Has anyone heard from the folks at Trinity? I understand they are located near the dike, which in and of itself isn't good news considering the damage Katrina caused.
From the info on their web site it looked like they were located on the Mississippi side of New Orleans, not on Pontchatrian, where the levee is leaking. But man, doesn't look like any of the businesses there will be up and running anytime soon! Kelly Cook
This has been on my mind for the past three days. I tried calling Trinity, but the lines are down. I tried reaching their ad agency as well, but no answer. It's ironic you posted this message, as I was just about to do the same. I'm taking off for a couple of days to work with the Red Cross. I'd like to ask our regular members to keep an eye on the site, keep the kids in line and say a prayer for our friends in the gulf coast region. If you are so inclined, here is a link to the Hurricane Katrina - Red Cross online donation form... https://secure2.convio.net/arc/site..._ID=1161&JServSessionIdr010=ebdgx8olf1.app23b
We´ll take care of the site if you are out helping those who need it more, but take care! On Trinity and more; http://ybw.com/ibinews/newsdesk/20050731153734ibinews.html
This just came in via IBI News; Felix Sabates, owner of Trinity Yachts in New Orleans, said that he and his colleagues had no way of knowing what kind of shape the shipyard is in since they are not allowed entry. Trinity currently has six megayachts in various stages of construction. "We don't know when we'll be able to get into the yard," Sabates said. "We're working on it now." There other boat builders in this area, mainly commercial and crew boats. We'll have to wait and see.
The National Marine Manufacturers Association issued an alert asking for search and rescue boats to aid in the operations in Lousiana... http://ybw.com/ibinews/newsdesk/20050731171539ibinews.html
Good luck Carl! For those who are interested, here are some satelite images of Katrina, really brings home how big she was! Click here and here
If anyone has information about the condition or status of the following 2 yachts, please email or call me immediately. The owners of MV Mistress are holed up in their house in New Orleans, without roof, power, or water and will try to make it to their boat if she is safe. The Hatteras owners are looking for a status report. Thanks! 1) MV Mistress, 1988 deAlm 65 steel motoryacht at Orleans Marina 2) MV Sabbatical, 1984 Hatteras 65 LRC at South Shore Harbor Marina, Lake Ponchartrain Judy Waldman JW Yachts (954) 894-8844 jwyachts@earthlink.net
CNN has been providing continous aerial footage all day. They flew over several marinas and each one is completely destroyed. No details were given on the marina names, but from what they showed, about every boat was sunk, piled up or washed up on a street. It is doubtful that any boat along the Louisiana and Mississippi coast is without damage.
I am bumping this thread as a reminder. Let us hope that Carl is well wherever he is at this moment, they really need more help than is possible to give in this area right now. People are still lost every hour. For us who rely on the Coast Guard when we are in trouble, here is a chance to help them today; Katrina Disaster Relief Fund launched By IBI Magazine The US Coast Guard Foundation has set up the Katrina Disaster Relief Fund to provide financial assistance to all Coast Guard members and their families who live and work in the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina — namely, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. There are said to be some 2,200 active duty members of the Coast Guard living in the region, many of whom are now homeless. Donations can be made by cheque to The Coast Guard Foundation at 394 Taugwonk Road, Stonington, Connecticut, 06378-1807. Alternatively, donations can also be made via the foundation's website at www.cgfdn.org. Founded in 1969, the Coast Guard Foundation is a national non-profit organisation set up to support the men and women of the US Coast Guard and Coast Guard Academy. Its fundraising efforts satisfy vital equipment, training and education needs that are not met through traditional government sources. (2 September 2005)
From a satellite you can not see the real tragedy on the ground, but maybe you can imagine. This is Biloxi before and after the hurricane... Images from; http://digitalglobe.com/katrina_gallery.html
To follow up on Trinity, on a satellite-picture over New Orleans from Digitalglobe.com we can see that Trinity Yachts buildings seems to be still standing and dry. Other forums has a report from Felix Sabates confirming this. But with the surrounding infrastructure severely damaged and partly under water and as several employees lost their homes, it will probably take quite a while before the operations can run as before.
Thanks for the update Lars. News reports here in the US show dead bodies still laying in the streets. So I'm afraid it will be a very long time before anything is back to normal there. Kelly
I know Kelly, it is very bad, we are getting the same news here. We should not make this a political issue on the forums, but it feels sad that we are not yet allowed to fly in supply such as watermakers, that is loaded on a transport plane waiting to take off from Sweden. It always seems as disasters is a wake up call for governments, and this is apparently regardless of where in the world it occurs...
Thank you for the offer from the government/people of Sweden for assistance. You are perfectly correct, this is a political issue here. Kelly
Kelly. It 's only political at one level. On the important level it's just about people in a bad way that need some help. I got a call from some of our guys that got out of Gulfport. They are fine and just called in to say not to worry since they're going back to redo the work that they were in the middle of. Fedex is doing a great job letting shippers know what the closest possible pickup point is otherwise we'd have no idea where to ship for the quickest access. Cudos to them! Going to be some time before things get cleaned up down there.
IBI News... International Boat Industry News is reporting that a number of US boat manufacturers and engine companies have rushed to donate boats, motors and personnel to ongoing search and rescue operations in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast. But some have found that the relief efforts have been highly "unorganised" http://ybw.com/ibinews/newsdesk/20050802175306ibinews.html