way back to florida spotted as deck freight in the Netherlands...
Before seeing this photo I was going to say that it was ordered out of Lebanon because foreign flagged vessels that are damaged have to either get fixed, leave or be scraped within 3 month's of incident, but looking at the picture, the bow looks like its carrying an Arabic vessel name, so it must have changed flags, leading to the question "why the hell was it shipped back to Florida??!!" It could have been patched up and sold for a good price given that Donzi is a very welcome name there and Sport Fishing boats are a kind of rarity, someone would have bought it just to show-off at the marina! This is really bizarre! Thanks for sharing.
Maybe someone did buy it just to show it off at the marina. The outside looks nice!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they had no intentions of fixing her, or making the inside nice, just showing off the outside....LOLOLOL Who knows.....I've seen more people waste more money on dreams of fixing up yachts that are not worth fixing, and never get totally fixed, than anything.
Bob Roscioli should have bought that boat back. It sure is one hell of a resilient boat......the thing's been burned, beaten, sunk, shipped around the globe, has a tree growing out of it, and it's still around......and someone's still willing to buy it. It's the one boat that won't quit......or keeps going.....and going.....and going.......LOLOL.....
well .... lets see if the sale actually goes through. originally it was listed for $550K , the current listing is $150K and it sells for $25K . Either way , someone wanted to make alot of money or someone is going to loose alot money .
just looked at ebay listing again . the sellers user name is "growthemoneytree9", seems very appropriate or co incident , considering there is a tree growing in the boat i dont think we have seen the last of this boat
He should have purchased it and destroyed it just to get it off the market. The boat is a pile of garbage and a *******ized one at that. The pictures make the boat look one million times better than it really is. The fiberglass repairs were not done properly, there are areas of the hull that are deformed by several inches, looking down the stbd side of the hull will make you sea sick. The interior was built with ****** staples, all of which have rusted and expanded after the sinking therefore ruining the woodwork. There's so much to say about the deplorable condition and repair if this boat but hardly enough space here to do so. The best way to sum it up would be to say that the boat is best used as a movie prop like it was in the original post as there is no way to turn her back into a lady again.
There is an active listing for it on YW for $150,000 saying: "2009 Refit, Rebuilt Engines, New Teak Decks, Still needs some work." The listing is very misleading in my opinion, it should mention "Two Fires and a sinking!" I think they could say that the vessel is for free, you only pay for its trip around the world! It makes one wonder how many boats offered have hidden or covered disasters in their past life.
Hi, Another reason to have a thorough survey. With classed vessels major events will be able to be extracted from the Class records etc.
Maybe the guy in Texas with the 85' Azimut with the triple Mercury Promax 300hp's on the transom will buy it once he gets the 85' Azimut to Texas so he can unbolt the motors and put them on the transom of the Donzi. LOLOLOL
Have looked at the pictures in the YW listing and noticed that what I thought is an Arabic vessel name turned to be "Miss Gizelle" in English script, didn't make it up in the far shot above the carrier, this means it most probably got kicked out of Lebanon. CaptJ, This is a "Die-Hard" boat, one Torqeedo Travel 1003 with an extra power pack would do the trick!
I spoke to this character at length, he's going to rebuild the 85 and plans to have it in Ftl this time next year for sale. Lol.